2.8 lbs in one month?

What am I doing wrong? I work out at least 5 times a week (45 mins to 1 hour usually). And I count calories to 1200. sometimes i over eat but i still control myself and make sure i eat sensibly.

I feel pretty defeated...


  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    People are going to want to see your diary
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Do you only eat 1200? Or do you eat back your exercise calories as well?
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Back off on the exercise and/or eat a bit more to bring cortisol down. Probably some other hormonal balance issues if you've launched headlong into it.

    The other option is you don't weigh or measure anything and guesstimate a lot, or eat out a lot and are eating more than you think.

    Either way, 2.8lbs in a month isn't bad.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    And I count calories to 1200.

    Your answer probably lies in here. Why 1200? are you extremely short?
  • OneChance2110
    On the exact same boat! :indifferent: so discouoraging, but keep at it and it will come off !
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    People are going to want to see your diary

    Yup. Without seeing your diary, I can't give you any solid advice.

    That being said, if you aren't eating back at least half of your exercise calories, start.
    If you are drinking a lot of your calories, don't - use water or unsweetened beverages .
    If you often grab sodas - diet or otherwise- leave them alone and for someone else.
    If you have a lot of prepackaged foods, deli meats, other high sodium foods, grab less of those. A majority of your diet should be whole, fresh foods - fruits, veggies, whole, unprocessed meats using lower sodium marinades and few sauces.

    without seeing how you are doing things now, that is about all I can help you with. Sorry. :flowerforyou:
  • LdyPsych
    LdyPsych Posts: 79 Member
    For me that would be great. I have PCOS, I have been working a program (that has changed over time) for 1.5 years. At this point, I lose .5-1 lb a week. Some months are better than others no matter what you do. What I am saying is that there may be a "cause" and it may just be how it is. I see posts frequently with people expecting to lose 1-2 lbs a week and while that may be doable for a small amount, it isn't doable for everyone (and certainly not for amounts in the 10's). GOOD LUCK!
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    Though I am a relative newbie myself, I browsed your diary a bit. Generally your calorie intake looks good, but your sodium intake is pretty high on a lot of days. You may want to look at that because you could be retaining a lot of water due to the sodium. Just a thought.
  • mustkeepgoing888
    mustkeepgoing888 Posts: 23 Member
    Do you only eat 1200? Or do you eat back your exercise calories as well?

    I usually am a little over 1200, but i try not to eat back the exercise calories. I meant 1200 was the goal that was set by MFP.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Some of the foods you are eating have too high a sodium content: Boston Market, McDonalds, Subway and Terriyaki Chicken. I am not saying to give them up, but I personally would space them out more. Eating those four in one week, would definitely play a role in the amount of water your body retains.

    One of the things you are going to have to do is become in tune with your body. I am so in tune that I know exactly when I step on the scale what the outcome will be, especially when it comes to how much sodium I take in during the day or over the week. I have made sodium my #1 enemy, whereas I can relax a bit on sugar, with sodium I am very particular.
  • mustkeepgoing888
    mustkeepgoing888 Posts: 23 Member
    People are going to want to see your diary

    Yup. Without seeing your diary, I can't give you any solid advice.

    That being said, if you aren't eating back at least half of your exercise calories, start.
    If you are drinking a lot of your calories, don't - use water or unsweetened beverages .
    If you often grab sodas - diet or otherwise- leave them alone and for someone else.
    If you have a lot of prepackaged foods, deli meats, other high sodium foods, grab less of those. A majority of your diet should be whole, fresh foods - fruits, veggies, whole, unprocessed meats using lower sodium marinades and few sauces.

    without seeing how you are doing things now, that is about all I can help you with. Sorry. :flowerforyou:

    i am guilty for being addicted to Diet Coke....
  • mustkeepgoing888
    mustkeepgoing888 Posts: 23 Member
    And I count calories to 1200.

    Your answer probably lies in here. Why 1200? are you extremely short?

    I'm short but i wouldn't say extremely? lol (i'm 5'1")
  • mustkeepgoing888
    mustkeepgoing888 Posts: 23 Member
    Some of the foods you are eating have too high a sodium content: Boston Market, McDonalds, Subway and Terriyaki Chicken. I am not saying to give them up, but I personally would space them out more. Eating those four in one week, would definitely play a role in the amount of water your body retains.

    One of the things you are going to have to do is become in tune with your body. I am so in tune that I know exactly when I step on the scale what the outcome will be, especially when it comes to how much sodium I take in during the day or over the week. I have made sodium my #1 enemy, whereas I can relax a bit on sugar, with sodium I am very particular.

    Ok, maybe that's what it is. I eat out quite often and i always try to stay conscious of the calories, just didn't think about the sodium part.
  • mustkeepgoing888
    mustkeepgoing888 Posts: 23 Member
    Though I am a relative newbie myself, I browsed your diary a bit. Generally your calorie intake looks good, but your sodium intake is pretty high on a lot of days. You may want to look at that because you could be retaining a lot of water due to the sodium. Just a thought.

    Thanks, sounds like this could be a reason.
  • dianeb613
    dianeb613 Posts: 121 Member
    What am I doing wrong? I work out at least 5 times a week (45 mins to 1 hour usually). And I count calories to 1200. sometimes i over eat but i still control myself and make sure i eat sensibly.

    I feel pretty defeated...

    We all lose at a different rate. The important thing is you are losing. I have been struggling to take off the last 10 lbs. for over a year....Doesn't matter to me how long it takes, as long as I maintain..up a little down a little.

    BtW I am eating more than 1,200 calories now and having more success.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    My suggestion is mainly to watch your sodium levels. If you're happy eating out then, by all means, eat out. Just be concious that the higher sodium can cause water retention which affects the scale. Maybe drink more water with the meals to help a bit.
  • erulasse
    erulasse Posts: 141 Member
    If you don't eat back your exercise calories, that means you're frequently going below 1200. I'm surprised you've lost anything!

    MFP calculates the calories you need BEFORE exercise and sets them as a GOAL, not a LIMIT.
    If you work out, you must add on the calories you've burned off, otherwise you're not hitting your goal.
  • ChanceTakr2131
    The less you eat, the slower your metabolism will be. I am 5'3" and weigh 122 lbs; I eat anywhere from 1500-2500 calories every day and I do more strength training than cardio. I used to think that eating 1200 calories a day and doing 30 minutes of cardio three times a week would work, but it doesn't!! Up your calories and work out at least an hour a day, 6 days a week; and don't spend that time walking or jogging. Make sure you are doing muscle building exercises!! A pound of muscle burns approximately 10 calories an hour while resting while a pound of fat burns less than 3. So what do you want, muscle or fat?
  • h9dlb
    h9dlb Posts: 243 Member
    The reason why you aren't losing weight is because you are eating 1200 calories of crap everyday. In the last week you've had nachos, chicken wings several times, spare ribs several times, chips, hot dogs, corn bread, special k (high carb), white rice, cookies, sodas, Mc Donalds, cheese burger, french fries, waffles, cheese, pretzels, brownies, dim sum, candy bars etc etc etc.

    I don't eat this amount of crap in a year, let alone in a week whilst on a diet!

    Generally your carbs are too high and protein is low. You would be much better off eating 1600 cals of good clean food and get some proper nutrition in your body rather than starving yourself on junk food.

    Don't want to sound too harsh but there's the truth
  • eatsmart49

    I peeked at your food journal and although your calories aren't high, they are not made up of the best foods. If you can incorporate more fruits, vegetables and whole grains and eliminate eating out, this should help you. Also, you are consuming a lot of sodium and this can cause excess fluid or bloating. The kind of calories you eat do matter, so try and make better choices and you should see better results. If it's possible for you to cook your own food, it would be healthier because you control exactly what ingredients go into each meal and can get an accurate calorie count. But when we eat out, we really have no idea what all the ingredients are in our meals and there can be many uncounted calories this way as well as unhealthy fats, sauces and sodium served up as well. Good job on the 2.8 lbs. Try these little changes and I think you will see a difference on the scale. :happy: