starting all over again gained 50 lbs back

I would love to hear from anyone who had the same weight lost journey as I did. Back in 2008 I reached the scale to almost 200 lbs and my doctor prescribed me a diet pills that helped me out tremendously. I started eating healthier and was working out almost 4-5 days a week doing cardio and strength training (weights).

I was 20 lbs close to my goal weight of 125 lbs in September 2010 and I plateaued until I stopped working out because I was getting sick every month. Beginning of 2011 I was 154 lbs and I still look good but I didn't have the same energy and the diet pills side effect (migraine) was really bad that I stopped taking it. End of 2011 I've almost gain everything back and was up to 180+. Then 2012 was the worst year ever for me, I've lost my job.

Now 2013, I hit the scale again up to 198 lbs and hit me really hard realizing how easy it is to be fat and gain everything back so quick.

I really need support... Any advise or thoughts? I'm 5'3 and I really want to know the healthy weight for my height and body frame. I would say I'm medium built. I love walking and I started walking a few months ago and lost 11 lbs but my right ankle been bugging me that I haven't walked in week again.


  • Suewags
    Suewags Posts: 57 Member
    I know how easy it is for the weight to go back on. It seems like it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to make it come off and then in no time it can go back on.

    It sounds like stress and emotions have a lot to do with your weight. When things were tough in your life, you gained back. That's going to be the biggest thing to get a handle on. You know how important eating well and exercising is, and you know it can work for you (it did when you were exercising 4-5 times a week), so it's not like you don't know what to do. It's that the emotions derail your efforts and make you make bad choices. So you need to figure out a way to handle emotions and stress in another way (rather than with food) and you need to separate in your head food from emotions. Food is merely a means to keep your body running, it's not a soother for when you've had a bad day, or a treat because you did something good, or a party to celebrate an event. Food is just fuel. If you can start thinking of it like that and try to find other things to use for when you're happy, sad, stressed, then it will get easier.

    Good luck. I know it's discouraging, but keep at it.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    There are many, many, many people here who have lost weight and gained it back. What can we do except learn from our mistakes and try again? I know how easy it is to gain. A few years back I lost 40 of the 70ish pounds that I needed to lose. I was on a VLCD and working out. I got burned out and decided to maintain for a while. Well, I didn't maintain. Over a period of time I gained back about 15 of what I lost. I've lost that plus a few more pounds since January. The key for me is that I've learned to lose on a reasonable calorie deficit. No, I'm not dropping 2 or 3 pounds a week. I'm doing well if I lose 1 pound per week. I think losing this way is helping me learn what a reasonable amount of food is and it will be easier to switch to maintenance once I do lose the weight. If I can't learn to eat reasonably now I don't stand much of a chance of keeping the weight off.

    The diet pills don't help you learn to eat a reasonable amount because you can eat very little and not feel the side effects right away. It's possible that you were getting sick and didn't have much energy because you weren't fueling your body enough.

    I'm 5'4" and I'm not really sure what my goal weight is so I have a weight range in mind instead. When I lift weights more than do cardio I don't lose very many pounds, if any. I tend to lose inches. My body is firmer and looks better but I weigh more. So along with the weight range I have a goal size in mind.

    I enjoy walking, too. It's great for low impact exercise and it helps me clear my mind and have some quiet time. When I started walking in January I was wearing old shoes and my knees started to hurt. Once I bought some new exercise shoes the pain went away. Old shoes don't give your joints the cushioning they need on impact. Maybe that would help you.

    Give mfp's recommendations for losing one pound a week a try. If you exercise, eat the calories that you burn.
  • angiedelhotal
    I also lost 50 pounds only to start creeping up again. I am finding it very hard to lose this go round, not sure whether it's the dreaded pre menopausal creep, my lousy eating ( or rather friends who are phenomenal cooks :) , or a combination of both probably.
    Just try to keep track of your food and make movement a part of every day, and I mean the sweaty, red faced, look like crap movement.. I'm a big fan of jazzercise, if you've never tried it it's a great time with a great group of ladies; and you don't even have to have rhythm or timing for it to be effective! Whatever you do, make it fun, and get with a group of people you enjoy to help make you a little more accountable.
    You probably know all of these things, but this time take it slow and make it a lifestyle rather than a "diet".

    Good luck and keep us informed :)
  • Wilmingtonbelle
    Wilmingtonbelle Posts: 255 Member
    Congrats on taking the first step which is starting over! :flowerforyou:

    As you can see, you are not alone. A year ago I was within 30 lbs of my goal weight having lost over 70 lbs. I was working out every over day, eating well and I had an awesome new wardrobe. Out of the clear blue, I was diagnosed with a significant health issue so my focus was in a different place. Meds made me sleep a lot, no energy and the weight came back so fast I couldn't believe it. My health improved but my weight was almost back to where I started.

    So, I'm baccckkkk! :drinker:

    MFP worked for me before and it will work again. I made a few changes, adding heavy lifting to my exercise routine and eating more fiber to fill me up. And I entered a 5k, something I have never done but felt I needed a big goal to aim towards!

    My advice: don't beat yourself up, surround yourself with inspiring, supportive people (MFPals), reward yourself along the way and when things get tough, remind yourself how awesome you felt when you weighed less and focus on taking healthy steps to get you there .

    You can do this! :happy:

  • JudieJudes
    JudieJudes Posts: 174 Member
    Hi AngelBlue

    Well done you for getting back on the wagon ... half the battle is admitting you need a little help & support (as we all do). Adding your motivation and capacity for change sounds like a good recipe to me.

    You have achieved weight loss before and I am sure you can again.

    I hope your health issues are improved as that would free your mind up for lifestyle changes that will lead to a fitter and healthy you :)

    Take Care

  • CynthiaAnne70
    CynthiaAnne70 Posts: 4 Member
    I've lost. I've gained. I'm back.
    Back to trying. New to MFPal.
    I hear "you've done it before, you know what to do" a lot. It is hard to be consistent for the long haul,,, but THAT is what it takes! Consistency, slow and steady. I hate the new "fat shape" my body has taken on with age! I'm 42 and 5' tall. I feel way more "blubbery" this time. I have at minimum 35 # to lose. And I will. So will you!!
  • EuSaNaD
    EuSaNaD Posts: 33
    I am 5'2", and I would also consider myself to have a medium build. My doctor said that a good weight for me would be somewhere between 130-135 lbs. It's great that you're ready to start over! Life comes with challenges, but they don't have to define us!! You've done it before, and there's no doubt you can be successful again!! I lost 60-70 pounds before I had two kids, and I'm now getting close to having lost about 60 pounds again. You can do it!!! :happy:
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    My story is quite similar. After 14 years of marriage and 5 kids, I was overweight (185). My first loss was EASY and fast, I lost 50 pounds and got down to my goal weight of 135 (this was 2006). I kept it for a while, but then about 5 pounds a year crept back on, with a little more here and there. Until, 180s again! None of the clothes from even last summer fit.

    I was pretty sedentary before the first weight loss, and that had all changed. Activity is now a major part of my life and has been all these years. Yet the weight had still come back, even with working out over an hour a day!

    So a couple weeks ago I got on here at MFP and have committed to tracking calories. It's still hard to keep them in check at even 2000 per day, so I can see that I was probably eating more than that every day ... eating more than I was burning, even with my activity (which had decreased a bit over the years).

    I've already seen some success, so I'm hopeful that I'll be able to get back down to at least 150. I remember feeling pretty good there, but anything over was where I could see it in my face and in photos. MFP has a good data base, it's easy to add personal entries, and I have the app on my phone ... so no excuses not to track. I have a Fitbit and that tracks all my activity for me automatically and the two sites sync together. Love that!

    So you're not alone - I'm right there with you!
  • mlogantra76
    mlogantra76 Posts: 334 Member
    Good for you for getting back on track. If your ankle continues to hurt, I would not try to exercise anyways. I've always heard that it is more about what you are eating then exercise. I had lost 120 lbs and maintained that weight loss for almost 10 years and then allowed myself to regain probably close to 30 lbs(I refuse to step on a scale). The hardest part was acknowledging that I had regained and deciding to do something about it. You have done that! Good for you! I found mfp a day after I started trying to lose the regain and it has really really helped me out. I have dropped several sizes and estimate that I'm within 10-15 lbs of my goal! Celebrate the small victories along the way. I remember in mid February after I was a month in, I got rid of my "fat clothes" and was able to go down a size! It felt awesome! Then, those got too loose and I went a smaller size. Don't focus too much on the amount you regained or have to lose, just get started and you celebrate your progress as you go. I once read a quote on someone's signature that said words to the affect that time is going to pass whether I choose to eat/be healthy or not. Everyone has to start somewhere and 3 months from now(or sooner) you will be so glad you did!
  • mom2dzbnwe
    mom2dzbnwe Posts: 129 Member
    I have a similar story. I was going through a divorce in 2002 and found myself tipping the scales at 230lbs. I started walking/jogging 4 days a week after work, then found these "new" (circa 2002) diet pills with ephedrine! Fabulous (so I thought)!!! I dropped 80lbs in 8 months just walking/jogging 4 days a week and not eating much(because I wasnt hungry--thanks to pills and my personal life). I was down to 150, wearing size 10 or 8 (I'm 5'10") and looking good. Then I scheduled a yearly physical (since it'd been 2 years since I'd had one), and was told to fast after 6p.m. until my 830a.m. appt where they'd be doing blood work. I woke up at about 430a.m. and needed to used the thing i remember I was lying outside my bathroom door and my shoulder and head were pounding (I had passed out and slammed into the door frame). Came to, walked to the toilet, did my thing, then stood up and blacked out again!! I came to this time with a banged up shin...I litterally dragged myself to the kitchen...scared to death!!!! I grabbed a banana and said so much for fasting! Half a banana later, I felt okay enough to walk to the couch.
    That was the end of my ephedra pills!!
    And 6 months later I married a wonderful guy....Fast forward to March 2013 (a college degree, 2 more baby boys, and lots of other life stuff later) and I again found myself at 230lbs...I said I'd NEVER be back to that weight!
    So, I found MFP and have started trying to make healthy choices. It's tough. This is SHEER determination and will magic pills to help. I do have a great husband who supports me and encourages me, even though he won't joing me in a healthier diet (yet!!). I'm down a total of 43lbs right now...but still have at least 30lbs to go...maybe 40. I'm gonna make it though! And so will you!!!