New Here! Need Motivated Friends!

Hello World!

Brief intro.......... I have a 2.5 year old Son; I lost all of the baby weight a year after he was born, and now having a 40 hour office job, I am gaining it back quick and have 0 motivation. If I can just get but butt out of bed a half hour early to get some exercise in before my work day and EAT better, I'll be set. .... I'm getting motivated again, because this is one thing that I can 'semi' control in my life right now... what I eat and when I exercise. I remember the feeling of losing weight and how awesome I felt! I am not 'overweight' but I want to feel comfortable with myself and Healthy!

Lately, my energy level has been really low. It could be from low activity and diet. <my fault> When I wake up in the morning and my stomach is empty, I feel sick and nauseous and 'dry heave' *(Sorry TMI). So, I've noticed when my blood sugar is very low, I feel sick..... When I have a lot of sugar (say a Lemonade)... I feel AWFUL! I do not drink Pop/Soda anymore. It's been 6 months.

Anyway, enough of my blabbing. HAHAH. Just signed up today! Need some motivated friends to push me!

Would love to chat :-)


  • petersonabt
    petersonabt Posts: 518 Member
    Hello :)

    I lost 78lbs all together now (6 years after my son was born...better late then never lol) I log in daily and support! Feel free to add me if you would like! :)
  • ladpock
    ladpock Posts: 9
    I feel your pain! I know what it's like to be forced to sit around all day and start gaining.

    I'm new here as well, basically just looking to tone up and eat healthier! Feel free to add me, I'm always on for support!:)