Finding Motivation

cat2948 Posts: 2 Member
Hi there,

I lost a stone with MFP in March for my 21st birthday and it has slowly started coming back on when my life got busier and more stressful. I want to start again as it felt wonderful loosing all that so quickly but back then I had so much drive and motivation now I feel like I've lost it all and become lazy.

Can anyone help or advise? X


  • clobern
    clobern Posts: 341 Member
    The first step is actually wanting it. You gotta wanna! After that, motivation can come from here, family, anywhere. But you gotta really want to do it. We are just here to help you when you trip.

    Feel free to add me, and anyone else can as well.
  • lorijlozano
    lorijlozano Posts: 14
    :flowerforyou: Hi there....I need to get myself back on track also....sometimes we do let little things in life get in our way of reaching our ultimate goal....I had RNY-gastric bypass 2-20-2013, I am 60 yrs. old, disabled stroke survivor and at times exercise can be a real challenge for me:grumble: but in the past couple of weeks we have been getting ready for a master bath remodel & I haven't been logging in on MFP and not paying attention to what goes between my doesn't matter I don't think if you get away for 1 day or 3 months...the real thing here is realizing you MUST get back on track:bigsmile: I do soooo much better when I log on MFP every day whether I comment on anything or just read other people's for ideas & support...Best of luck to you...:glasses:
  • blakerb29
    blakerb29 Posts: 74
    Motivation comes from desire, do some soul searching as to how much you want it.
    If xnup wondering and creating this thread then I am sorry to say but as it is you are very unlikely to be ready or successful.

    Realise just how much you want it and it wIll ae instantly different.

  • Sugar29301
    Sugar29301 Posts: 1
    I also am searching for motivation. I just feel like I don’t have time to as much as I should be. I am getting married in Sept and starting school in Aug-so with all that and working full time finding the motivation to work out has been hard for me. I will do great for a week or two and then I just fall back into a slump. I do find that if I use time like my lunch break, where I would just be sitting and waiting for the end, to do some small exercises-like walking for 15-20min than it’s easier getting motivated then trying to first thing in the morning. But food wise I feel like I have cut my portions and make better discussions when eating out. I still haven’t lost any weight though. I wish I could find something that I really enjoy like biking, zumba, boxing...I just havent found the thing that makes me excited about working out.

    I hope that you can find that too. I know it is hard but if you constantly remind yourself way you are doing it then you will want to push yourself more. I would advise setting small goals and once you have reached that one, start another one. That way you can feel the success and want to keep going.
  • cat2948
    cat2948 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you everyone.

    I think your right, the fact I am writing this post means I'm not in the right mind set it needs to click like it did before and then no going back. Once I get into it it's fine, lifestyle changes are the difficulty for me.

    Thanks for your support I hope we can all keep going and start feeling good!