Breakfasts on the GO!

ScouseNerd Posts: 119 Member
I love sleep so I don't waste time waking up any earlier than I have to in the mornings to be at work for 9am. I usually grab some sort of cereal bar - granola, Nutri-Grain, All-Bran - but feel like I could do better. What do you guys eat in the AM that can be thrown in your bag for eating on the commute?


  • Ale_1Love
    Ale_1Love Posts: 9
    Cut up some fruits the night before,Have a container prepared in the morning with a fruit salad or something like a fruit shake or simply orange juice will help a loot.
    Plus fruits are the healthiest.
  • Silver14
    Silver14 Posts: 141
    Greek yogurt, with a Baggie of nuts, berries and sometimes muesli that I've pre-bagge the night before.
    Overnight oats made the night before.
    Pre-boiled eggs.
    Pre-made sandwiches.
    Pre-made salads sometime.
    Protein shake... Just add milk and protein to the shaker and go.
    Sometimes I'll just grab a raw bar to go with my skim coffee at work.

    Usually I just make a protein shake or if I have time, protein pancakes :) microwaveable too for laziness if I'm lazy but its too cold for a shake :P

    Don't drink juice... Pure sugar and carbs with no fiber from the fruit and way more calories. Just eat an orange instead.
  • redhead1910
    redhead1910 Posts: 304 Member
    If you want a really filling and nutritious breakfast bar try GoMacro Macrobars. They are vegan, gmo free, gluten free, all natural, and surprisingly delicious. I would reccomend the protein purity flavor which is chocolate and sunflower butter. They can be a little pricey but they are TOTALLY worth it.
  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
    Summer Porridge (Overnight Oats):

    ½ cup steel cut oats, ½ cup of almond milk, 2 tablespoons greek yogurt, a tablespoon of honey, and a ¼ cup of your favorite frozen fruit. I love blueberries. Mix it up in a mason jar and put in the fridge for at least overnight (I usually make a weeks worth at once and it only gets better as it ages) and eat right out of the jar in the morning. No heat required.

    So yummy and super filling at about 300 cals.
  • bloominheck
    bloominheck Posts: 869 Member
    I usually make a egg white omelete the night before. Grab it and re-heat it in the am. Turns out brilliant~!
  • Elainejk21
    Elainejk21 Posts: 121 Member
    I make a double batch of breakfast muffins, freeze them, and take out however many I need for the week on Sunday night. Microwave for 30 seconds and you're good to go.

    I use frozen spinach and broccoli for my veggies and sharp cheddar cheese but you could do any combo. Plus I usually sub some eggs for egg whites.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Greek yogurt, with a Baggie of nuts, berries and sometimes muesli that I've pre-bagge the night before.
    Overnight oats made the night before.
    Pre-boiled eggs.
    Pre-made sandwiches.
    Pre-made salads sometime.
    Protein shake... Just add milk and protein to the shaker and go.
    Sometimes I'll just grab a raw bar to go with my skim coffee at work.

    Usually I just make a protein shake or if I have time, protein pancakes :) microwaveable too for laziness if I'm lazy but its too cold for a shake :P

    Don't drink juice... Pure sugar and carbs with no fiber from the fruit and way more calories. Just eat an orange instead.

  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    Greek yogurt
    Luna bar (or other protein bar.. I try to stick with ones fairly low in fat)
    Piece of fruit
  • addiepray80
    addiepray80 Posts: 46 Member
    I always eat in the car on my commute into work. I make my breakfast to go while I get the kids ready and off to school in the morning.

    I use two pieces of whole wheat toast with 1T natural pb and 1T low sugar jam; plus a banana (under 350 cals with the bread I use)

    Poach an egg and/or egg white (I use one of each) in the microwave (use cooking spray in a regular cereal bowl, crack the egg into the bowl, cover with parchment paper or a napkin, microwave for 50-80 seconds depending on your microwave power)
    put this on the toast with some 2% cheddar, about an ounce; again I eat with a banana (approx 400 cals)

    Or if you are on a lower cal diet, I agree with previous posts that said just eat fruit... you can't go wrong! For me, a banana really helps to fill me up and its around 100 calories. Greek yogurt is also wonderful and helps keep you full; though probabaly not the best for eating and driving :wink:
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    I agree with prepping something the night before, but string cheese is always good to have around in case you didn't prep anything the night before. Also, dried fruit is easy and not messy.
  • nsagley
    nsagley Posts: 84 Member
    You can roll up a piece of ham, turkey or roast beef with a piece of provolone in a tortilla (any kind). Then pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds to melt the cheese.