Calling all GUYS

No offense ladies but are there any guys out there who are loving this website as much as I am. I can not believe the difference it has made in my appearance by simply watching the calorie intake. I have always been in pretty good shape and loved to work-out but I got married November 2008 and began to put on the pounds like no tomorrow. My wifes an excellent cook. However by utilizing this site I have been able to cut down the body fat and add lean muscle mass.


  • SpaceMarkus
    I love this site. It makes it so easy to track your activity for the day. I've already seen improvements above and beyond my workouts just tracking how much I eat and how much I burn.
  • Izzybackyet
    Just started here, looking forward to making some progress in the weight loss stakes
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Yeah, i love this site too... it is super easy to use and they have an app for my iphone so that I can log on the go... I am soo glad that I found this.
  • mixbl
    mixbl Posts: 20
    Me too. My son found this site and now the whole family is using it. My son has lost 35 lbs, I have lost 21. Good luck losing fellas.
  • alpha2omega
    alpha2omega Posts: 229 Member
    Not to get all mushy but I owe my life to this site. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure 3 months ago at age 31! and was put on medication. I felt like I got hit by a bus. I have been working out for over 12 years and always thought I had a decent diet. I ate at subway ALL the time. A few days after seeing the doctor my wife put me on to this site. I started tracking what I ate and have since lost 28 pounds and now my blood pressure is excellent which means I no longer need medication. You don't understand what that means to me as I have 4 young children who I was afraid I was not going to see grow up. I know a bit melodramatic but hypertension at such a young age will do that. I owe my life to this site and will be an advocate of MFP for the rest of my life. I still have more weight to go but I will be a life long member even after reaching my goal. To a long and healthy life!
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Yep, this sit has been a life changer for me, too.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Been a huge difference for me too!
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    I enjoy being able to track food and exercise. It helps push me. I have been doing weight training for the last three years, but my cardio was sporadic at best. Now that I track it all, I am driven to balance my exercise. Also in the two months or so that I have been here I have lost 6 lbs. Now just need to change my diet to build muscle mass. :happy:
  • fredivk
    fredivk Posts: 18 Member
    Not to get all mushy but I owe my life to this site. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure 3 months ago at age 31! and was put on medication. I felt like I got hit by a bus. I have been working out for over 12 years and always thought I had a decent diet. I ate at subway ALL the time. A few days after seeing the doctor my wife put me on to this site. I started tracking what I ate and have since lost 28 pounds and now my blood pressure is excellent which means I no longer need medication. You don't understand what that means to me as I have 4 young children who I was afraid I was not going to see grow up. I know a bit melodramatic but hypertension at such a young age will do that. I owe my life to this site and will be an advocate of MFP for the rest of my life. I still have more weight to go but I will be a life long member even after reaching my goal. To a long and healthy life!
  • fredivk
    fredivk Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for the feedbal guys. I too have falling in love with this site. Also I too was diagnosed with high blood pressure. In fact the doc had just increase my meds from 20mg to 40mg of lIsinopril. That's when I decided it was time to get back into the gym. I have since lost 7 lbs and my blood pressure has returned to normal WITHOUT the use of medication. Logging what I eat and maintaining a consistent workout plan has made all the difference in the world.
  • alpha2omega
    alpha2omega Posts: 229 Member
    I'm glad to hear your blood pressure is getting back to normal. As long as you follow the recommendations on this site, regarding your diet, AND you exercise, you will definitely reach your goals.