Niacin ~ Allergic ~ Rosacea ~ HELP!

I've been struggling with rosacea for for approx. 10 years now. My dermatologist had given me a list years ago of foods/things to avoid: hot spicy foods, caffeine, liver, etc., but what he did not tell me is that NIACIN is a real big factor in the cause (I'm finding out on my own). Now, I'm trying to research any and all information about foods containing higher amounts of niacin so that I can see whether or not that does make a difference in my facial flushing and itchy skin.

If you have experienced this type of problem and have suggestions/input, or can list foods I SHOULD eat and ones to avoid, that would be a big help!

Thank you and all input is certainly appreciated :)


  • PaprikaPrincess
    PaprikaPrincess Posts: 89 Member
    I have rosacea and had a vbeam last fall that seemed to help with the flushing. I don't avoid any foods in particular - I limit the caffeine, take warm not hot showers and keep my skin routine pretty simple. I'm not a huge spicy food person so I guess that helps. Niacin naturally occurs in a lot of healthy foods: salmon, chicken, sweet potatoes, peanuts.

    I found the #1 thing that has helped my rosacea is my clarisonic. I'm off all my meds and just wash once a day with the clarisonic with cerave cleanser. It works today, but with rosacaea it might not work tomorrow. It is a frustrating problem.
  • madmiya
    madmiya Posts: 66 Member
    man im so in trouble if this is true.. i survive on coffee and veggie links. =(
    will try that clairsonic / cerave fix.
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    I don't know if niacin causes rosacea, but niacin is known to cause facial flushing even if you don't suffer from rosacea. They eve sell a "flush free" form of niacin for those who need B3 supplements (helps with high cholesterol). Make sure you aren't confusing regular niacin flush with rosacea flush.
  • sj_1970
    sj_1970 Posts: 38
    I have had rosacea for awhile now what has helped me is this. I use welada rose cream (night) during the fall/winter/early spring. I use welada rose cream (day) during the spring (summer only if needed my skin gets better during the late spring thru summer) for me when the temperature and humidity in the air changes (fall) my skin dries out and it makes the rosacea worse and my skin on my face hurt. If you have older skin you should gently Pat the lotion on, (told this by a spa dermatologist) not rub. You can get the lotions online or in health food stores generally, (lil pricey but less expensive than the Dr. Hauschka rose cream which originally worked well on me too and is the first product to actually make a difference.)
    I do not suggest buying the lotions on Ebay they sell expired welada there and it isn't good, thought I'd go the cheap route once and basically wasted my money, the lotion out of date smells awful and doesn't work effectively and breaks down. Make sure if you're looking at their creams you don't get anything that "stimulates' the skin it will make your rosacea worse, which is why I go with the rose.

    Drinking a lot of water has helped.

    What also helped me is being involved in hot yoga (vinyasa flow) for a bit, Obviously I'm not now and gained a poopload of weight back after stopping and ate a ton, but anyways I was amazed when I did do it, and my friend who is a yoga instructor when I asked her about it, she said that the yoga draws the heat away from the surface of the skin and puts it back to the organs where it's supposed to be. Here's my friend teaching a class 48 minutes (free) on you tube This one is for teens but basically it's around the same for adults as well. If you have a clunky back for me you can always message her and she'll tell you how to modify, she's a sweet pea.

    I also avoid sugary foods this helps a lot and that includes soda I haven't drank soda in a very long time. I rarely drink juice.

    I do have decaf coffee (love it) Cut out the caffeine but mainly because it makes me jittery & effects my mood, and I dislike feeling that way the older I get.

    I make sure I drink water from a spring, as my skin is reactive and if the water has ANY chemicals in it at all (city/town water has chemicals in it here) My skin gets really bad if I even have decaf coffee's out somewhere in town if I forget to make it in the morning.

    I avoid Tomato and White flour products like the plague they make it worse. If I do any white flour 'bready' products at all I make sure they're toasted so the starch in them converts to a more digestible form of sugar *or that's what I read once upon a time somewhere so did it, it seems to help me out, plus it also stopped me having asthma by eliminating it really. Now I do rye sometimes, but it's rare. With no white bready products that means no pasta, which is good because basically it makes paste in my intestines, or that's how I think about it.

    For me it was all about experimenting and seeing and feeling what my body was going through, to figure out, I rarely have 'flare ups' now but if I do it's because of 1 of 4 things.

    1. I need more water and 2. I forgot to use the cream for a few weeks 3. I had ice cubes or water from the town water because I thought oh it wouldn't be that bad, but it always is. 4. It's prior to having my menses (that time of the month) and there's no helping that one I just ride it out.

    I've tried all of the prescribed creams and they put me on pills to help tame it but those really effect my vision and have cruddy side effects.

    Also a little bit (not a lot) of sun has helped me out as well.

    I haven't noticed the B vitamin thing so sorry on that end not being able to weigh in on it with an opinion. I know rosacea can be very uncomfortable and it's a pain when it's just red and people are like sunburn? and then because I"m frickin honest to a fault I sit there and start explaining to them about rosacea and having it be hereditary (sometimes if they don't know they think they can catch it or something) haha they look like they want to run away usually by the time I'm done explaining. Sometimes I just ignore them tho and change the subject.
  • fierysky
    fierysky Posts: 2
    Thank you so much for your input! I'm also looking into other products that may help. This is me drinking too much coffee --- :drinker: I've cut that down somewhat lol! I've also cut down as much as possible sugar and white flour. I feel so much better doing that also! You are what you eat and I don't want to be vanilla cake hahaha!
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Niacin is not the problem. The base of acne rosacea is genetic in nature but you can mitigate the expression of the gene by what you eat and drink. In fact, all B vitamins (including niacin) are helpful (as are all the other vitamin complexes in whole foods). Eating very well is important. As for all chronic conditions, avoiding sugar and junk food is extremely important. Caffeine and especially alcohol seem to aggravate the condition. If you like coffee, why not drink decaffeinated? Just make sure that it is "Swiss Water Process" decaffeinated--which most decaf is now (but it doesn't hurt to check). I drink one cup of regular coffee in the morning and then switch to decaf (I actually like it better than regular). You have to use more decaf than regular or it will seem wimpy. Most people make it too weak and that is why a lot of people say they don't like decaf.

    There are various skin preparations that seem to help. A friend who has acne rosacea, swears by Vitamin C face cream that she gets at the health food store.