MFP vs Endomondo calories burnt calculation..

I'm noticing a sizable variation in the calculated calories burned per workout/walk on MFP and via the Endomondo app
Has anyone else had this? Does anyone know which is more accurate?


  • JenniferLM79
    I noticed Endomondo is a lot higher. I also noticed that is you change you weight in both apps, MFP tracks it as the same burn, and Endomondo calculates more calories burned the more you weigh, which makes sense.
  • JenniferLM79
    I think the best way to really track calories burnt is with a heart rate monitor.
  • namitchell04
    Yes, I noticed that MFP gives same burn for my daughter and I, even though she weighs less. I was suspecting Endomondo was more accurate as it gives us different counts for what we've burned.
  • JenniferLM79
    Do you eat the calories you burn? Like if your allowed 1500 daily, and burn 300 do you eat 1800 total?
  • namitchell04
    no, which is why I don't always log my exercise as it can seem like I have loads of spare calories. I've kind of hit a plateau right now so I'm trying to get used to staying 100 under my goal at least and see if that shifts things.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    Without a HRM i couldn't tell you. I like to tell Endmondo and my pedomoter that I weigh 10 pounds LESS than I do.
    1 if i lose weight it is still on the low side :happy:
    Endmondo adds the heart rate in their equation. That makes a diference. When I tell it my average and my high, it raises it.
  • agasfer
    agasfer Posts: 3 Member
    I'm walking and I'm measuring the calories spent both by Endomondo and by Polar FT80 HRM. Endomondo's count usually gives up to 30% calories more. I think that this happens because in the absence of an HRM monitor Endomondo calculates calories lost by distance and the activity type selected (taking into account also the body weight). WIth HRM it caluclates calories by HR and workout time. Does anybody have an experience of using Endomondo with an HRM?
  • clairenann
    I'm having the opposite issue! I'm getting more calories burned with MFP than endomondo. I've always trusted MFP because I figured that's what I was basing my daily caloric allowance off of, so to keep things kosher I'd use their exercise calories too. I get heart rate monitor is the best way to do it. But I'm just looking for the CLOSEST estimate.