need encouragement

My weigh in was bad. Went to the gym and the non digital scale was 3 lbs different from mine. Went and bought a new scale that was not digital and it was the same. The scale that I was using was digital and was off. Not sure if my hard work is really working.


  • Waters914
    Waters914 Posts: 3 Member
    Just the fact that you went to the gym isgood enough to start. Keep pushing forward and don't be discouraged.:wink:
  • ayedemi17
    ayedemi17 Posts: 12 Member
    I too had a bad weigh in, but I am also measuring things like my hips, thighs, waist, arms, and neck to see how I am progressing. And even though the fact that I gained weight hurts, I am keeping my spirits up because it is really about the inches. So keep working...we are here to feel better and be healthy and not be constantly worrying about the scale :) Hope this helps.
  • Thank you. When you think that you are doing well this is a set back.
  • I got on the scale on Friday and had gained 10+ lbs. I own it. I have not been being conscious of what I eat nor have I been exercising. Today is a new day, got on the scale, recorded my new weight and tracking my food. You can't fix a problem unless you own there is one. Also, went the grocery store yesterday to get food, so I won't be eating out.
  • cfriend71
    cfriend71 Posts: 207 Member
    Don't get discouraged, keep going. I have been there. I lost 24 lbs now since April 27th but it wasn't always this easy for me. I found the secret that works for me....
  • mhcoss
    mhcoss Posts: 220
    weight fluctuates week to week. You also should always weigh yourself at the same time of day on the same scale wearing the exact same clothing if you want to accurately track progress.

    Weigh yourself in the AM after you use the restroom before you eat. Do this once a week every Sunday or any day that suits you.. this will help you see if you r making progress or need to cut kcals further!

    Hope this helps you can do it!
  • Thank you! You are right. Do not look at the scale look at what inches and how you feel. The scale can be your worst enemy.
  • jenneyer
    jenneyer Posts: 2 Member
    try not being so consumed with the "weight" part...I did that to myself in the beginning as someone else posted, measurements are a better gauge..afterall muscle weighs more! I know for me anyway, eating clean and healthy makes me feel good! and that is what matters, not so much focus on what I weigh:wink:

    Keep your chin up!
  • Thank you all for the support! I really appreciate it. Today is my birthday, and was hoping to have a better weight in. However, I will work harder this week and do better. Every day is a new one. Thanks!!
  • CoachBrandice
    CoachBrandice Posts: 9 Member
    Hey Amanda,

    Happy Birthday!

    The scale sure is finicky isn't it! Excellent advice above to take the fluctuation in stride. We can't control what the scale says, we can only control our healthy habits. I encourage clients to pick one habit to focus on at a time and nail it each and every day until it becomes a way of life. What's one habit you could focus on next week that would make the biggest impact towards your goals? You don't have to share (but you can if you like!).

    Enjoy being celebrated today!
  • Thanks! This week joined a new gym. My old gym was becoming a social event not working out. Also, did workout with a trainer yesterday. Decided that this will assist me to get me back on track. He is working on getting my whole body in balanced, before moving forward to muscle toning. Just that one work out on strengthening the core and balance was hard. This is my one change for the week.
  • Definately measure! I was discouraged a while back that I had not lost much weight over almost 5 months. Then we measured and I had lost a total of 15.5 inches!! Remember going to the gym and working out builds muscle which is good. But, muscle weighs more than fat. So, don't get so discourged by the numbers on the scale. They don't tell the whole story. Keep going to the gym! That is going to get you were you want to be. If you have a lapse with your diet 1 day, just get right back to it the next! Good luck! :)
  • CoachBrandice
    CoachBrandice Posts: 9 Member
    That's awesome! Way to be proactive and get some professional direction. It feels great to learn to master new moves!