getting married in 15 mo & can't stop eating!

Hey ;
I recently got engaged and we have booked our wedding date. I am blissfully happy.... except for being overweight. I just can't seem to get myself into a good routine and can't stop eating like crap. I do really well for a while and then.... CRASH, BANG BOOM!! I fall straight off the wagon again. I need some help!!!!!!


  • zilkram
    zilkram Posts: 8
    The only problem with falling off the wagon is not getting back on it again. It's ok to have a 'bad' day - it doesn't mean it's all been for nothing and you might as well give up.

    Perhaps you're being too strict with yourself when you are being 'good', so it's really hard to stick with?

    Try having a cheat day per week, when you can have what you want (within reason). It shouldn't make much difference to losing, as long as you don't go completely overboard.
  • I think you might be right. I get too focused on " I can't have that I don't want to waste the 100 calories" and I just deny myself things and then I binge!! I will eat like crap. I need to focus less on being so strict and say its ok to go 150 calories over "budget" ... it's not okay however to be 700 calories over! I think once I get beck into a goo routine with the gym and get the eating under control I will feel less stressed out about it.
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    I don't have cheat days as they don't work for me, personally. However, I don't deny myself either! If that chocolate bar fits into my calories for the day, I am eating it!! :laugh:

    I think you are caught in the same cycle most of us have been at some point....I ate 5 chips, I ruined the week, I may as well eat the whole bag and start again on MONDAY.....Be kind to yourself. Eat a little of what you fancy. And remember, a bad day does not discount all the hard work before or after that.

    You can do this! :flowerforyou:
  • I don't have cheat days as they don't work for me, personally. However, I don't deny myself either! If that chocolate bar fits into my calories for the day, I am eating it!! :laugh:

    I think you are caught in the same cycle most of us have been at some point....I ate 5 chips, I ruined the week, I may as well eat the whole bag and start again on MONDAY.....Be kind to yourself. Eat a little of what you fancy. And remember, a bad day does not discount all the hard work before or after that.

    You can do this! :flowerforyou:

    YEEES!!! I do exactly that!!! I need to get out of that mindset!!!
  • amberrea82
    amberrea82 Posts: 232 Member
    Ah hun I think we've all been there more than once! I don't do cheat days either. The way I see things, nothing is forbidden. If I want bacon, I'll have bacon (because it's so freaking delicious!). I just keep my portions of everything as reasonable as possible and track it. If I don't account for everything I did in the day (good and bad) I'm not doing myself any favours. If I don't see the results I want on weigh-in day, I still log it and carry on. Squeeze in a little longer walk or workout, drink more water, whatever I think I can do better this week. And constantly telling yourself why you're doing this, what you want out of it, how amazing you are going to feel (and look in your wedding dress!) will really change things. Instead of listening to that negative voice, start listening to the positive. You are your best cheerleader. And set small goals and make small changes. Don't try to go all out all at once. That's when you plummet headfirst off that wagon! You got this girl. :)