The tough first week

I've done diets before, and the first few days are the toughest to get through. After that I normally adjust to the small hunger pains but I'm dreading these next couple days. I'm going to make sure I eat small snack in between meals, and drink plenty of water to keep from getting too hunger. But I'm also stepping my workout routine.

So it comes down to these. How do you get through the first week of a tough diet? What do you snack on to help resist cravings?


  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    Eat for quality. Whole grains, complex carbs, lean meats. Spread your calories out throughout the day. Personally, my goal is to have 2/3's of my calories gone by 5pm. I do that through a combination of snacks and meals. Drink plenty of water, it really helps with the hunger pains. Good luck!
  • LoisRoseTav
    LoisRoseTav Posts: 6 Member
    For resisting craving i find that just keeping as busy as possible really helps me or physical seperation from unplanned food. For exampe, I've been studying for my exams in the library this year instead of at home and it's completely cut out all of my revision binges because I haven't got access to it or allocated time to go and get it. Massive help because I normally gain so much weight around exams times.

    Obviously this is only applicable to unnecessary emotional hunger whereas I think if you are actually genuinely hungry you should just eat. On the other hand if you are at your maximum calories for the day then I completely agree with Howard. Some days I find that i've eaten a lot but i'm really hungry because the quality of food has been poor which causes hunger pains.
  • dloucarter
    dloucarter Posts: 32 Member
    Yes me too find the first week hard until you get into the full swing of it. Mind over matter. Personally I try to keep busy, before and after a meal I drink a large glass of water and if I'm really craving something sweet that will be over indulging I go for a quick run or walk 10 to 15mins, this is on top of my other exercise. I find this usually gets my thoughts refocused again and gets me away from the kitchen ;)
  • krisjohnson121
    krisjohnson121 Posts: 87 Member
    Go shopping - make sure that you have plenty of healthy food options around the house. Make a plan - what days will you workout - what will you do for how long. Plan your menu - google some good healthy dinner options- I always like to ensure that I have a variety - fish then chicken, one night pork.

    Good Luck!