Hi i'm Tom

I've been using Myfitness pal on and off for a year or so but never really stuck with it. I figure this may be because i'm using it solo and not as a community tool.

Anyway my goal is to drop from 218lbs (Current) back down to the 165lbs is was a couple of years ago. Unfortunately i've always struggled with weight and i managed to drop 25lbs before i went travelling a couple of years back. Since settling in Melbourne i've managed to put a lot of weight on and i'm a bit fed up to be honest.

Looking for any guys in the same position who have made the positive transition from fatty to fitty and just general support.

Nice to meet you all



  • tptouchdown
    tptouchdown Posts: 30 Member
    I travel a lot for work and find that being away for two weeks and eating in hotels even when I am good I gain weight. But I have adjusted my thinking and realized that the weight that went on easily also comes off easily. The best advice I could give is to set realistic goals and be consistent. Log your food every day and exercise regularly. And you are right, a community helps you keep motivated!
  • tommyprice2k
    I exercise regularly and also was doing quite a bit of weight training so i have a fair bit of muscle but i'm not kidding myself by thinking that that's the reason i'm heavy ;)

    I've decided to lay off the weights and focus on cardio and probably some circuits to help me drop the weight. I've also given up alcohol and am watching what i eat.

    I've got a month off work during August when my parents come over from the UK to visit and we're going to go campervaning around NZ. Plenty of opportunity for hiking and exercise there! Last time i did it the weight literally dropped off.

    Motivation is definitely my weakness and i find i have to become slightly obsessed with what i'm doing to make any progress.

    Still i've done it before which helps as i know that i can do it as long as i maintain focus,
  • jhwellness
    jhwellness Posts: 156 Member
    I have only lost 10 lbs but I work out 5 days a week and and losing inches and gaining muscle. The support on the MFP site has really helped me. Feel free to add me I log on daily.
  • jirocpa
    jirocpa Posts: 36 Member
    Hey Tom, nice to see some guys on here. I've always done this site solo and eventually, after the first few months of great progress, the old habits begin creeping in, and next thing I know I've put back pretty much everything I lost. And no amount of, 'wow, I like the way I look, I'm never going back to that..." talk seems to work. So in 2013 I started again, and here I started around 203 and am now down to about 191. I figure another 10 pounds net loss and I'll be about where I can realistically stay.
    Since the first days, I've been focusing on cardio to burn calories and skipped the weight training, but now that I'm getting closer to goal I see (literally) the need to lift more. I, like you, have kind of become to believe that adding some friends on this site may be that final piece I need to stay motivated and be held accountable so that I keep plodding on.
    So, that said, feel free to add me as a friend and if I can provide any motivation, I certainly will. Hope you enjoy your NZ vacation!