Heading to the grocery store...

.I am on day #2 on this website and so far am loving it. It's so easy to keep track and make positive choices. Tonight is grocery shopping night. I would love suggestions on good healthy recipes or delicious snack foods.....any help would be appreciated. Thanks and continued success to you all :)


  • singcoz528
    singcoz528 Posts: 154
    I got some pita wraps and they make great healthy pizzas with some veggies on them! I also like to snack on goldfish crackers...you can eat like 55 of them for around 150 cals. Cereal is also a fav of mine for snacking. Fruit Loops are great! I also usually get a bunch of chicken when I shop and cook it all then refrigerate it to use throughout the week. It comes in handy. I like chicken with salsa and some melted cheese on it! I usually try to completely avoid the snack cake isle...its my weakness haha.

    Good Luck!
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    Depends onw hat you're shopping for. Do you cook? Do you bring lunch to work? Sandwich thins are the best thigns ever. 100 calories for the pair of buns, and they are tasty. Lots and lots of fruit, I do boca burgers for lunch in my sandwich thins, the vegan ones are only 70 calories and are surprisingly tasty! Mostly, stay away from processed grains (white rice, pasta) and you should be ok. We always plan out our dinners for the week before going to the store, so we don't buy a bunch of junk.
    The book Cook This Not That is one of the msot awesome things ever. Tons of delicious low calorie foods.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    hello & welcome :)
    my current favorite snack foods are:
    Orville Redenbacker's 100 calorie smart pop (I'm eating a bag right now!!)
    grapes (portion them out into baggies and freeze them for a late night low cal treat)
    Laughing Cow cheese (spread the flavored ones on celery or crackers, the plain can be used instead of cream cheese on a bagel, and tastes AWESOME with a little sugar free strawberry jam on a whole grain waffle for breakfast)
    If you need a chocolate fix, get the little fun size packs of m&m's, one pack is only 90 calories. Freeze them first and eat em slow!
  • zenzoes
    zenzoes Posts: 187
    Fiber one bars (oats and chocolate are great! )
    mini carrots
    frozen berries (snacking on frozen blueberries at night is yummy! use a napkin your fingers will be purple) :P
    celery (awesome with peanut butter)
    tuna fish
    ff yogurt
    fish (little ff sour cream, cayenne pepper, green onions, and parma cheese. mix together, cover fish with mixture and bake)
    Bags of frozen veggies. (easy to dump into pan and steam with any meal)
    Fresh veg ( I love to use zucchini and green beans, butternut squash baby red potato and roast in oven
    xtra virgin olive oil

    I was making my list today so there is a few :)
  • tpacrash
    Thank you all so very much. These are great ideas. You guys are the best :) Thanks for taking the time to give me some pointers.
  • Shawna35
    Shawna35 Posts: 65
    A good rule I read on here is shop the perimeter of the grocery store. :wink: It's the sugar and starches that are crammed in the middle.

    My favorite foods lately would be:

    Raw unsalted almonds
    Orowheat sandwich thins (use these for turkey burgers or hummus/avacado sandwiches)
    Thomas bagel things
    fat free cream cheese
    low-fat cottage cheese
    Kashi dark chocolate and cherry bars
    Marketside pico de gallo mixed with shredded rotisserie chicken
    popcorn (you can have a suprising amount of it and it is low-cal)
    baby spinach salads w/balsamic dressing (I add things like goat cheese/almonds or craisins)
  • tessjordan88
    tessjordan88 Posts: 201 Member
    Lean grilled chicken breast, lime juice, and SALSA! Did you know salsa has only about 140 calories in the WHOLE JAR??? Amazing stuff, and easy to zest up any recipe!