Scared of ending up with flabby skin.

Nataliieexo Posts: 50 Member
edited 4:57PM in Health and Weight Loss
I have managed to get back on track with my diet, i was just wondering if i am doing weights as well as cardio at the gym will i tone up at the same time, i really don't want to have loose skin, i do 3 reps of 15 on leg and arm machines, i don't use the one for stomach as the gym instructor told me that he actually didn't find it effective but i was thinking of doing some sit ups and squats at home but i am not sure how to do either of them correctly and i defiantly cannot do full sit ups will this be enough to tone my stomach?


  • Nataliieexo
    Nataliieexo Posts: 50 Member
    Also when should i up the amount of reps i do?
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    I don't think you should have a problem if you are only 45 lbs overweight. People gain that during pregnancy and get pretty much back to normal, especially if they did not get any stretch marks on the belly.

    I have seen people lose 45 lbs and they don't seem to have flabby skin. I would not be worried.
  • laccy40
    laccy40 Posts: 136
    Best advice I can give you is to follow a proper exercise program. I started at the gym just using a few weight machines, but when I started following a proper program, it was far more effective. I chose new rules of lifting for women (I think it would be better called 'new rules of weight training for women' because its got a bigger emphasis on squats, lunges, planks etc than just lifting) but there are loads to choose from. I stay in a hotel fairly regularly with a limited gym, so I just googled 'workouts with dumbbells' and found lots to choose from. The benefits are that you have a progressive program that works all the muscle groups AND you know when you can stop and leave the gym! It will make a real difference to your appearance after your diet.
  • shmoony
    shmoony Posts: 237 Member
    Depending on how much weight you currently carry, most likely you will have a certain amount of loose skin regardless of what you do at the gym. It's next to impossible to avoid. I would definately incorporate weights into your program for a multitude of reasons. It sounds like you are just embarking on this journey, so don't be in a hurry. Just get your butt in the gym and do something....anything. You will refine your routine over the years as you get stronger and learn more. Just start with mid reps (10-15), and pick a weight that brings you to failure by the end of the set. Don't just pick a weight and amount of reps and do that many. If you say youre going to do 12 reps, and you get to 12 and you can still do more, do more until you can't do any more. Then up your weight for the next set. If you're not pushing your body to failure, you're kind of wasting your time. I see a lot of people just do 12 reps and stop. This is the easy way out, but not effective. You should be whimpering by the end of each set. And don't worry, you won't get "bulky".
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    From all what I read, loose skin happen when you have a lot of weight to lose and you end up losing it too fast for your skin to catch up. Like you I was worried about it, so I have been taking my time. I slow down my caloric deficit every couple of month. Also, I can't emphasize exercise enough during all that to help fight loose skin, I do a lot of heavy lifting. So far I have no signs of loose skin and I lost around 75 lbs of fat.

    So, slow loss and heavy lifting, should get you there. Best of luck!
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