
O.K I've been doing MFP for months now, and I'm just not getting anywhere! WHY?! Feel free to look at my dieary and see if I am doing anything wrong. I usually do not count non-starchy veggies, I eat salad daily. That's the only thing I don't track. Also...I might miss a day on the weekend....because sometimes I'm just not near a computer. Also, pl,ease keep in mind that I work nights, so my breakfast is usually before I go to bed or when I wake up...dinner at 8pm, and lunch around 2am.


  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Start counting the veggies and salads (and everything that goes on it!!)

    You'd be surprised.
  • lessjess1
    lessjess1 Posts: 71 Member
    Would like to look at your diary, but not sure how. Are your preferences set for public viewing?
  • lessjess1
    lessjess1 Posts: 71 Member
    Would like to look at your diary, but not sure how. Are your preferences set for public viewing?
  • acstein
    acstein Posts: 55
    I would track the non starchy veggies and salads to begin with, simply because they do add calories. I buy the salad in a bag (premixed) and 2 cups equal only 15 calories, but the salad dressing, if any counts. the extra veggies you may add count (I like to add green pepper and cucumber). Also, when you cook do you munch? there are a lot of hidden calories that slows down my progress, when I don't pay attention to what i'm doing and eat while I cook. Seasoning to taste (as many of my family recipes are) can pack a huge punch if you're not careful; sometimes I have to taste 4 & 5 times depending on how well I know the recipe. Those are just a couple tips that I have found for me personally...I hope you find a way out of your plateau!!
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    I can't see your diary!! But, I agree, you should track EVERYTHING that enters your mouth for starters!! :)
  • Iron_Biker
    Iron_Biker Posts: 104 Member
    Just like averyone else said, report the veggies; everything counts.
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Sorry...should be open now! I don't think I tracked Sat...but have been trackinjg pretty much everyday for the last cpl months. Let me know if anything stands out...I think I am eating too much before bed, but calories are pretty much in line, and I have gained...not lost! I am also on Cymbalta...m,aybe that caused some gain.
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    After a quick look, I have some thoughts. First, try to reduce some of the processed, light foods from your diet. Go with organic peanut butter, try organic greek yogurt, rather than the processed 2% slices. Try an organic multi-grain bread, rather than a light wheat. Some of this might help.
    Also, try consuming more nutrient dense foods. See if you can get more bang for your calories. A little protein, a little whole grain low-glycemic carb, a small amount of good fat should be in every meal.
    Are you getting any Omega-3? I've found that to be helpful.
    I know organic is more expensive, but it is worth it.

    As I said, it was just a quick look at two days. I could be totally wrong and if I am, I apologize.

    I know when I was eating "light" this and "low-calorie" that, the scale did not move. Now that I am eating much closer to nature and sticking to as much organic food as possible, the scale has started to move. I've also reduced my calories quite a bit, so I'm sure that's helping, too.

    Just don't give up! Hugs!
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Ok I looked at your food intake and I agree that you should eat more non processed food. The first thing that I noticed is that it wasnt tracking the amount of sodium you are taking in. Processed foods tend to have a very high sodium content. you might want to keep an eye on that also. Just keep exercising and watching what you eat and you will lose the weight. It might take a bit longer than most, just dont give up.

    Oh, and track EVERYTHING that goes into your mouth... and remember that water is one of your best friends.
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    :smile: thanks guys! I was just talking to someone here at work about the fact that I eat too much processed food. I think I was just brought up that way, and it's cheap! I cook what my mom used to cook, not always the best things.
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    Hey, I was looking over your food diary, and my number one tip would be to try and avoid any products that have added sugar, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, or false sweeteners.

    For instance, instead of sweetened applesauce, that is 100 calories, get the unsweetened kind. It tastes sweet I promise, and is only 50 calories. I do eat Kashi Cereal, which has some sugar, but the other things in it will be way more helpful to your body than Apple Jacks. If something you buy without sweetener in it really doesn't taste good to you unsweet, add a teaspoon of honey, or brown sugar. A teaspoon of sugar is only about 16 calories, and is way less than comes packaged in anything.

    The other thing I would say is that overall you really need to ask yourself whether what you are eating is going to be healthy or not. Calories are only one aspect of food. Foods need to give you fiber, vitamins, minerals, fats and oils, carbs and so much more! I kind of view it as a daily puzzle I need to put together. How am I going to get all the pieces of nutrition to fit together in something that actually tastes good? If you get yourself eating healthy food for a couple weeks, you stop craving junk food.

    And veggies definitely count as calories, plus it helps you track the vitamins and fiber you've been getting when you record it!
  • acstein
    acstein Posts: 55
    Ok I looked at your food intake and I agree that you should eat more non processed food. The first thing that I noticed is that it wasnt tracking the amount of sodium you are taking in. Processed foods tend to have a very high sodium content. you might want to keep an eye on that also. Just keep exercising and watching what you eat and you will lose the weight. It might take a bit longer than most, just dont give up.

    Oh, and track EVERYTHING that goes into your mouth... and remember that water is one of your best friends.

    He is right. Sodium, especially at first, should be somehting tracked. Especially if you don't drink a whole lot of water, you could be retaining it. Then the water just sits there, making you weigh more than you should be look/feel bloated. I am not good at keeping up with this one, but I have found that when I have higher sodium days, I am more thirsty and have more sugar cravings.

    I haven't looked at your diary, but I can't afford organic foods all the time. We are living on a soldier's salary, so money gets pretty tight. What I did do though was cut out canned veggies and fruits (unless a recipe I didn't know called for it). While not organic, they are fresh and raw, not processed with sodium or sugar or anything else like that. I have found it's a happy medium considering the current situation. If you can afford organic, or even from your local farmer's market, that's usually the better way to go.
  • Cindysturn
    Good question! I read the posts and loved all the answers/advice. Even helped me out a bit. Thanks!

    Good luck!
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I have to agree on the sodium. I know instant mashed potatoes have a ton as does shredded cheese. It adds up and will cause you to retain fluids. And of course I agree with trying to get rid of preprocessed as much as possible.

    I will cook up a bunch of chicken, either roast it or grill it and add it to salads, in a wrap, just alone or what ever. You will find you get more for your money then buying deli cuts when you do that and it is much better for you. You can control the amount of salt and other things.

    This is a learning process so best of luck to you, heck.... best of luck to us all:happy:
  • cristyc03
    I totally understand your frustration, I work out 5-6 days a week and don't really see the scale move. When I joined MFP I saw the scale move a little bit but then I fell out of the boat and I am just not getting back on. I agree with everyone else, watch your sodium! Also watch your sugar artificial or not. I didn't really look at your diary but you may be eating too much fruit, I know that sounds odd but it can be true depending on your body. I noticed when I cut out some fruit and started eating more veggies weight came off quicker. Even though fruit is good for you the sugar in fruit may be too much for your body. Also look at all the medicines your taking and have your thyroid checked out. Wish you the best of luck!
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    I know organic is expensive, but sometimes you can get some good deals. I wanted to switch to organic grass fed beef, but at $26+ a pound that's just out of my budget.
    Try and go organic with the dirty dozen - just google dirty dozen and organic and you'll get a list of the fruits and veggies that are the worst offenders.
    Keep going!:flowerforyou:
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    thanks everyone, I am tracking sodium now.
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    As the posts above make sure to track everything that goes into your mouth. I would limit your sodium intake to 1800mg a day and up your fiber to 25g a day.