Insanity 2nd Month

Hello I am new at this site I have been doing insanity for a month now I am on my second month and just looking for somefriends to help with the motivation. Excited to see results and getting healthier!


  • williamhudsonlink
    Very good to hear you are getting results. I am about a week into my new workout program, which includes insanity 3 times a week for cardio. My wife does Insanity at least 5 times a week, and she is getting results. Keep it up, shorty. You will be so happy about your body as time goes on !
  • shortyvane1
    Thank you very much for the motivation this page is awesome!! yea I started getting a little results from month 1 I had no idea how out of shape I was until I started doing insanity I just hope I can get to see even more results after I am done with month 2!
  • o0JenB0o
    o0JenB0o Posts: 39
    Hey there :)

    I finished Insanity Last night. You will LOVE month 2 its AWESOME!!!. Feel free to add me as friend
  • fionahay
    fionahay Posts: 44
    I'm just about to start my second week of Insanity and liking it so far - hoping to see some results! :)
  • ProudMotherof4ProudWife2007
    Tomorrow I start day 12 of Insanity. I love it. Feel free to add me
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I am almost 62. I have a bad hip but I do the 30Ds t the best of my ability. I would be insane to do insanity. Good Luck!
  • SherZano
    SherZano Posts: 9 Member
    what is insanity?
  • jporter2004
    jporter2004 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi there, I finished Insanity a couple of weeks ago. I lost 3 lbs and 26.5" all over. Stick with it, its a great program and I have gained an insane level of endurance and I'm starting to finally see my abs. I am planning to do it again this summer. Good luck and add me for support if you like :smile:
  • madmiya
    madmiya Posts: 66 Member
    high speed burpees look like an awesome way to break my nose.

    my friend tore her knee ligament from unperceived fatigue and bad form.

    anyone else injure themselves on this work out?

    (p.s. im not trolling. im just dry and this is research. so please let me know the degree of danger involved)