Clinging To Motivation

At the beginning of March, 2 months before my 30th birthday, I threw myself back into trying to get in shape (I took a break over the holidays...).

I weighed 143lbs on March 3rd. I didn't weigh or measure myself again until May 2nd. I didn't want to see numbers, I just wanted to try to get in shape and be healthy. I tried not to consume more than 1400 calories a day, and I worked out 5-6 days a week, first doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, and then doing her Ripped in 30 workout. I did both of these workouts last spring, and though I barely lost weight doing them, I did lose inches and I was in much better shape.

On May 2nd when I weighed and measured myself (3 days before my 30th birthday), I was at 134lbs (a loss of 9lbs), and I'd lost 11.5 inches all over. I was pretty pleased with these results, I felt amazing. I haven't weighed less than 135lbs in my entire adult life, and not in the last 6 years.

After my (long) birthday weekend was over, and I'd let myself splurge (although I did continue working out by running on the treadmill at 5.5 mph for 30 minutes a day), I went back to eating better and working out. Again, I've been limiting myself to 1400 calories a day for the most part, and I've been doing Jillian Michael's Kick Box Fast Fix for the last 4 weeks.

Today I got on the scales and it said 142lbs.


I literally burst into tears right then and there. :( I don't understand it. Even taking into account the fact that I'm on my period, I can't believe that I'm basically back where I started 3 months ago! How is that possible? Did I really gain 8lbs in 4 weeks? Or was that reading of 134lbs just too good to be true?

:\ I've been trying to tell myself all day that it's just period bloat, that numbers don't matter. But I feel so disappointed underneath it all.

I don't even know why I'm writing this. I guess I just need some support. My husband is awesome, and he says he sees a change in my body and it's for the better, but I don't see it. No matter how many people tell me I look good, I still can't see it. I wonder if I'm ever going to. I look in the mirror and my eyes go straight to my stomach. I see that my legs are more toned, and my arms are more muscular and less "chunky", but my stomach stays the same, no matter what I do. It will NOT go away. I lose from everywhere else, especially places I DON'T want to lose from (I'm barely an A cup anymore, bra size wise).

I'm just kind of at the end of my rope in general at this point. :frown:


  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    The last person to see it will be you. I was probably down almost 30 pounds before I could see it. A good 20 pounds after I was getting compliments from everyone else.

    If others are noticing it, believe it. It's happening. So don't get down. Your body can hold water for any number of reasons. A few weeks ago, I weighed myself before I took a bath. I weighed 179. I got out of the bath 10 minutes later. I weighed 182. My skin absorbed 3 pounds of water while bathing. In 10 minutes. Other times it doesn't do it at all. If you are having your period, you can bet it might be retaining water. So don't discount that at all.

    Sounds like you are doing great and just don't want to give yourself credit. Go ahead. Give it up for yourself. Sounds like you deserve it. Others notice it. So unless they are ALL lying to you, you can believe it.

    Kick those negative thoughts to the curb. Because that is what will get in your way.

    Oh, and happy birthday.
  • Thank you so much. :) This post really made me feel better.

    And congratulations on your weight loss!
  • DafMines
    DafMines Posts: 10
    I hear ya girl. My body holds onto extra water weight like a camel. I cannot even drink a glass a wine without gaining a few lbs! I started taking water pills and that has helped but its very frustrating. Give yourself some slack. You have obviously gained some muscle, if you look more toned, and muscle weighs more than fat does. Congrats on your weight loss and don't give up! :drinker:
  • joyousmartin
    joyousmartin Posts: 9 Member
    Just say no to weighing yourself during your period. I won't believe any number on the scale until a few days after my period is over, because it's usually total BS. Also, you could have gained muscle weight in last month. Are your clothes fitting better/too big? Do you feel awesome for working out like a sexy beast? THAT is what matters. :)

    Oh, and make sure you're eating enough, because under-eating can make you hold onto/gain weight like whoa.
  • Sandman978
    Sandman978 Posts: 21
    If you feel that you are not seeing the reults the numbers speak for themselves. I know it might sound childish but on ur mirror in your restroom write the numbers from when u started underneath write what your updates are. When you do this it should bring a smile to your face and encourage you more. It sounds like you are doing a great job. Rome wasn't built in a day. So it will take time but stay with it. I've been where u are minus the pms. God bless and keep up th good work.
  • NitaSmile
    NitaSmile Posts: 1
    Also remember muscle weighs more than fat! So in addition to what the others said about the water retention, perhaps some of the gain can be attributed to increased muscle- which apparently helps burn fat in the long run! Hope this helps.