late night munchies

i eat really healthy all day long. 3 square meals, healthy snacks inbetween. im not starving myself with my portions, just switched them for healthier options. i even going to the gym about 4x a week..but my flaw is night time. i don't know why but as soon as 8pm rolls around i find myself in the kitchen looking for a sugary sweet or a salty fix. im usually not even hungry! just bored. once the sun is down i go into some sort of "hibernation mode" where i feel like i need to eat one last time before bed. i know...eating past 8pm is not good for you because, well lets face it, im not to active after that time and i KNOW i wont be burning off those callories as i sleep!

what is something i can do to stop the late night munchies?! and/or find healthy alternatives to my sweet and salty down fall..


  • kaunisrobotti
    You should try filling your sugary needs before 6pm.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I eat when I am hungry, even up to the time i go to bed, I have never seen a problem with it. I am still within my calories so its not really needed that I "burn" off those cals. If you do it, find a heathy snack or something to do it with
  • kk_stephens
    kk_stephens Posts: 129 Member
    You said it was because you were bored? Jump on line and check in here -- read the days posts until you have to go to bed.
  • nicolepope11
    The first thing I can think of is to plan for your late night cravings in your daily calorie count. The 100 calorie bags of popcorn work really well for mine. If you want something sweet, you can even do kettle corn in the 100 calorie bags. You can also get the individually wrapped pieces of chocolate and limit yourself to one piece around that time. Or if you have really good self control (I do not), you can try yogurt or even frozen yogurt. Sometimes, I will just have a diet soda (caffeine free if it will keep you awake) and the sugar in that will curb my cravings.
  • finalstage
    Experience has taught me that you should just incorporate your eating habits into your lifestyle - after all you are developing a new healthier lifestyle rather than a short term diet, yes? I wouldnt worry too much about eating late at night, I always have done and it hasnt affected my results (I actually have Night Eating Disorder which basically means I sleep-eat and I have still managed to lose 100lbs). As long as your calories in are less than calories out, no matter when you eat, you will lose weight. (Just make sure you are satisfied during the day as a reason not to head to the kitchen in the evening - monitor your fat intake because I have found when it gets too low this will cause food cravings even when not actually hungry).
  • lgblack
    lgblack Posts: 73 Member
    I was told by our fitness people that a salt craving is often a hydration issue. Drink water! For sweet cravings, distraction! Go for a short walk, drop and to 20+ pushups (that will be the last time you give credit to a craving!! :) something to take your mind off of it. If I really can't get over a sweet craving, I try to keep a Lindt 80% chocolate bar in the fridge. Usually two squares of that and I have my hit of chocolate/sugar to carry me through.
  • ceshafer1
    thank you so much for your help! :)

    i really appreciate the input!!
  • sunset19
    sunset19 Posts: 22 Member
    That's been my main problem too. I try to snack on popcorn, veggies, drink decaf tea/iced tea, or cottage cheese or a glass of milk. If all else fails, I get into bed. I usually try not to eat after 10 p.m. but that's my schedule as I don't go to bed til later and don't eat dinner til around 7:30/8. For me it's also a "habit" i need to kick. It is boredom. But it's been easier to kick the habit since I've started this program. Try to make it your goal to Submit your food diary each day at a certain time. Then you won't be "allowed" to eat after.
  • infiniter
    Try brushing your teeth immediately after your last meal!