I miss working out!!

lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
This sucks! I have not been able to work out like I usually do in MONTHS!! I have costocondritis ( inflamation of ribcage), and my Dr told me to rest. So I do, then I start to feel better, and I work out hard again, and my chest hurts again that night! I used to work out really hard. I love the gym. I feel totally handicaped now, like I'm never gonna be able to lose this weight. I can't restrict calories too much because I just love food lol...its just not gonna happen....so I always worked it off...now I can't :sad: guess Im juust venting.


  • s11kholt
    s11kholt Posts: 7 Member
    I don't know what all costochondritis entails, but is there any way next time you feel better you can workout at like 50%? I have a pretty weak immune system, asthma, and bad joint (from carrying the extra weight) so I understand the over doing it. Most of the time I push way too hard and can't do anything for a couple days.

    Let me know if that helps at all. I hope you can find a way to get back too it. :)
  • marymooster
    marymooster Posts: 134 Member
    HI ... That is painful...So don't focus on what you can't do.... What CAN you do? .... Gentle stretching can be as productive..... do as much as you can then leaveit. it will keep the muscles supple and yes it does burn some calories. you walk. so increase walking a little..... not intense... slow stroll and pace.. Yes leave the big workouts until you are better.... but do what you can... and unfortunately food management is a bit more important....again what CAN you do???? Best wishes. Mary:happy:
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    I would try low intensity workouts. Instead of jumping into it and pushing 100%, try to ease into it. Maybe lift 5 lb weights while you're sitting or watching tv or something, or go for a nice slow paced walk or swim or something along those lines, so that way you're getting some sort of workout in, but not pushing yourself so hard it hurts you.
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    thanks girls! I am working out...just taking it easy...low impact. Just feels like I'm stuck in this body that's not working right ; / S11--Doctors thought I had asthma too, but ended up being panic attacks. The inhalers caused my costocondritis...everytime they increased my dose, my chest hurt! Needless to say I have been to countless doctors in the past 6 months, and Im so happy I feel better...but I cant wait to work out again like I used to! I jus have to be patient I guess.
  • griffswoman
    griffswoman Posts: 30 Member
    My daughter has the same problem, the costochondritis is so painful at times she is admitted to hospital to be monitored. As someone has already said dont push yourself too hard. Concentrate on low impact exercise and walking. I do sympathise with you costochondritis is a frightful complaint and my daughter was told it would get better but it comes back year after year and affects everyday life.
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    Something else to think about when it comes to the weightloss problem, would be stress. I have read a few of your posts, and it seems like it's really been stressfull, which I can't blame you for, I get that way too! But I would try some yoga and deep breathing along with lots of water to help with that. I also suffer from panic attacks tho and understand what they can do to ya! right there they will exhaust you completely for a day. But Yoga has helped with those too.. Wish you luck tho!!!
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Something else to think about when it comes to the weightloss problem, would be stress. I have read a few of your posts, and it seems like it's really been stressfull, which I can't blame you for, I get that way too! But I would try some yoga and deep breathing along with lots of water to help with that. I also suffer from panic attacks tho and understand what they can do to ya! right there they will exhaust you completely for a day. But Yoga has helped with those too.. Wish you luck tho!!!

    thank you! I think I'm gonna try some meditation, maybe yoga too. Life has been pretty stressful. But, on the upside, I am getting better dealing with anxiety, and I'de rather have anxiety than asthma any day! It was just a long, windy road to get answers from doctors!
  • have you tried swimming? it burns tons of calories but it's still fairly low impact. i don't know how it affects the rib cage but i know that's what they suggested with my bad knees. just a thought. hope you feel better soon!!!
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    if they made it easy to get answers then you wouldnt have to go back and see them so they can charge you more money. Sorry to hear about your illness. hopefully they can make it better for you.
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Lean...u r 100% right!! Dr's stink sometimes!
    Anyways, went to the Dr today LOL, he actually recomended physical therapy for my chest. I'm gonna rest until Monday, work out hard on Monday, and if I am in pain next wk, start therapy. He said I pretty much had every test done already ( heart, lungs, and esophogus), so as long as it's not one of them, theres really not much else it could be besides skeletal. Keep your fingers crossed for me...hope I'm not in pain next wk..need to get my body back!!
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    have you tried swimming? it burns tons of calories but it's still fairly low impact. i don't know how it affects the rib cage but i know that's what they suggested with my bad knees. just a thought. hope you feel better soon!!!

    thanks! I do swim sometimes...hasn't hurt yet!
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