how do you stay committed?



  • marathon64
    marathon64 Posts: 378 Member
    I try to accept that I'm not perfect. What is your biggest challenge? Binging? Unhealthy food choices? Logging? Getting moving?

    Try to choose one thing that you can really commit to as a lifestyle change. Maybe it's logging your food every day. That doesn't mean always being under. Just logging. Just commit to that and say this is the one thing I'm going to do. It's amazing how just being MINDFUL makes a big difference. Just remembering that when you put food in your mouth you are making a choice that is about more than what tastes good at that moment.

    I try to remember that I want to feel good. I have learned from trial and error that when I eat well and stay active I feel so much better physically and mentally. Sometimes it's hard. Sometimes I screw up. But I keep coming back to how much sense it makes.

    Use the support you find on this site to help you to keep it fresh and to stay motivated. Set goals. Be happy and good luck!
  • joeysfacts
    joeysfacts Posts: 83 Member
    I stand on the scale every morning and stand naked in front of the mirror. I also remember eating healthy and working out will keep me around a long time for my beautiful son!
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    Commitment isn't a feeling, it's a decision. Lots of decisions, every day.
  • TheNewAdventuresofDanni
    how do you not let one bad choice turn into weeks, or months of bad choices?
    i want to be healthy, fit, smaller, etc.
    i hate the way i look and feel.
    so why i can't i ever stick with it?

    years and years of falling off track.
    i never seem to get it right.
    i never stick with it for too long.

    when i have that one bad choice, i seem to make it an excuse to allow myself to continue.
    and that turns into days, which turn into weeks, which turn into months.
    i get to the point where i eat anything and everything without even trying to stop myself.

    it sucks.
    and i want it to stop!
    i want to be successful at this!
    i need to be.
    i want to do all i can to live a long healthy life.

    how do i get tough with myself?
    somebody please help me understand.

    I felt the same way when I started, but i the last six weeks (I started six weeks ago) I learned to say no. No to anything I knew would make me want something else not healthy. My boyfriend and I call it the "the taste of more". With the first, "no i do not want a cookie" to "no I do not want fast food right now".

    After that it was, "well I can ride my bike another mile" or adding ten squats.

    Now I am almost 25 pounds smaller. And now I have motivation to keep going.

    But you have to have small goals, daily goals. Keep an apple or an orange with you. If you have to get fast food, go to Subway, get a salad. Keep a water bottle with you too, there will less want to buy a sugary drink when you already have a drink with you. Park in the back of parking lot. Take the stairs. If you have a dog or a cat play with them.

    I would suggest yoga if running or biking isn't your thing. Its really good stress relief.
  • bethheyyy
    bethheyyy Posts: 25 Member
    DIETS DONT WORK. I REPEAT... DIETS WILL NOT WORK! I am the queen of dieting, restricting, depriving. I was miserable and felt hopeless.

    Eating healthy CAN be satisfying, yummy, and filling girl! Trust me, go on google and type in your favorite meals then search for a low cal or skinny option. I can almost guarantee there is one. This to me is one of the most important factors to weight loss and keeping it off. Exchanging high cal favorites to low cal by a few simple modifications. & honestly to me the taste just as good if not better!

    Example. mcdonalds caramel frappuccino probably close to 500 calories. (guessing here) I switched that to a starbucks skinny coffee frappuccino like 250 calories. Truvia instead of sugar. Zucchini noodles instead of wheat (saves like 400 calories) home made dressing instead of store bought (saves like 150) diet stevia drinks instead of coke or aspartame diet drinks. If im craving something salty and fatty I have a 90 lean small portion burger on brown rice bread with all the greens fixins i can fit. If Im wanting a martini i go with a skinny, if I have a sweet tooth a nice cup of hot coffee sometimes clears it up if not i do some damage with a banana, cocoa powder, truvia, and almond milk in a blender. If i'm craving pizza, I HAVE pizza just not the kind from dominos. & yes occasionally I do go out and eat at restaurants. Ociasilly i will help myself to a donut.

    Whatever it is your craving, whatever your favorite foods are, or "troubled" foods, look online for a healthier alternative.

    I promise you that will help you out SO much.

    Besides that, eat whatever you want, just stay within your calorie goal. :)

    I would also recommend taking vitamins & really limited anything made by man. Your body needs nutrients and if its deprived it will send hunger signals to your brain for more food because it really needs the good stuff in the food to help your body function.

    YOU CAN DO IT GIRL! Stay focused, set REALISTIC goals for yourself, if you cant picture it or look forward to it in a year from now, you need to prioritize. I feel like I have so much compassion on posts like this because I understand the misery that comes with dieting, restricting, caving, & binging.. Its so destructive. There is hope.
  • anawhatsme
    anawhatsme Posts: 261 Member
    thanks everyone.
    i appreciate the great support and advice!

    maybe i just need to work harder at this.
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    is this a poem?
    It can't be a poem ... it doesn't rhyme.
    Poems don't have to rhyme unless you are still in nursery.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    Honestly, my stubbornness. I like to prove wrong, including myself.
  • Borrowed_time
    Borrowed_time Posts: 23 Member
    From what you've said - you are looking too far ahead..

    Don't get me wrong you have to have an idea of your eventual goal - but you need to set some smaller goals.

    For me that could even just be getting through that particular day - or just that hour.. most days it works, the odd one it doesn't - if this happens, start the next day and just get through that day.

    Next thing you know, weeks have gone by and only one or two of those days have been bad ones - and you are closer to your goal.

    You can also set a smaller goal, then when you reach that celebrate in a small way and set your next one.

    Hope this helps..
  • jessmaus
    jessmaus Posts: 28 Member
    In life I try to always learn from my mistakes and when I go over my calorie goal or don't do exercise and then feel crappy about myself I just stop and think 'I can learn from this'. When I feel myself about to make the same mistakes again I try to stop myself and think 'hey, remember how crappy you felt last time? Maybe we shouldn't do this again...'. It doesn't always work but it definitely helps. And knowing how good it feels when you ARE on track - looking at my diary at the end of the day and being like 'woo I ate healthy' and the feeling after doing exercise when I'm like 'I'm king of the world!'.
  • snkrdudls
    snkrdudls Posts: 2 Member
    Beth could not have said it better! The goal is not to deprive yourself of what you want but to limit, stick to the serving size and look for the low cal versions. Also if you consider this a will fail because you then consider it a temporary thing. You must look at it as a complete lifestyle change, that is why diets never work because you think they only last for so long when in truth...if you want to have that healthy look and life you must change your life to be that person. Just believe in yourself and surround yourself with motivating people that will help when you get down...even if you dont want to hear what they have to say...they will get into your head. Good luck with your journey, I struggle with this myself but remember if you have one bad thing .... you can start over with the next thing you eat...just be honest with yourself and believe that you have the power to take your life back!
  • Swehl
    Swehl Posts: 138 Member
    Strip down and take pictures! It forces you to really look at yourself which can definitely be hard, but when you take more pictures after a month of hard work you will be so happy to see the results. You won't want to let yourself down for the next month of pictures. Stay positive!!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I stay focused on my health, nutrition, and fitness...the rest just falls into place. When people treat diet like a verb rather than a noun, they tend to fail because it implies that you start something and eventually usually also comes with a bunch of unnecessary and unrealistic prohibitions and the like.

    I eat better most of the time...veg, fruit, lean proteins, and healthy fats are a way of life for me...but that doesn't mean I can't indulge in something that is generally lacking in nutrition from time to time either. It's all about balance and creating a sustainable diet for now and the future. The only thing that changes for me when I cut vs maintain is the number of doesn't really change.
  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member
    Start seeing healthy choices as positive choices not negative ones.
    For example don't see a healthy lunch as something that is depriving you of a tasty unhealthy lunch. Find healthy foods that you enjoy. Then you can stick to it cos it doesn't feel like a punishment.

    I cycle to work because the other choice is a long walk to an expensive bus that might not turn up. Cycling is the more appealing choice.

    Make the healthy choices the more appealing choices and it will be easier to stick to them.

    Don't use a punishing 'healthy' lifestyle to beat yourself up for being fat. Too many people do and you not only will end up putting the weight back on but nobody deserves that.

    Also build in some 'cheat' days or whatever you want to call them. There will always be holidays and birthdays and celebrations. You can celebrate without it having to punish yourself or feel guilty afterwards.
  • avalonms
    avalonms Posts: 2,468 Member
    Maybe that was a little too remote a reference.
  • marhod5
    marhod5 Posts: 84 Member
    I have been here so many times!! We all mess up. We're only human. You can't let that become a free pass to eat whatever you want. You have to stop yourself. You might even want to say "Stop!" out loud. Then get back on track at your next meal. Don't skip your meal. Don't eat nothing but lettuce. Just eat a sensible meal that follows your plan. It will get easier the more you do it.

    Most of all, be nice to yourself! Think of some positive phrases you can say to yourself.
    "I can do this."
    "I am worth it."
    "I don't really want to eat that."
    "Exercise makes me feel good."
    You might not believe the words now, but you know what they say... Fake it til you make it. Say your positive phrases until you believe them. Say them every day.

    I found a video on youtube that I just love. It's of people that have lost weight. Some through surgery and some not. But they all say over and over again "I'm worth it!" I'm worth it. And you are worth it too!