how do you stay committed?

how do you not let one bad choice turn into weeks, or months of bad choices?
i want to be healthy, fit, smaller, etc.
i hate the way i look and feel.
so why i can't i ever stick with it?

years and years of falling off track.
i never seem to get it right.
i never stick with it for too long.

when i have that one bad choice, i seem to make it an excuse to allow myself to continue.
and that turns into days, which turn into weeks, which turn into months.
i get to the point where i eat anything and everything without even trying to stop myself.

it sucks.
and i want it to stop!
i want to be successful at this!
i need to be.
i want to do all i can to live a long healthy life.

how do i get tough with myself?
somebody please help me understand.


  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    is this a poem?
  • crevices
    crevices Posts: 226 Member
    is this a poem?
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    If my day at the beach today wasn't enough to stay committed, well hell..
    I saw some beautiful bodies.
    I don't want to just be the cute girl anymore.
    I ate terrible today as well. I have to figure out eating healthy in beach mode.
  • crevices
    crevices Posts: 226 Member
    anywho, you suck it all up and do the best you can. depriving yourself of everything will never work, everything has to be slowly worked into. you can't expect to eat junky everyday for a long period of time to becoming the healthiest eater, and maintaining it, overnight. set realistic goals and start off small and work your way up. i started by slowly eliminating junk food, slowly worked into managing my portions, eating more frequent but smaller meals, and now i basically just watch everything i eat and count it all up and i've never had a problem with binging etc. at this point, i actually PREFER vegetables and fruit over sweets. coming from someone who used to eat apple pie, cookies, ice cream, fast-food, etc EVERY day, believe me it's possible.
  • Pink_turnip
    Pink_turnip Posts: 280 Member
    how do you not let one bad choice turn into weeks, or months of bad choices?
    i want to be healthy, fit, smaller, etc.
    i hate the way i look and feel.
    so why i can't i ever stick with it?

    years and years of falling off track.
    i never seem to get it right.
    i never stick with it for too long.

    when i have that one bad choice, i seem to make it an excuse to allow myself to continue.
    and that turns into days, which turn into weeks, which turn into months.
    i get to the point where i eat anything and everything without even trying to stop myself.

    it sucks.
    and i want it to stop!
    i want to be successful at this!
    i need to be.
    i want to do all i can to live a long healthy life.

    how do i get tough with myself?
    somebody please help me understand.

    no one can force you to stick with it, it has to be your decision.
    I find that once I have made a decent chunk of my goal, I'm less likely to give up, though I do have bad days (or weeks). It's going to happen, you just can't let it beat you. Once you notice your bad choices, change them.
  • avalonms
    avalonms Posts: 2,468 Member
    is this a poem?
    It can't be a poem ... it doesn't rhyme.
  • emily_ebooks
    emily_ebooks Posts: 55 Member
    Basically just keep a goal in mind, whether that's a body image or feeling or number, and recognize that you will never achieve it until you try.
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Eventually you get to a point where your beautiful, healthy body becomes so rewarding you don't want to give it up for anything! Just keep trying and focus on the positive and you will get there!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    how do you not let one bad choice turn into weeks, or months of bad choices?
    i want to be healthy, fit, smaller, etc.
    i hate the way i look and feel.
    so why i can't i ever stick with it?

    years and years of falling off track.
    i never seem to get it right.
    i never stick with it for too long.

    when i have that one bad choice, i seem to make it an excuse to allow myself to continue.
    and that turns into days, which turn into weeks, which turn into months.
    i get to the point where i eat anything and everything without even trying to stop myself.

    it sucks.
    and i want it to stop!
    i want to be successful at this!
    i need to be.
    i want to do all i can to live a long healthy life.

    how do i get tough with myself?
    somebody please help me understand.
    it's all the negative self-talk holding you back. Go back and replace every bolded word with a positive word of the same kind, verb, noun, adjective etc.

    at the end you got positive and that outweighs the negative but i fear in your daily life those negatives may be taking over. replace every single negative word up there with a positive word that fits, and re-read it 10 times. Like a poem. a happy positive empowering capable worthy one.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    i believe the inspiration needs to come from some solid soul searching and find it. If you come up with nothing that keeps you going....then you don't want it bad enough yet...
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I tracked every day. I like the cute graphs that mfp does:)
  • kmjacobs93
    kmjacobs93 Posts: 46 Member
    is this a poem?
    It can't be a poem ... it doesn't rhyme.
    Poems don"t have to rhyme....
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    they don't have to rhyme.
    not every time.
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    Find the reasons you want to do it FOR YOU. Not for you friends, family, love life, or society, but the reasons YOU WANT IT. And then, never forget those reasons
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I tracked every day. I like the cute graphs that mfp does:)

    Cute graphs? Where? I love cute graphs - it would be good if they good add well done stars too :laugh:
  • anawhatsme
    anawhatsme Posts: 261 Member
    how do you not let one bad choice turn into weeks, or months of bad choices?
    i want to be healthy, fit, smaller, etc.
    i hate the way i look and feel.
    so why i can't i ever stick with it?

    years and years of falling off track.
    i never seem to get it right.
    i never stick with it for too long.

    when i have that one bad choice, i seem to make it an excuse to allow myself to continue.
    and that turns into days, which turn into weeks, which turn into months.
    i get to the point where i eat anything and everything without even trying to stop myself.

    it sucks.
    and i want it to stop!
    i want to be successful at this!
    i need to be.
    i want to do all i can to live a long healthy life.

    how do i get tough with myself?
    somebody please help me understand.
    it's all the negative self-talk holding you back. Go back and replace every bolded word with a positive word of the same kind, verb, noun, adjective etc.

    at the end you got positive and that outweighs the negative but i fear in your daily life those negatives may be taking over. replace every single negative word up there with a positive word that fits, and re-read it 10 times. Like a peom. a happy positive empowering capable worthy one.

    what a beautiful and insightful message.
    thank you very much!

    i'm going to do what you suggested!
  • grrouchie
    grrouchie Posts: 4 Member
    What worked for me (finally) was small changes over time.
    I've been big most of my life. Last year I topped out at over 300 pounds and decided enough was enough.
    1st step was cutting way back on fast food at work. I started packing a lunch.
    It wasn't the healthiest, but it was packed and not fast food.
    After a couple of months I was packing my lunch every day and then started making slow changes to what I was bringing.
    Getting rid of some of the worse foods and replacing them with healthier choices.
    Started bringing a salad most days. After a few months changed my dressing to something healthier.

    Once you see the progress you won't want to go back. It takes some time to get there but it's all worth it in the end.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    I don't, I just give up
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    I stay committed with a little help from friends at my special hospital and the nice mask they gave me that stops me eating so much...

  • anawhatsme
    anawhatsme Posts: 261 Member
    I stay committed with a little help from friends at my special hospital and the nice mask they gave me that stops me eating so much...


    now i'm totally distracted by the hannibal lector thing.
    those movies made me love anthony hopkins.
    best potrayal EVER!