40 Lbs + in 4 months

fallingken Posts: 98 Member
I started with MFP Feb 2, with a starting weight of 368 lbs. My Dr. has been giving me a hard time about my weight and I have my 25th wedding anniversary coming up next year. We want to go on a European river cruise. So that means I have to fit my butt into those skinny airplane seats. After a few flights to Phoenix and Miami for my 50th birthday in 2011, I know a long flight across the ocean would not be all that much fun. So I decided to do something about it.

I started by watching what I ate and a friend suggested MFP as a useful app for helping out. I downloaded and started using the app and website. Also went to my Dr. and had him set me up with a dietician. We discussed appropriate portion size and good substitutions for those “really bad for me” things I love. Danielle, the dietician recommended a step counter and we agreed 10,000 steps a day is a good target. They both recommended walking daily as a good exercise and I have been doing so pretty much every day. My yellow Lab has enjoyed the daily exercise as well and she is a great motivator to get up and go. She gets really annoying about 3-4 pm daily with her demands to go for her walk.

Since I have been walking, I decided to walk faster and see how far and fast I was actually walking. I looked into a couple apps for my phone, and found Endomondo and Runtastic. I actually use both at the same time. Runtastic is more accurate with GPS but I like Endo’s features and lower price for the pro version. I have been keeping record of my times and distances since the first of May.

In early April, I injured my left thumb. It is called Skiers thumb, which I managed to do while walking my dog. It is a total tear/separation of the UCL ligament at the base of the thumb. I had it surgically repaired, but have been off work for the past 7 weeks now. I do return to work after another week, but the 8 weeks of vacation has really helped my 5 km times.
I see my Dr. once a month and get weighed then. I do not own a scale and really try to avoid thinking about my weight. I have been following MFP’s calorie limits and have been under pretty consistently, sometimes by over 800 calories. I have increased my speed and distance with the dog walks. We started with walks of about 2.5 km in 45 min, to actually managing 5 km run/jogs/walks. The first 5 km time I have recorded is 56:30 min, Yesterday I did 6 km total with a 5 km in 47:38. That’s almost a 10 min reduction in less than a month!!!

Before I hurt my hand, I had got to the point that I was going to need to order new uniform for work as my belts have been adjusted as small as they could be and my pants were almost falling off. I ordered new pants on Friday. I have gone from a 50 waist to a 46 waist now. I am going to need to order new shirts too, but will need to order a new Kevlar vest too, so I will wait a little while longer for that.

And the scale victory has me down 40 lbs. since I started keeping track of my weight, and I know I have lost probably another 10 lbs. since my last weigh in too. I may have to start taking pictures of myself again just to see for myself the loss.

Anyway, apologies for the rambling post, if you managed to read through this far, thanks for the interest. I still have a long ways to go, but it is a good start. I have learned that as long as I am aware of what I eat, I can pretty much eat anything, even those “really bad for me” things and not feel deprived. I have learned I actually can run 5 km, and even more, and even enjoy it. Never thought I would say that!

This is my story so far. 1/4 of the way there, but well on my way. Keep believing and it will happen.



  • Obscuring
    Obscuring Posts: 51 Member
    Good for you! It sounds like you're really turning your life and health around and making great decisions! I'm so happy for you!
  • challenger9509
    challenger9509 Posts: 286 Member
    Seems like you are in the right mind set and have all the tools to make this happen...congratulations on your success!! =)
  • truckerbabe67
    thanks for your encouraging post! Congrats on your weight loss! awesome!
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    If you have to wear a Kevlar vest to work you are probably protecting me (the public) so thank you for that. And congratulations on your weight loss! Keep up the good work!
  • tenpoints4u
    tenpoints4u Posts: 17 Member
    WTG!!! This is a great site and lots of folks to help keep you motivated too. Good luck and enjoy the cruise next year!!!
  • PosterPens
    PosterPens Posts: 172 Member
    i think youre AWESOME! good job and im happy for your dog too getting those walks!
  • Whtmask
    Whtmask Posts: 219 Member
    You are making great progress! Great job!
  • ileen327
    ileen327 Posts: 21
    ken, kinda hard not to hate you!!! ( I am kidding) You are awesome and I wish I could do as much as you. Have bad knees but I can swim and you have inspired me to up my swimming! I can do this! As for eating everything, well as a woman with a bad metabolism, not so much! But I think you are helping me to see my potential! Hugs, Ileen I can swim a mile and I weigh over 150 and am not tall! So, I am pretty strong. Now have to start building some real muscle but have to get my knee stronger which I am doing at rehab! ( hurts) Ok I am done!
  • fallingken
    fallingken Posts: 98 Member
    Thanks Ileen, If i had good knees I would run a lot faster, and not be sitting here with an ice pack on my left knee after my jog this evening. I started with walking the dog every day. our usual route was between 2 and 3 km a day, depending on how lazy I was. A few years ago when I hurt my right knee, the Dr. said if I was 10 years younger or 100 lbs lighter, they would fix it. Well I can't do anything about the age, but I can fix the weight. I do try to go swimming and do deep-water aqua-fit with my wife 3 - 4 times a week, I have decided as well, if I want to eat all the good stuff I enjoy, I had better be doing something to burn it off. It's that Guyet (Guy+Diet) thing. I am sure my Dr. is going to give me heck for running at my weight, but it is cheaper than a gym membership.
  • charlenequinn94
    Way to go Ken, glad this is working out for you.
  • fallingken
    fallingken Posts: 98 Member
    I have this to motivate me


    My Lab, Tangent does her best to keep me motivated to go out and run with her, who can resist those brown puppy dog eyes
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    Good luck on the weight loss, but be careful going under your calories by too much. If you do it too often, you can convince your body you need fewer calories to get by and it will actually stall your weight loss.... or at least that what it does with me.
  • fallingken
    fallingken Posts: 98 Member
    I do try to eat back most of my exercise calories. Surprisingly difficult to do sometimes without eating the bad for me stuff. But hey got to love a diet when you "have to eat" some food for your own good. even if it is chocolate or ice cream :wink:
  • Kay_Sweet
    Kay_Sweet Posts: 4 Member
    Awesome job and what a great motivator! ;)
  • RickyLuvsMary4ever
    RickyLuvsMary4ever Posts: 56 Member
    Great work, thanks for posting :)
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