What am I doing wrong?

I'm currently 135 and about 5'1-5'2. I'm a vegetarian and I work out at least 4-5 a week. I started the 30 day shred two days ago and I aim to burn 500+ calories everyday usually I average about 600. When I go to the gym I do the elliptical,treadmill and strength train a little (for about 15min). No matter what I do I can't lose weight. I haven't really seen a physical change in my body either. I eat mainly apples,peanut butter,corn,potatoes,a little pasta (but only the last few days),bananas,and beans. I sometimes eat omelets for breakfast or special k. cereal. Literally thats all I eat,no fast food. What am I doing wrong? I'm so ready to just quit.My calorie intake use to be at 1200 but after doing a little research I bumped it up to 1400 about a week ago.


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Well, at your current weight and height you're at a healthy bmi. So any changes - in shape or weight - will be slow.

    Is there a particular number on the scale you want to see - and if so, why?

    Or is there a dress size you'd like to be? Or a body shape? What's your exercise routine? Do you do any strength work?
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I'm currently 135 and about 5'1-5'2. I'm a vegetarian and I work out at least 4-5 a week. I started the 30 day shred two days ago and I aim to burn 500+ calories everyday usually I average about 600. When I go to the gym I do the elliptical,treadmill and strength train a little (for about 15min). No matter what I do I can't lose weight. I haven't really seen a physical change in my body either. I eat mainly apples,peanut butter,corn,potatoes,a little pasta (but only the last few days),bananas,and beans. I sometimes eat omelets for breakfast or special k. cereal. Literally thats all I eat,no fast food. What am I doing wrong? I'm so ready to just quit.My calorie intake use to be at 1200 but after doing a little research I bumped it up to 1400 about a week ago.

    At 135 and 5'2" that's not a bad weight for you is it? You look good in your profile pic. Without seeing your exact macro's but seeing the typical foods you eat I would say that you're lacking in protein. Protein not only aids in muscle recovery and growth but there's also an affect on metabolism and weight loss. Google "the thermic effect of protein". I would recommend reducing the amount of pasta you eat as it's not a great source of carbs. Limit carbs to small amount of fruit, veggies, red potatoes, sweet potatoes / yams, and maybe brown rice. What level of a vegetarian are you? Can you eat fish or 100% no meat or fish? You may need to supplement with some protein shakes if that's the case.

    Probably refocus your lifting somehow, 15-minutes is probably not all that effective but not to say that you can't be effective in 30-minutes. I know this gets repeated at nauseum but things like StrongLifts 5x5, Starting Strength, 5/3/1 are great places to start. Some will refute 5/3/1 as a starting point but it does actually work real well for beginners.
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    With your diary locked, it's a bit hard to say. Are you eating back your exercise calories?
  • I would like to be 125.But honestly I just want to tone.The inside of my thighs are wobbly and i have a bit of a stomach.
  • I do some days eat back but on average I'm usually left with about 400-600. The last week or two, i've only had about 100-300 left but I've also been uping my calories to get to comfortable eating because 1200 was too low for me.My main goal is to tone up.Although I'd like to be at 125
  • I'm currently 135 and about 5'1-5'2. I'm a vegetarian and I work out at least 4-5 a week. I started the 30 day shred two days ago and I aim to burn 500+ calories everyday usually I average about 600. When I go to the gym I do the elliptical,treadmill and strength train a little (for about 15min). No matter what I do I can't lose weight. I haven't really seen a physical change in my body either. I eat mainly apples,peanut butter,corn,potatoes,a little pasta (but only the last few days),bananas,and beans. I sometimes eat omelets for breakfast or special k. cereal. Literally thats all I eat,no fast food. What am I doing wrong? I'm so ready to just quit.My calorie intake use to be at 1200 but after doing a little research I bumped it up to 1400 about a week ago.

    At 135 and 5'2" that's not a bad weight for you is it? You look good in your profile pic. Without seeing your exact macro's but seeing the typical foods you eat I would say that you're lacking in protein. Protein not only aids in muscle recovery and growth but there's also an affect on metabolism and weight loss. Google "the thermic effect of protein". I would recommend reducing the amount of pasta you eat as it's not a great source of carbs. Limit carbs to small amount of fruit, veggies, red potatoes, sweet potatoes / yams, and maybe brown rice. What level of a vegetarian are you? Can you eat fish or 100% no meat or fish? You may need to supplement with some protein shakes if that's the case.

    Probably refocus your lifting somehow, 15-minutes is probably not all that effective but not to say that you can't be effective in 30-minutes. I know this gets repeated at nauseum but things like StrongLifts 5x5, Starting Strength, 5/3/1 are great places to start. Some will refute 5/3/1 as a starting point but it does actually work real well for beginners.

    I don't eat any meat. I do try to eat lots of peanuts though.Forgot that in my list.I use to lift weights so i'm not a beginner what exercises should i be doing to tone.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Maybe you should eat meat. Chicken, fish and eggs, at least.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    At that weight you're at a healthy weight and healthy BF%. Your body is smart...it knows that it's at a healthy level and doesn't want to give it up. You have to go really slow. I'd suggest also that you dump some of that cardio and start hitting the weight room. That's going to do more for your body composition than all the cardio in the world and obsessing about diet and some arbitrary scale number.

    You should really have a calorie goal to lose about 0.5 Lbs per week at your current weight and only wanting to drop maybe 10 Lbs or so.

    I'm telling you this coming from the same place. I'm at a healthy BF% now and took some time off to maintain, eat, and lift and really re-evaluate my goals. I'm back at it now with a calorie deficit to lose 1/2 lb per week...it's very difficult to see on the scale because of natural weight fluctuations, but that's not really where my focus is. I know that I should be where I want to be by next October/November and just focusing on eating right and pushing and pulling like a boss. I only weigh myself monthly right now, along with taking my measurements and using my calipers. It's going to be a slow process...I think once you get that through your head it's not that big of a deal...it's when you want it to happen tomorrow that it becomes so frustrating.

    Being a vegetarian, you may want to find some kind of veg protein supplement to make sure you're getting enough. Most vegetarians don't get enough...something they really struggle with (my wife was veg for awhile)..without the protein though, it's really hard to change that body composition.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I'm currently 135 and about 5'1-5'2. I'm a vegetarian and I work out at least 4-5 a week. I started the 30 day shred two days ago and I aim to burn 500+ calories everyday usually I average about 600. When I go to the gym I do the elliptical,treadmill and strength train a little (for about 15min). No matter what I do I can't lose weight. I haven't really seen a physical change in my body either. I eat mainly apples,peanut butter,corn,potatoes,a little pasta (but only the last few days),bananas,and beans. I sometimes eat omelets for breakfast or special k. cereal. Literally thats all I eat,no fast food. What am I doing wrong? I'm so ready to just quit.My calorie intake use to be at 1200 but after doing a little research I bumped it up to 1400 about a week ago.

    At 135 and 5'2" that's not a bad weight for you is it? You look good in your profile pic. Without seeing your exact macro's but seeing the typical foods you eat I would say that you're lacking in protein. Protein not only aids in muscle recovery and growth but there's also an affect on metabolism and weight loss. Google "the thermic effect of protein". I would recommend reducing the amount of pasta you eat as it's not a great source of carbs. Limit carbs to small amount of fruit, veggies, red potatoes, sweet potatoes / yams, and maybe brown rice. What level of a vegetarian are you? Can you eat fish or 100% no meat or fish? You may need to supplement with some protein shakes if that's the case.

    Probably refocus your lifting somehow, 15-minutes is probably not all that effective but not to say that you can't be effective in 30-minutes. I know this gets repeated at nauseum but things like StrongLifts 5x5, Starting Strength, 5/3/1 are great places to start. Some will refute 5/3/1 as a starting point but it does actually work real well for beginners.

    I don't eat any meat. I do try to eat lots of peanuts though.Forgot that in my list.I use to lift weights so i'm not a beginner what exercises should i be doing to tone.

    Okay, then you definitely need to get some kind of protein supplement, be it whey, egg, or hemp. Not sure about soy, haven't liked what I've read about it.

    Honestly, I would buy a copy of Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 eBook and just read that as it's a very good book. Or you can easily get StrongLifts 5x5 for free.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Maybe you should eat meat. Chicken, fish and eggs, at least.

    LOL, she's a vegetarian so that's a no-go. It's her life-choice and she will just need to get some kind of supplement.
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    I do some days eat back but on average I'm usually left with about 400-600. The last week or two, i've only had about 100-300 left but I've also been uping my calories to get to comfortable eating because 1200 was too low for me.My main goal is to tone up.Although I'd like to be at 125

    ^^ this looks like your answer. If you are netting under 1200 calories you are smack in the middle of "starvation mode" argument. Whether you agree with the arguements or not, it is likely that you will stall. You mention that you have upped your calories which is great, but I would aim to net at least 1200. I was on 1200 for a while and stalled out. As soon as I upped to 1400 I started to lose. Just don't expect it to happen immediately - you need to give any changes a few weeks to start working.
  • At that weight you're at a healthy weight and healthy BF%. Your body is smart...it knows that it's at a healthy level and doesn't want to give it up. You have to go really slow. I'd suggest also that you dump some of that cardio and start hitting the weight room. That's going to do more for your body composition than all the cardio in the world and obsessing about diet and some arbitrary scale number.

    You should really have a calorie goal to lose about 0.5 Lbs per week at your current weight and only wanting to drop maybe 10 Lbs or so.

    I'm telling you this coming from the same place. I'm at a healthy BF% now and took some time off to maintain, eat, and lift and really re-evaluate my goals. I'm back at it now with a calorie deficit to lose 1/2 lb per week...it's very difficult to see on the scale because of natural weight fluctuations, but that's not really where my focus is. I know that I should be where I want to be by next October/November and just focusing on eating right and pushing and pulling like a boss. I only weigh myself monthly right now, along with taking my measurements and using my calipers. It's going to be a slow process...I think once you get that through your head it's not that big of a deal...it's when you want it to happen tomorrow that it becomes so frustrating.

    Being a vegetarian, you may want to find some kind of veg protein supplement to make sure you're getting enough. Most vegetarians don't get enough...something they really struggle with (my wife was veg for awhile)..without the protein though, it's really hard to change that body composition.

    Thank you. I do plan on getting more protein. What shakes or supplements are good? Any tips on toning? My things are my target area followed by my stomach. My arms and legs are pretty sculpted.
  • I do some days eat back but on average I'm usually left with about 400-600. The last week or two, i've only had about 100-300 left but I've also been uping my calories to get to comfortable eating because 1200 was too low for me.My main goal is to tone up.Although I'd like to be at 125

    ^^ this looks like your answer. If you are netting under 1200 calories you are smack in the middle of "starvation mode" argument. Whether you agree with the arguements or not, it is likely that you will stall. You mention that you have upped your calories which is great, but I would aim to net at least 1200. I was on 1200 for a while and stalled out. As soon as I upped to 1400 I started to lose. Just don't expect it to happen immediately - you need to give any changes a few weeks to start working.

    Yes I upped to 1400 calories a day. And when I work out I eat some of my calories back. Any tips for toning and what protein supplements are good. For toning how long before I can expect results?
  • I'm currently 135 and about 5'1-5'2. I'm a vegetarian and I work out at least 4-5 a week. I started the 30 day shred two days ago and I aim to burn 500+ calories everyday usually I average about 600. When I go to the gym I do the elliptical,treadmill and strength train a little (for about 15min). No matter what I do I can't lose weight. I haven't really seen a physical change in my body either. I eat mainly apples,peanut butter,corn,potatoes,a little pasta (but only the last few days),bananas,and beans. I sometimes eat omelets for breakfast or special k. cereal. Literally thats all I eat,no fast food. What am I doing wrong? I'm so ready to just quit.My calorie intake use to be at 1200 but after doing a little research I bumped it up to 1400 about a week ago.

    At 135 and 5'2" that's not a bad weight for you is it? You look good in your profile pic. Without seeing your exact macro's but seeing the typical foods you eat I would say that you're lacking in protein. Protein not only aids in muscle recovery and growth but there's also an affect on metabolism and weight loss. Google "the thermic effect of protein". I would recommend reducing the amount of pasta you eat as it's not a great source of carbs. Limit carbs to small amount of fruit, veggies, red potatoes, sweet potatoes / yams, and maybe brown rice. What level of a vegetarian are you? Can you eat fish or 100% no meat or fish? You may need to supplement with some protein shakes if that's the case.

    Probably refocus your lifting somehow, 15-minutes is probably not all that effective but not to say that you can't be effective in 30-minutes. I know this gets repeated at nauseum but things like StrongLifts 5x5, Starting Strength, 5/3/1 are great places to start. Some will refute 5/3/1 as a starting point but it does actually work real well for beginners.

    I don't eat any meat. I do try to eat lots of peanuts though.Forgot that in my list.I use to lift weights so i'm not a beginner what exercises should i be doing to tone.

    Okay, then you definitely need to get some kind of protein supplement, be it whey, egg, or hemp. Not sure about soy, haven't liked what I've read about it.

    Honestly, I would buy a copy of Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 eBook and just read that as it's a very good book. Or you can easily get StrongLifts 5x5 for free.

    Thanks I downloaded the strong lifts app. What protein supplement do you suggest? I really want to tone my thighs there my major area. My legs and arms are pretty defined already. My back could also use some toning as well. How long after I start serious weight training will I start to notice a difference?
  • At that weight you're at a healthy weight and healthy BF%. Your body is smart...it knows that it's at a healthy level and doesn't want to give it up. You have to go really slow. I'd suggest also that you dump some of that cardio and start hitting the weight room. That's going to do more for your body composition than all the cardio in the world and obsessing about diet and some arbitrary scale number.

    You should really have a calorie goal to lose about 0.5 Lbs per week at your current weight and only wanting to drop maybe 10 Lbs or so.

    I'm telling you this coming from the same place. I'm at a healthy BF% now and took some time off to maintain, eat, and lift and really re-evaluate my goals. I'm back at it now with a calorie deficit to lose 1/2 lb per week...it's very difficult to see on the scale because of natural weight fluctuations, but that's not really where my focus is. I know that I should be where I want to be by next October/November and just focusing on eating right and pushing and pulling like a boss. I only weigh myself monthly right now, along with taking my measurements and using my calipers. It's going to be a slow process...I think once you get that through your head it's not that big of a deal...it's when you want it to happen tomorrow that it becomes so frustrating.

    Being a vegetarian, you may want to find some kind of veg protein supplement to make sure you're getting enough. Most vegetarians don't get enough...something they really struggle with (my wife was veg for awhile)..without the protein though, it's really hard to change that body composition.
  • At that weight you're at a healthy weight and healthy BF%. Your body is smart...it knows that it's at a healthy level and doesn't want to give it up. You have to go really slow. I'd suggest also that you dump some of that cardio and start hitting the weight room. That's going to do more for your body composition than all the cardio in the world and obsessing about diet and some arbitrary scale number.

    You should really have a calorie goal to lose about 0.5 Lbs per week at your current weight and only wanting to drop maybe 10 Lbs or so.

    I'm telling you this coming from the same place. I'm at a healthy BF% now and took some time off to maintain, eat, and lift and really re-evaluate my goals. I'm back at it now with a calorie deficit to lose 1/2 lb per week...it's very difficult to see on the scale because of natural weight fluctuations, but that's not really where my focus is. I know that I should be where I want to be by next October/November and just focusing on eating right and pushing and pulling like a boss. I only weigh myself monthly right now, along with taking my measurements and using my calipers. It's going to be a slow process...I think once you get that through your head it's not that big of a deal...it's when you want it to happen tomorrow that it becomes so frustrating.

    Being a vegetarian, you may want to find some kind of veg protein supplement to make sure you're getting enough. Most vegetarians don't get enough...something they really struggle with (my wife was veg for awhile)..without the protein though, it's really hard to change that body composition.

    Thank you. What protein supplement do you suggest? I will up my weight training but how long before I start to see a difference? My thighs are my problem area and my back needs toning as well.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    you burn 600 calories a day then you go burn more?? You are not eating enough. You need to eat 1700 or more a day.
  • tcraw15
    tcraw15 Posts: 223 Member
    Do you eat yogurt or fruit besides bananas? The greek yogurt I eat has 23g of protein per serving. I just mix it with fruit since it's plain yogurt.