Seriously addicted to food.What is wrong with me?

I think I have a big problem with emotional eating.I mean,I don't really eat when I'm obviously upset,but I'm pretty sure my binging has to do something with emotions.I just don't know what.
I've been overeating big time for like 5 days now and it's really hard to stop or even figure out why.It's almost like some animalistic instinct that I get and I just have to eat (even though I'm not really hungry).I know it sounds crazy,but that's just how it feels.
Also,this isn't something that's been going on for few days only.I find it pretty easy to eat healthy and exercise for about a week or so in a row,but then I just snap and binge for the next few days and then I get back on track,but after few days I get back to overeating and so on.It's a vicious circle right there.
This makes me really depressed and I don't know what to do,I'm desperate.I feel like this is something I can't control.I'd love to,but I can't.
I'm sure a lot of you have experienced the same thing and I'd love to hear how you've overcome your addiction to food and how you deal with emotional eating.I hope you can help me,because I just don't know what to do at this point.


  • theblondetrick
    theblondetrick Posts: 192 Member
    And I'm bumping this cause I'm super desperate
  • starrynight1929
    starrynight1929 Posts: 92 Member
    Sounds like binge eating disorder. Look into Overeaters Anonymous. I have the same issue :)
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    The only thing that stopped my bingeing problem was eating enough food at each meal so as not to build up into a maniacal hunger. Find out what you need to eat and eat it. Not 1200 calories! Eat the right amount and eat nutritionally dense foods and eat back as many of your exercise calories as you can to stop the binges. Drink lots of water too. I'm not saying I don't eat a little too much sometimes cause I do overdo at times but I very very rarely binge anymore cause I'm feeding myself properly. I'm 2 pounds from my goal weight now.
  • kaylindeschanel
    kaylindeschanel Posts: 105 Member
    yes, it's really important that you do not deprive yourself. your body - when deprived of food - is instinctively going to be obsessed about food.

    i know how you feel though. i get the feeling that i HAVE TO eat when i'm not even hungry. i wouldn't even call it a craving, because it's not a specific thing i'm craving for. i'm just hungry. hungry all the time. hungry for everything and anything.

    it's horrible and it's a struggle.
    i really do hope that you can find some sort of balance.

    just make small changes. reward yourself with non-food rewards when you do something right!
    implement work out routines into your day - make it small.
    even if you overeat, that's okay.
    don't beat yourself too heavily over it. you've done it, move on.
    maybe go for a 30 minute walk to ease your mind a little bit.

    i have faith in you, just find that faith in yourself.
    add me if you need some support :)
  • wnbrice
    wnbrice Posts: 244 Member
    First thing to remember is that Willpower is a muscle, and like any muscle it has to be used and worked to build strength. But most importantly you have to remember that it can get worn out to the point where it stops working.

    So you push yourself and push yourself and then eventually you just give in. Then when you give in you don't have the willpower to stop and you will just keep going for days at a time like you are talking about.

    For starters I would make a gradual change in your eating habits. Instead of really restricting yourself. Maybe try to eliminate fast food, but everything else is okay. Maybe keep an eye on the amount but if you feel like eating have something, maybe make it smaller portions than you are usually do. Until you can get your emotional eating under control it will really be pointless to try a diet. I would focus on tackling that first.
  • leahharris93
    leahharris93 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in a really similar situation- I do really well for about a week, but then I snap and undo all of the good work! I just physically can't stop eating once I've started, and I have a massive binge. I then get really depressed and have thoughts about throwing it up, I'm worried that one day I actually will and become bulimic, which really worries me. But I just can't seem to control the need to eat once I've started.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Try intermittent fasting. It taught me the difference between mental hunger and physical hunger.
  • anetap2000
    anetap2000 Posts: 116 Member
    It's like reading exactly about myself. I have the same problem. And I don't know what to do
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    Addiction is all in your head. Try talking to a therapist. People on the internet are not going to be able to help you with this.
  • proudmommy1003
    proudmommy1003 Posts: 329 Member
    I have the same problem I lose control some days. What has helped is to keep only healthy snacks in case I want to binge or not having anything at all.

    I like to cook exactly what we're going to eat or I will eat everything even if I'm full.

    Other thing that seems to have helped is try to eat big meals and small snacks that way you'll be full and won't think of food fpr a couple of hours.

    I am a stay at home mom so that makes it hard for me cause I mostly stay home all day and have to cook for my son every few hours and also cook late at night (11:30 pm) for when my hubby gets home.