I seem to sabotage myself!

I've lost nearly 50 lbs on another program, and I'm having issues keeping myself motivated (I need to lose another 30-40 lbs to be at the top of my range - more if I want to be in the middle of the range!). My weight has been around the same amount for the last 2 months...and it seems when my weight goes down, I eat more and it goes up again. It's like I'm sabotaging myself all the time! Problem is, I feel like I'm always hungry, and I don't seem to have the willpower to stop myself from snacking! I have an apple and a bit of a protein bar mid afternoon, but by 5 (when I leave work), I'm starving, so I get home and snack, then eat supper...then I feel like I need something sweet and dessert-ish. I normally love to work out and it seems I have no energy to do so. I can't get out of bed in the morning, and at night (when I actually normally work out), I'm so tired and my body seems to ache, so I don't always work out (Jillian yelling at you when you're tired is not great). I'm frustrated with myself, and signed up for MFP to try to kick start my motivation again. Would love some advice or some words of encouragement?? I want this, but I feel like I can't do it...


  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    self-sabotage is a thing. google it and learn about it and maybe you can figure out why you do it, when you do it, and how to stop it.
  • maisid
    maisid Posts: 69 Member
    Thank you so much for starting the topic travel girl, and thanks so much MyChocolate for the answer.
    I have been self sabotating myself ever since I started being a big girl.
    My problem has always been that as soon as I start seeing a result I would "reward" myself. I would stop eating clean and basically just snack all day long.
    I really hope this awareness will help me to end my self sabotating ways.
  • First of all I'm glad I'm not the only one that does this! Hopefully those of us that self-sabotage can look inside ourselves and start the process of changing our habits and sticking with healthy new ones! Thank you for the advice MyChocolateDiet...and good luck Maisid! :)
  • amayzme
    amayzme Posts: 9
    Hello everyone.
    this is a big problem for me too. i think i know why i put on so much weight these last 2 years. ..disappointment in my last few relationships. i ate to comfort myself..then i ate to hide rom any more chances at new ones. This is crazy sounding. but i was able to quit smoking in january because for the first time in years ...i didn't care about the weight gain.
    but i hate havibg trouble breathing...having to buy bigger and bigger clothed..and avoiding the mirror . i even cut my hair so short that there isn't much left.
    i talked to my doctor about this and she helped me see that i am allowing those guys to continue to hurt me even long after they aare out of my life by wasting my time and energy thinking about what a failure they make me feel like.
    I'm trying to look forward and keep telling myself that i am the only one who really has any power over me. it is not easy..I'm. taking it a day at a time..
  • newways
    newways Posts: 3
    As a fellow self-sabotaging woman, I can totally relate to what you are experiencing. When I lose weight, I start eating too much and regain it...it happens over and over. I just joined MFP today and would love to connect if you'd like to add me. I have 80+ to lose and I'm trying to get myself started.

    Hang in there!! You can do this!

  • lynnG67
    lynnG67 Posts: 11
    Have you set your calorie goal for your day? Maybe you are not getting enough and that is why you feel tired by the time you get home. One thing I have done and works for me, so it is only a suggestion. I drink a bottle of water and chew gum. For some reason when I chew cinnamon gum I dont notice the hunger as much and when craving sweets I chew the gum that is flavored like desserts. I believe Extra makes it. And the last thing I do is keep myself busy. Dishes, laundry walk to dog, dust any thing but stay still. If you try these suggestions I hope they help you out. Keep on trucking. You will make your goal.