Does drinking water really help you lose weight?



  • hfox9707
    hfox9707 Posts: 74 Member
    Let me give you a physiology lesson on the importance of water and keeping hydrated and why it is so good for your tissues and cells in the body. Our bodies make about 4 cups of water a day through metabolic processes and breathing. We need to drink 6 cups of water just to break even. Since our body loses 10 cups of water daily through urine, sweat, breathing, etc. We need 2-4 cups to be healthy not doing anything, but if we exercise or get a massage, we need more water.

    If you are severely dehydrated, your connective tissues especially fascia will harden which can explain why your muscles end up more sore and in many cases, have knots, aches and pains because it mainly made most of water. This is important to know for anyone who is also exercising. So in any case, if it doesn't help you lose weight, water is still very important to maintain homeostasis. Other than that, water can make u feel fuller so you don't over eat. With that in mind, if you eat low carb, you will need more water period, since those carbs hold onto water. As my massage instructor says, drink a lot of water even if it feels stupid. Pepsi, soda, juices, or flavored drinks has stuff in it. You don't need the extra stuff unless it is electrolytes such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. Plus soda will erode your teeth and weaken your bones.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Hydration is important for metabolization of foods, nutrient absorption, muscle repair, and a host of other things....that's why it's important, not so much for weight loss. It's important for your general, overall health. this isn't my weight loss pal, this is my fitness pal.
  • murdledoe
    murdledoe Posts: 98 Member
    Water has so many health benefits. Staying hydrated isn't only good for you physically. It makes your skin look younger as well. I didn't use to like water so I took oranges, lemons and limes. Washed them, then sliced them and froze them on a sheet tray. After they were frozen I tossed them all in a freezer bag. Then I could pull a couple slices out at a time and put it in my water. It was pretty and added that little bit of flavor to my water. Now I only use the fruit for a treat or company and water is my favorite drink.
  • If you drink ice cold water your body burns some calories heating the water after you have drunk it.

    Yeah but water contains no calories, and the calories that your body takes to so call "warm it's self up" is a very small percentage. Seriously use your common sense and drink water instead of pepsi max.
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    try thirty days no water and thirty days water tell me which one helped u lose more weight..everything else being equal:)
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    I find that while water won't necessarily MAKE you lose weight it HELPS me lose weight. If a craving hits, I grab a big (32oz) tumbler and fill it with water or unsweetened iced tea and drink up. I am too full for snacking and it keeps me hydrated. Often times, when I feel "hungry" it isn't hunger at all but the fact I haven't drank enough water for that time of the day yet. I save calories with water over other caloric drinks - I would rather get to eat my calories or have them in a fruit/ veggie smoothie than to drink them mindlessly out of a can or bottle and have to be strict with my meals.

    So for me, ultimately, it HELPS me lose weight by helping me stay within my daily caloric goal.
  • Yes, drinking helps in indirect ways. First, if you drink a full glass of water prior to a meal, it helps you to eat less because water can be filling. Secondly, water aids in digestion. If you are retaining water, drinking water actually helps your body get rid of the water retention. Also, if you don't drink enough water, over time you might experience symptoms of dehydration, which isn't so much about your weight, but your sense of general well being. Example, you may feel light headed as a result of lack of fluids and that might effect your activity level, since people usually don't want to exercise when they feel light headed. Lack of hydration can also cause headaches.
    In addition to improved digestion, losing water retention, making you feel fuller, drinking water also improves the health and appearance of your hair and skin :)
  • Andrea8985
    Andrea8985 Posts: 107
    Whoo. You got people started on the diet soda thing! Haha.

    In simple terms:

    Yes, water is better for you than diet soda. Yes, it will help you lose more weight at first. Yes, you will feel better drinking that than diet pepsi.

    No, diet pepsi will not kill you. Just try to limit it like anything else unhealthy.

    I say all of this while drinking a pepsi max. :)
  • coke is a great toilet cleaner.put it in your loo last thing at night and just be amazed the next morning,lol. that can't be good in your body. x
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    If you drink ice cold water your body burns some calories heating the water after you have drunk it.

    Obviously its lower in calories than full fat coca cola. But what about the diet alternatives?
    Will i really lose more weight if i drink my 8 glasses of water rather than say 3 cans of pepsi max?
    Has anyone eaten the same calories for 2 weeks but had only water the second week?
    I've been curious about this for a while, i want to step up my weight loss, ans was just wondering?
    I know all the books say WATER WATER WATER, but they've been wrong so many times.
    So guys? Any firsthand experience?
    Thanks :)
    I feel like a bit of a dumbass but still.

    I drink water because it quenches my thirst, not because it has anything to do with weightloss, only eating less does that.

    And this.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    coke is a great toilet cleaner.put it in your loo last thing at night and just be amazed the next morning,lol. that can't be good in your body.

    your stomach acids would be at least as good as a cleaner, so that can't be good in ............ oh.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    It makes me a lot healthier, I know that! I have digestive issues when I don't drink enough water. I can drink pop all day long, but after awhile, the acidity burns my stomach and the artificial stuff is probably hard on my kidneys. I'm not saying diet drinks are the devil. I'm just saying that they are not a replacement for water. I still have a few pops and a ton of coffee throughout the day, but I try to get at least two quarts of straight water every day.

    When I don't get enough water, I find myself wanting to eat more and I just feel sluggish overall. My whole body feels cleaner when I drink water.

    Water to me, is like an oil change is to my car. Without it, everything runs slower and gets gummed up.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    coke is a great toilet cleaner.put it in your loo last thing at night and just be amazed the next morning,lol. that can't be good in your body.

    your stomach acids would be at least as good as a cleaner, so that can't be good in ............ oh.

    Exactly. It's the same with orange juice, lemon juice, vinegar, etc. If you pour too much water on a plant, it will die. So let's not condemn liquids for properties they have that have NOTHING to do with this topic.
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    For those of you who think that only water hydrates, what do you think your body does with the water in soda, coffee, juice, milk etc.?

    If you know anything about how the body works, you would know that your GI system is able to extract the H2O from pretty much anything containing water including fruits and vegetables.

    Also, studies published by Mayo Clinic have shown that caffeine has a minimal dehydrating effect.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    For those of you who think that only water hydrates, what do you think your body does with the water in soda, coffee, juice, milk etc.?

    If you know anything about how the body works, you would know that your GI system is able to extract the H2O from pretty much anything containing water including fruits and vegetables.

    Also, studies published by Mayo Clinic have shown that caffeine has a minimal dehydrating effect.


    I drink plenty of water. But I also drink soda because I enjoy the hell out of it. Does it provide any health benefits. Not really, but I don't expect it too. Just like every book I read isn't meant to expand my intelligence. (And gimme a newspaper, and I'm going straight to the funny pages.)

    There have been periods in my life that the only liquid I consumed was soda, and if it dehydrated you, I'd have died of kidney failure years ago.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Water and enough hydration is critical to health. The liquid your body needs does not need to come from drinking plain water. Much of the liquid your body needs, it can get from food -- especially if you are eating lots of healthy fruits and vegetables. That said, many find water useful. The people I know who have lost weight and kept it off, drink water.

    On a personal note, my dentist could tell from my teeth the first time she saw me that I don't drink much soda or smoke.

    I've collected a list of about 100 ways to make water more palatable and a bunch of research on the health benefits of drinking water (and some myths) at
  • Quilled
    Quilled Posts: 69 Member
    Water is going to help with weight loss, if not for one reason than for another. As someone mentioned earlier, sugar free sweeteners can mess with your cravings, and can make you crave and over indulge without realizing it. After reading up on this subject I paid attention to my reaction to artificial sweeteners. Now I am not saying its going to effect everyone but for me once I started paying attention to my actions it became obvious that it was causing me issues. Personally I dont have taste buds for sugary things, I dont like chocolate, anything heavy sugar etc. I noticed after drinking certain diet sodas, within 24 hours I would be craving sugary things so badly, I would want chocolate bars (dont even like chocolate!) cake, cupcakes etc and yeah its hard to ignore those cravings. Some artificials seem to hit me worse than others, there was one diet drink I had that within hours I wanted to eat a whole candy jar. Once I completely cut out diet drinks and even diet type sweets (sugar free, low calorie etc), I noticed that the cravings for sugary things vanished.

    Caffeine also dehydrates you. In moderation the effects of dehydration from caffeine are little to none, but if you drinking lots of soda then its going to cause you issues. Dehydration is another thing thats going to make you eat more than you should (your body will try and pull water from the food).

    Now weight loss aside, its been discovered that a diet soda a day increases your risk of stroke and heart attack by 60%. While you may not be drinking that much its still bringing up your risks (sharply).

    Diet soda is addictive, you will crave it and its effects will cause you other issues. Its your life and your choice, but I think if you took a challenge of not drinking any soda for a month (heck even 2 weeks) you would see a huge difference not only in the way you feel physically, but you will also find that you no longer crave, need or even want to drink diet soda.

    I am not saying dont drink soda ever. But soda was created as a treat now and again, now its practically become a staple in everyday life. Personally I would rather drink a full fat soda once in a while (once every couple weeks or once a month) than a diet soda.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    Now comes scientific evidence that H2O really does help you lose weight. Researchers in Germany report that water consumption increases the rate at which people burn calories. The impact is modest and the findings are preliminary, but the researchers say their study could have important implications for weight-control programs.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    Drinking water before each meal has been shown to help promote weight loss, according to a new study.

    Brenda Davy, PhD, an associate professor of nutrition at Virginia Tech and senior author of a new study, says that drinking just two 8-ounce glasses of water before meals helps people melt pounds away.

    The study is being presented at the 2010 National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Boston.

    "We are presenting results of the first randomized controlled intervention trial demonstrating that increased water consumption is an effective weight loss strategy," Davy says in a news release. "We found in earlier studies that middle aged and older people who drank two cups of water right before eating a meal ate between 75 and 90 fewer calories during the meal."

    She tells WebMD that many people substitute sweet-tasting calorie-containing beverages for water.

    "If you look at research on beverage consumption trends, our average intake of sugar-sweetened beverages has increased dramatically in the past three or four decades," Davy tells WebMD in an email. "So, likely we are drinking other beverages in place of water."
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    Feelings of Fullness

    Your weight-loss success depends partially on how you control your feelings of hunger. In some cases, your body is actually craving fluids instead of food. Drink a tall glass of water, and reassess your hunger sensation afterward. If your thirst has been satisfied, you are one step closer to successful weight loss. Satisfy your real hunger with a healthy meal or snack.