3 Month Plateau and Feeling Frustrated

Looking for some advice regarding my routine. I'm 5'7" and am currently stuck at 192 lbs and have been for a few months. When I started MFP and working out I weighed 252, that was late July 2012. I was eating 1200 calories and working out 3-4x per week the first 6 months, and dropped the first 50 lbs pretty fast. Then I hit a wall! I did a lot of research regarding BMR etc and realized I should increase my calories to avoid metabolism damage. I slowly increased to 1725, which has been my daily intake for the past 3 months or so.

I will gain a pound here or there, then lose it plus some, then gain it back. I yo-yo around 192 and it is beyond frustrating! I work out 5-6 times per week, burning between 500 and 1,000 calories depending on what I am doing. I started going to the gym and incorporating more strength training, as my doctor recommended doing so. My question is, am I eating enough? On days I burn 900 calories, im only netting about 900 calories. Do net calories matter or should I focus on my intake of 1725, regardless of calories burned during workouts?

My typical workout includes cardio on treadmill, elliptical, arc trainer, and bike (I alternate between machines). I also jog outside and do free weights as well as the machines at the gym.

I should mention I am a vegetarian, so while I try to hit my protein goals for the day, I rarely do. I try to get between 70-100 grams per day depending on my workout for the day.

I am fairly muscular, and have a current goal weight of about 170. I would like to reevaluate when I reach that weight. I recently went for a physical and all of my vitals and blood work came back perfect, including my thyroid (as i wanted to rule it out).

If you have any suggestions, please let me know! Thanks in advance!


  • r1battin
    r1battin Posts: 1
    I'm in the same boat. I've tried increasing calories, adding more protein, and upping excercise with both cardio and strength training and I can't get the scale to move! What gives??? So frustrating. I try to remember that atleast there is no gain happening, but I feel like I'm working hard and eating right, so I can't understand why my body won't let more weight go.
  • kellyw036
    kellyw036 Posts: 58 Member
    Try eating back some/most of your exercise calories. You don't want to net that low. That means you are only giving yourself about 900 calories to run off of.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Your diary is locked, so let's look at the obvious questions first. Are you measuring your portions and how are you measuring your exercise burn?

    How long ago did you add weights to your routine? You could be holding onto water weight as your body heals those sore muscles.

    How did you pick 1725 as your goal? Your TDEE is somewhere around 2600. A 20% cut would be closer to 2080 calories. You may still be undereating.

    You may also be overtraining. You could try cutting your exercise in half for a week or two and see what happens.
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    What matters is the net calories. If your exercise calories are reasonably accurate, you should eat them back. Net calories of 900 is the same as food calories of 900 with zero exercise. Netting 900 a day too many times would surely land you in starvation city and stall your weight loss.

    You need to get your net calories consistently above your BMR. You can lapse one or two days a week without slowing your metabolism, but not more. Once you stay above the BMR and hit a plateau again, try reducing your goal calories a bit while keeping it above your BMR.
  • junebaby21
    junebaby21 Posts: 260 Member
    Cardio can only take you so far. Add strength training!
  • seif0068
    seif0068 Posts: 193 Member
    Cardio can only take you so far. Add strength training!

    She said she added more strength training and that she does both free weights and machines.
  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    I have been on my plateau for over a year! So I wish there was some magic thing I could say to you and me for that matter to get you off of yours and me off of mine. However there is not. I have been doing different things but doing them for about 6-8 weeks to give it time to work and if nothing then I move on to something else. My body has become comfortable at the weight it is now and just seems like it doesnt' want to give up any more weight...ugh! Some one suggested to me to lower my carbs and increase my protein intake...so that is what I am doing now. Still exercising, still eating right but like you I feel like my working my butt off is getting me know where! Good luck and I wish I had more to give you!
  • mammakat0830
    mammakat0830 Posts: 117 Member

    I'm 5"7 too, started at 204 aprpox and bounce back and forth 197-196, cant loose a thing more. My inches are coming off but the scale mocks me :mad:

    I've gone up in calories and am starting to change my workout around but just can't seem to change the scale. Ive been doing this close to 3 months... Very frustrated as well.

    The one thing I am grateful for is measurements as I can see the change there. My suggestion is just keep up the work... Hopefully there will be something that will make a change...
  • scrummy92
    scrummy92 Posts: 81 Member
    Make sure you're mixing up your workouts! If your cardio is running, trying biking. If your weight training is focused on arms and shoulders, try leg lifting. Doing the same lifts over and over will get your muscles conditioned to do those lifts and those lifts only. Try something new!
  • fluffykitsune
    fluffykitsune Posts: 236 Member
    In my experience, when I lose, gain, lose it again.. It is a hydration issue. But I also don't think you're eating enough if you're only netting 900cals.
  • rayna32
    rayna32 Posts: 1
    Have you tried any interval training? I found that was a great help when I hit a plateau....it shocked my body and kind of re-kicked it in gear.
  • Kxgz
    Kxgz Posts: 198 Member
    No genius ideas or fixes for you. Bumping thread, I am in the same situation but 5'8 staying at 169. I am slowly trying to bring up my calories. Hope you find something that works. But obviously keep at it!
  • AdrieneJ
    AdrieneJ Posts: 141 Member
    First of all, your before and after pics are amazing! Well done!

    I would second what a lot of people are saying here. The only thing that gets you off a plateau is change. If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you. Try interval training, changing up your cardio, even changing the direction you walk to the store. Change and challenge. The important thing to remember is: YOU ARE NOT GAINING WEIGHT. That is a perspective you should keep with you always.

    To the person who said she has been stuck over a year, I would bet that your body is fitter than way more other people out there, and that your measurements are amazing. Well done for sticking it out. You WILL GET THERE.
  • murray102089
    murray102089 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for all the replies everyone!

    I tried to fit in as much info as I could, but I knew I would miss something! I should have mentioned I use a Polar HRM to calculate my calories burns so I am sure it is pretty accurate.

    I started the gym about 2 weeks ago and started using free weights about 2 months ago. I do try to switch it up, from walking or jogging outside to all the different cardio machines in the gym. Sometimes I do a Jillian video or insanity workout. I do challenge my body because I like to challenge myself so Im not sure thats the issue.

    I know some of you mentioned I should be eating more. That was my next thought as well. I love working out but maybe I should add another rest day to my week, making for 2 rest days per week and up my calories. The 1725 came from my BMR, not my TDEE. Honestly the thought of eating over 2000 calories scares me a lot! But maybe I should try it for a week and see what happens.

    As for my daily stats, they are 45% carb, 25% protein, and 30%fat each day. I am good about staying within my limits, occasionally I go over on something but I try not to obsess over it.
  • mryak750
    mryak750 Posts: 198 Member
    If you logging everything correctly, then maybe 1750 is your TDEE....try eating at 1600 for two weeks and see if the scale moves
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    On days I burn 900 calories, im only netting about 900 calories. Do net calories matter or should I focus on my intake of 1725, regardless of calories burned during workouts?

    That's exactly where you're going wrong. No, you're not eating enough. Eat your exercises calories back.
  • murray102089
    murray102089 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks! I think I will start eating back my workout calories for a week or 2 and see if it makes a difference. I want to lose weight the healthiest way possible. I thought I was but maybe Im not.

    Thanks again for the input!
  • rored85
    rored85 Posts: 4
    Make sure you give it at lest 4-6 weeks if you are going to change that 2 weeks is only enough time for your body to start adjusting to the change..Good luck!
  • tdfarmer
    tdfarmer Posts: 176 Member
    Make sure you give it at lest 4-6 weeks if you are going to change that 2 weeks is only enough time for your body to start adjusting to the change..Good luck!

    Totally agree. You may see a sight gain at first, but it will workout and you'll start loosing.