Please support me through my gastric bypass surgery

Hello everyone, I am one week out from having gastric bypass surgery. I'm still very sore and on only liquids, so it is rough when your hungry. I think I will post some thoughts about my weight loss journey and hope some of you will give me courage and support to succeed. I know this will be a long hard road to travel on. I'm actually feeling alone and scared right now. If anyone has any ideas on how to keep my mind off the bad thoughts please let me know. I will be posting my weight loss on June 4th after my checkup. Take care everyone and keep love in your heart.


  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    I know absolutely nothing about gastric bypass surgery, but am always happy to be friends with and support anyone.
    I admire your resolve, and will be interested to see how it all works for you.
    Good luck, :happy:
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    Stick to liquids for as long as your doctor recommends. You have had major surgery and there is a lot of stitching in there that needs to heal. Don't be in a hurry and concentrate on getting in your fluids and protein. Head hunger is something that you will always battle. Surgery doesnt get rid of it. Surgery is an amazing tool to help you, but it doesnt work alone. This is a new way of life for you now. As soon as you can start exercising as tolerated. If they offer support group with your surgeon's office I suggest taking part in it. Also, there are several good online support groups that will prove invaluable to you. At some point you will be able to eat again and if you do not establish good habits now the weight will come back. Wishing you the very best..and remember...walk, sip, walk, sip, rest and repeat ! :happy:
  • srichardallen
    srichardallen Posts: 20 Member
    Sending positive thoughts your way!
  • HealthyLeeLee
    HealthyLeeLee Posts: 97 Member
    Blessings on your journey! Keep us updated :)
  • TheNewLorrain
    TheNewLorrain Posts: 138 Member
    although I am not a gbs candidate or have gone through the event myself I would be more then happy to be supportive in you're journey. Please feel free to add me I will help in anyway I can....Lorrain
  • karen_golfs
    karen_golfs Posts: 377 Member
    Check out this website: When I was contemplating surgery this was a great support tool. I changed my mind at the last minute. Everyone on the site has had surgery of some sort and are very welcoming and helpful. I wish you luck in your journey.
  • marygee1951
    marygee1951 Posts: 148 Member
    Good luck to you!! I'm sure you'll be going through major changes - but they will be positive.

    Here's another website -- you've probably come across it, but just in case......

    obesityhelp dot com

    People there are very supportive and there's loads of information for you.

    Congratulations on taking the big step.

  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    Wishing you quick healing from your surgery and sending positive thoughts your way!:flowerforyou:
  • cakk80
    cakk80 Posts: 1
    Hello there! I too am a week post-op from bypass surgery and feeling pretty great! Thinking of giving My Fitness a go to hold me more accountable. So far my greatest challenge has been eating- I am now on a purée diet that is 4oz every few hours. Delish!
    I feel like I need to be up and moving, but tire quickly. Have started light work on my arms with 3lb weights...
    Good luck in your journey!
  • Kilokata
    Kilokata Posts: 111
    There's no need to feel scared! I'm sure it's overwhelming, and I know you just got cut open and you're recovering, but it's a commonplace surgery now. The road forward might SEEM intimidating, but with a resource like this website there's nothing to be scared of.

    You've taken a huge step towards getting your life back, but you have to remember that bypass surgery is NOT THE SOLUTION, it's just an aid. Use whatever caloric goals your doctor has set out for you and stick to them. Anytime you need support, people around here will help.

    I've never been through what you're going through, but I've been around people with severe weight problems my entire life. My mother has been obese my entire life, and several of my aunts and cousins are as well. Three of them have had bypass surgery. My aunt is down to a totally healthy weight after a 184lb loss, and two of my cousins are still as heavy as they were when they got the surgery. Too many people who go through the procedure think it's a cure-all. My two cousins thought all they had to do was get a bypass and they'd be skinny - despite everything the doctors told them, and all of the education and coaching, they thought it would be easy... and they were wrong. My aunt who is healthy now stuck to her doctor's instructions, began moderate exercise, ate HEALTHY and is now an avid jogger. I used to never see her happy - she was always depressed and quiet. Now? She never shuts up and I haven't seen her without a smile on her face in months.

    All I'm getting at is this: As long as you DON'T think this is an easy way out of your problem, you have NOTHING to be afraid of. The worst part is over. Soon enough you'll be reintroducing things back into your diet. Milks and yogurts and protein shakes should be next, followed by pureed foods like turkey and vegetables and fruits. You'll really start feeling like yourself again as soon as you get some actual FOOD into yourself (even if it IS pureed). After about 3 months you'll be eating normal food again, 3 meals a day.

    My best advice is use the next 3 months to TRAIN YOURSELF how to eat PROPERLY. Use this website! Log EVERY MORSEL you put into your body, and learn how to ration your calories to make sure you don't go hungry. Never eat a huge breakfast or you'll be setting yourself up to fail later in the day.

    It's the beginning of a new life - a whole lifestyle change, and you're going to do fine if you take control.

    I'm rooting for you!
  • KellyTNA
    KellyTNA Posts: 8 Member
    Hello, thank you for commenting. It sounds like I have a good support group here. Thank you to everyone who has replied to my post. With all your strength and mine I know I will get there.
  • KellyTNA
    KellyTNA Posts: 8 Member
    Just to let everyone know I am getting ready to go to my first post opp with my surgeon and see my dietician. I will post what I find out and finally weigh in to see how much I've lost so far. Kind of excited about that. Talk to you all later.
  • aktravers
    aktravers Posts: 25 Member
    I recently read an awesome memoir written by someone who had the surgery. It was called "Stranger Here" by Jen Larsen. You might want to check that out because she's really detailed about the ups and downs of the whole process and it's very well written. Good luck on your journey!
  • KellyTNA
    KellyTNA Posts: 8 Member
    I'm back from my 2 week post opp doctor appointments. My meeting with my surgeon didn't answer any of my questions for me. When I told him that I can't get back up after I lay down to rest, because it feels like my stomach is tearing and ripping apart, It is so painful I have to yell for someone to come and pull me up. All he would say is that I should be able to get up on my own and when I told him I can't he said well you should be able to. That pretty much covers my appointment with my surgeon. The dietician is moving me onto the pureed portion of the diet. I am excited about this except for the part where I have to eat pureed chicken or turkey. I just don't know what that will be like. The big news is how much weight I've lost so far. Since my surgery two weeks ago I've lost 25 pounds. Bringing my total so far to 53 pounds. I'm very happy about that. Now I just need to solve the issue of pain when I try to get up. Take care everyone.