about to throw in the towel..

I lost 20 lbs since march 1st, and since the beginning and mid april I have been stuck at 152 lbs.. yes it weights different certain days a lb or two, but juts 152.. I feel I have tried everything..upping calories..working out more.. lowering calories... cycling.. I can't seem to get it to change..I'm to the point of just throwing in the towel.. What else can I do.. this week (besides for one day) I was strict on logging everything... I'm trying to up the protein to over 100grams a day..I havent lost anymore inches or weight! Help MOTIVATE ME! lol



  • jlr2001
    jlr2001 Posts: 25 Member
    Wow 20 lbs since march that is awesome!!!!! sounds like you hit a plateau just keep doing what you are doing thats what i have done and it works fine
  • alasin1derland
    alasin1derland Posts: 575 Member
    are you drinking your water? that's important
  • Hmmowry
    Hmmowry Posts: 5
    yeah platues are hard to get over. try doing something different, join a class you've never done before. I heard Hot Yoga is really good!
  • agbaeb
    agbaeb Posts: 179 Member
    Don't give up. You've tried ALOT in 2 months, and I think your body might need a little rest from all the change. Join the Eat More 2 Weigh Less group on here, find your TDEE and your BMR and go with that. I promise it will work. I was stalled for MONTHS!!! (like 6 months!!) and never saw the progress I wanted until I stopped stressing about it, make it a whole lifestyle change, and ate healthy foods (and enough of them!).
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    You look like you might be at a healthy weight already. What are your stats?

    Have you done any lifting? You may need to focus just on cutting body fat (inches) rather than total weight (pounds).
  • mscolleen2003
    mscolleen2003 Posts: 126 Member
    You failed to mention the most important part of your journey, how are you feeling? Stop focusing on the scale, it will play head games worse than an ex lover.
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    Stalls happen....sounds like your patience is holding you back.

    You said you upped calories, then lowered calories, then modified your exercise...realize that you need to make small changes and not big ones.

    If you upped calories, you should give your body ideally 4 weeks to acclimate to that calorie level...

    If you lowered calories....same thing. If you modify exercise, that can also lead to an increase in water/retention in the muscles, which will mask loss a bit.

    Try to make singular changes, and try not to change them more than once a month...you have to pay particular attention to the change you make. It can sometimes take a few months to "dial" in your body and get past a plateau or stall.

    I wish you great success!
  • jpalocy77
    jpalocy77 Posts: 114 Member
    i'm definitely not at a healthy weight..i'm 150 and 5'2.. I FEEEL better than i ever have.. I eat clean.. I eat whole grains food, no more white starchy food for me! When I do eat it, I feel the bloat and yuckiness... I am doing just a little bit of toning. Right now I stick to DVD's. . I may join a gym once summer starts up, and i have more time to do something. its just frustrating..cause inches and/or lbs are just not moving... i'm sure eventually I will figure how to get through it.. at least I hope I do!
  • I was in a similar situation, I lost 1/2 stone a month for Jan, Feb and March and then plateaued for 2 months, partly because I was going out on weekends and craving stodgy foods afterwards, although I was within my calorie allowance most days I wasn't eating the right foods. I've not been out drinking for the last 3 weekends, have changed my normal gym classes and started to do some HIIT on the cardio machines instead and have been trying to eat clean, which is mostly foods from single sources such as meat, fish, eggs, veg, salad and fruit. I stick to wholegrain bread and rice, and I'm eating less pasta. I'm not eating much processed food at all at the moment. I have lost over 6lbs since I made a few changes, which has been over 19 days, so I'm now 155lbs. I hope this helps a bit, dont give up though, it's always slower to come off after the intial fat melt. xo
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Stop focusing on the scale, it will play head games worse than an ex lover.

    HAHAHAHA, I resemble that statement.
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Most folks plateau sometimes.

    Me, I'm diabetic. Not only do I plateau, I actually gain and then have to lose again. I can't get discouraged. I'll die from high blood pressure or diabetes or high cholesterol or heart issues (bad genes).

    So ask yourself, "Do I feel better?" "Do I want to make a life change?" Hopefully the answers are "yes" and you can concentrate on happiness instead of feeling like you are dieting. Also, if you are stressing, it's going to be harder to lose weight. Your body will start to enter "survival" mode. If you like yoga (the simple moves, if you are like me you are not into the pretzel thing), maybe go on youtube or get a dvd with that and devote 10 or 15 minutes a day to it.

    Remember you deserve this, deserve to feel better, to smile at yourself when you look in the mirror and think "I am doing this because I deserve it!"

    If you want suggestions on how to increase weight loss, post and I'll give some ;)
  • tarac98
    tarac98 Posts: 65 Member
    In feb i was stuck like that too. I upped my water up to a gallon a day and the weight started melting off. I try to drink 14-18 cups a day now
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    Your diary is private. I can't offer suggestions if i can't see what you have been eating.
  • get10fit2013
    get10fit2013 Posts: 87 Member
    I think losing that much in two months is pretty amazing! I could only wish for those results! Hang in there and be patient. If you're consistently working out and eating right, I bet your measurements are more telling than your scale. Keep it up and don't give up!!! You don't want to have to re-lose those 20 lbs one day when you decide to get serious again. :)
  • I just remembered, there's a website called simply shredded, it has a fantastic article in the womens fitness section regarding ways to improve fat loss. : )
  • paday
    paday Posts: 24 Member
    You'll break through the plateau eventually. Just keep going. Aside from losing pounds, you are doing wonders for your body regardless of anything else. If you throw in the towel you will inevitably want to try again and then you'll be starting from scratch. Don't weigh yourself for awhile; it'll only discourage you. I have a seriously difficult time losing weight and was constantly being discouraged by the number on the scale. So I stopped weighing. Even if I never lose a pound, I'm still eating right and exercising and taking care of my body. It makes me feel good about myself no matter what and I trust that all this effort isn't in vain. I promise you that your effort isn't in vain either.
  • larsensue
    larsensue Posts: 461 Member
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    I've been stuck since December 2012... I don't sweat it now. I'm just going to keep going and push through it until my body decides it's time to release more fat.
  • SlimJanette
    SlimJanette Posts: 597 Member
    well can you throw it over here, cause I just got out of the shower and forgot to take a towel again and i'm cold and naked and dripping on the rug.

  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    Give it time. 20 pounds in 3 months is a great accomplishment so be proud of what you have done but give your body time to figure out its new 'size' - weight loss is not linear.