Any Ladies who started or are around 230 lbs.?

What is your exercise routine/meal plan?


  • amandarawr06
    amandarawr06 Posts: 251 Member
    I started at 222.8lbs.

    Right now I am eating about 1600 cals a day, and I try to get out to the gym 3-5 days a week. I mostly do cardio for an hour, but at least a few times a week, I try to bring in weight training, and do a bit of both.
    About once a week (or more) I do Jillian Michaels 'Ripped in 30' because I find it to be a really good strength workout.
  • trishmce
    trishmce Posts: 59
    I started here at 230 now 219. I spin for 45 minutes 3X a week and for 60minutes 2X a week. I walk for 3-4 miles 2-3X a week and lift (hard---you have to sweat) 4 times a week and do some core work 4 times a week.
    I have a base of about 1300 calories and go up if I stall. Also, I have a gluten intolerance so I don't have alot of refined carbs in my diet by default
  • rmcminn89
    rmcminn89 Posts: 37
    I started at 237. I am eating 1240 calories per day, but I usually eat back atleast 50% of my exercise calories, more if I'm hungry. I do a little combination of everything from ZUMBA, kickboxing classes, using the C25K app, and weight lifting. My goal is to work out atleast 5 days per week, even if its just 30 minutes. My rest days are not consecutive, I try to split them up by 2 or 3 days.
  • pinkpatron
    pinkpatron Posts: 154
    My bigget I was 215-220 that was back in 2011 and I started in 2012 working out.

    I'm now 175ish but my last 15lbs were lost recently since I joined a gym.

    I go 5 days a week, I do 45 min on the elliptical, 20 min stair master, 20 min arc trainer thing and then various weights. I also bicycle about 5 miles a day. I'm trying to burn over 1k calories a day.

    I eat fresh, non preservatives. Low carb, no dairy (very minimal if i have to) Water, lots of water. also protein shakes and pre training igniters.
  • mamaofscj
    mamaofscj Posts: 24 Member
    I started mfp when I was hovering at 225lbs in October of 2011. Today I'm down 39 lbs. I started by working out about 2-3 times a week at the gym - walking fast and tried jogging at 4.0 mph for 25 mins, then I'd use this ski machine (I call it a butt machine bc it works great for the butt lol) for about 5 mins, the elliptical for about 10-15 mins, then stretches. Through the last year I've increased everything I do. I now jog at about 5.0 for about 5-10 mins at a time, then speed walk until I catch my breath and go again - I do this for about 30-60 mins. I enjoy jogging outdoors and climbing stairs in my city's River Valley and where I used to be able to only climb them once, I can now do them about 3 times. I use dumbbells now too, started at 3lbs in January and increased to 5lbs this past week. I used to struggle to do 10 squats, now I can do 30-50 straight. I also tried aquafit, zumba, step class, and a full body circuit class - all quite enjoyable! I was eating 1350 calories/day and now I'm eating 1300 calories per day. I am able to now make healthy choices without dreading them as well, so when they say it's a "lifestyle change" they're not kidding! My first goal weight was to get to 200 lbs, I reached that in about January of 2013 and now my new goal weight is 180 lbs, I'm hoping to be there soon. I'm happy with my progress because I've been able to maintain and keep all the weight off that I've lost. I do fluctuate between about 4 lbs on a bad week lol...but just means I have to work harder to lose it. My final goal weight is 150 lbs and I'm 5'7. :D
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    I started out at 220 in November 2012, I am now 179. I run Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, and I do Stronglifts 2-3 times a week. I run about 20km a week at the moment. I have been vegetarian for 30 years and eat between 1600-2000 calories a day. I eat whatever I want but try to keep it pretty healthy. I do like my chocolate though! My plan is to exercise lots because it will give me a better body shape and let's me eat as much as I want, 1200 calories wouldn't work for me.
  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    I started at 214.5 last August. I worked my way up from about 20-30 minutes 3x a week on the treadmill to 70 minutes 6x a week, also increasing speed and incline along the way. I also added Pilates for 20 minutes 3x a week in the fall, and then early this year, I added 20-30 minutes of upper body strength traing 3x a week. I had major surgery a week ago and will be unable to exercise for the next 4-5 weeks:( I will start from scratch again as soon as my doctor gives me the go ahead. Good luck to you!

    Edited to add: I forgot to give you my food plan! I am doing South Beach, because I had a big problem with sugar and other white carbs. It has worked very well for me. I intend it to be a lifestyle, cause I just cannot gain all that weight back. Now that i am at my goal, i allow myself a treat once a week, like pizza and ice cream. I *may* try to lose another 4-9 lbs once I am recovered from the surgery (a hysterectomy).
  • trishmce
    trishmce Posts: 59
    I started here at 230 now 219. I spin for 45 minutes 3X a week and for 60minutes 2X a week. I walk for 3-4 miles 2-3X a week and lift (hard---you have to sweat) 4 times a week and do some core work 4 times a week.
    I have a base of about 1300 calories and go up if I stall. Also, I have a gluten intolerance so I don't have alot of refined carbs in my diet by default

    Sorry meant started at 240
  • sharylelovasco1
    sharylelovasco1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I have been on and off and now I need more help than anything.
    I am at 215 but I am hoping with all you who are at near the same as me I thought we could help each other through this.

    Oh I do stationary cycling 30 min walk 30 min zumba 30 min
    I eat very low calorie diet, no bread no fast food no sweats, I drink lots of water. it may not be for everyone but its what I am doing.
  • Livylove90
    Livylove90 Posts: 14
    I started at about 240lbs size 22/24 about two years ago, currently 180 size 14. The first 30 or so pounds I lost by walking a few days a week for a mile and just netting around 1700 calories a week, easy peasy stuff. I have had a few months the past two years where I tended to fall off the wagon (Not completely I always ended up maintaining or having a slow loss 3lbs a month) so its taken me two years to get where I am but I am okay with that because I've managed to keep the weight I've lost from coming back! Lol

    It seems around Spring I really get motivated again so thats where most of my weight loss comes from. So since this past April (I made my way down to 183lbs) I dropped my calories to around 1500-1600net, and I have kick started my exercise regime working out 4 days a week 40-60min: Cardio is a mix walking 2miles on lazy days or hitting the AMT/Elliptical machines for at least a good half hour. Ive only recently started incorporating weight lifting. Unfortunately I have a hard time enjoying it the same way I do cardio so I only tend to lift maybe 2 days a week for 20 min. I also try to just keep myself moving throughout the day as much as possible. Even small things like fidgeting or leg lifts while in bed lol.

    My weight loss has been slow but that's mainly because I kept it that way by stalling myself out. Consistency is a big must if you want to see results fast, you must be constant but that doesnt mean you cant treat yourself or never foul up. Trust me I have had a lot of cheat meals/Days intentionally or otherwise, but the reason Ive been able to keep it off and not regain is by making sure to forgive myself and to start again the next day.

    Good luck.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I started at 233. I run 5 days a week. I "net" 1200 calories (I eat 1500-2300 per day). Nothing fancy, just eating fewer calories than I use most days, getting some exercise, and sticking with it for the long term.