Sick of nothing fitting.

I'm almost 29 and I'm a mom of a 2 year old and a writer. I am 5"4.5 and 176 lbs... which makes me just about obese according to my BMI. I was 132lbs when I met my husband and I was 220lbs when I gave birth (though I walked out of the hospital at 180, so maybe I had some hypertension going on.) I'm wearing the clothes I bought post-birth in winter. It's 90 degrees here now and I really have nothing to wear and I refuse to go buy fat clothes. I pretty much have one pair of jeans and some ugly capris to wear. Oh and my maternity bathing suit.

Two or Three months ago I weighed 155, but then I started trying to actively wean my daughter and I put on 20lbs. We want another child and I simply won't allow myself to get pregnant at this unhealthy weight. I don't feel very motivated to lose weight when I know I'm just going to gain weight, stretch out my stomach and breastfeed again for a few more years, but oh well, I'm an adult and I need to suck it up and do what is healthiest for myself and baby #2. I had cancer as a teen, too, and my current weight and diet is pretty much a request for more cancer, which is pretty selfish of me since I have a child.

I'd love to find anyone else in my position (losing weight just to get pregnant again, stay at home mom...)


  • ForABetterMe89
    Hi. I'm stay at home mom to my 18 month old son. I'm not looking to get pregnant for another 2 years or so, but it's definitely a motivation for me. When I got pregnant with my son I was about 165ish, standing at just under 5'3". I didn't like myself then. The day I had my son I weighed in at 205, I left the hospital at about 175ish. Next time around I want to feel like I look pregnant. The last time it just looked like I was heavier than I was normally. No cute baby bump or anything like that. Plus, I feel I'll have a much healthier pregnancy the next time around if I'm at a normal weight. I started actively trying to lose weight February 20, 2013, weighed in at 172.8. Today I weighed in at 149.6. Feel free to add me.
  • Labouffecestbon
    Labouffecestbon Posts: 182 Member
    Friend request sent!
    I too am trying to get down to a healthy weight before I take on a second pregnancy. My son is 9 months old and breastfeeding (though not as a main meal). I also REFUSE to get pregnant at this weight (165 right now and I'm 5'1). I started out at 185 in February and I'm aiming for 145. I was 172 when I left the hospital (was 170 pre-pregnancy so not a small girl to begin with and had put on 15 lbs during pregnancy). The weight came AFTER I had given birth. Anyway, I plan on getting to a healthy me before #2 in a way that will allow me to stay healthy during and after the future babies :).

    Oh I'm a stay at home mom too.