lost 6.5 lbs in 7 days

My husband is a doctor who sees many pts that say they can not loose weight!

I have been using this site along with a fit bit for a couple months now and not really lost much till we (my hubby and I) tried an experiment.

We skipped a meal. Usually dinner or opted to not eat after 6 pm if skipping lunch. Then with normal exercise, walking a couple miles or 30 mins of sweating to the oldies or an hour of yard work or helping my hubby build his garage etc. This past week I lost a pound a day! you can look at my profile and see it from the weigh-ins.

I am nervous about hanging skin but my arms and waist and thighs are all tighter because I have been doing some form of exercise almost every day.

You do not have to eat all the calories they say and I think their estimates are high. Then if you add in exercise they give you more! wooo hooo can I eat more? No way! if you do you will never loose the weight you want to.

I am going to try to keep this up so by our 22nd anniversary I can be close to the 115 I was when we got married.

Wish me luck and I hope you all get to your goals and do it the best way for you! Because if you are doing this for anyone but yourself then it may not work. Looking in the mirror and putting on that swim suit to see how great you look and feel is one of the best feelings and motivators for me and seeing the way my hubby looks at me helps too! :wink:

Take care and keep on working! You will get there!



  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    skipping meals isnt healthy a dr would tell u that neither is losing 6.5 pounds in 7 days
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member

    You do not have to eat all the calories they say and I think their estimates are high. Then if you add in exercise they give you more! wooo hooo can I eat more? No way! if you do you will never loose the weight you want to.

    Skipping meals isn't an issue, as long as you are eating appropriate cals during a day but WHY would you NOT want to eat all the cals you can while losing weight. Makes it a nicer experience, you can still enjoy the foods you like and feel less deprived, and makes it much more sustainable. I eat 1800 cals on average a day, including chocolate nearly everyday. Losing weight easily.
    And losing 6.5 pounds in mostly water weight in a week isn't all that impressive. Wait longer and see how it continues (or does not) progress.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I looked at your diary, and it appears you have your calories set for 1,000, hardly ever make it over 1200, and some days eat only 600. THIS is the reason for your sudden loss, not changing your eating times. At this low of calorie intake, you are losing LBM, which is a very not good thing. You are also going to be more prone to binging and gaining back the weight you lose.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    I looked at your diary, and it appears you have your calories set for 1,000, hardly ever make it over 1200, and some days eat only 600. THIS is the reason for your sudden loss, not changing your eating times. At this low of calorie intake, you are losing LBM, which is a very not good thing. You are also going to be more prone to binging and gaining back the weight you lose.

    Ya, wow. Just looked at her diary. I don't understand how people can live day in and day out without eating!!! Food is GOOD for you!!! You NEED it. If your doctor husband doesn't know that, I'd be worried.
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    I really do appreciate your comments! I really have only skipped a meal a day for the past week. there were a few days the 2 weeks before my kids were sick and I was so busy that I did not take time to log in.

    I love to eat! I am Italian I love to cook! most of my probs lay there! lol But skipping a meal is not fasting and not harmful so I apologize if my stats are not totally filled in because of the above.

    Have to run will look for more to talk about later!

  • ShrinkingShona
    ShrinkingShona Posts: 218 Member
    Sounds like it is working a treat for you but I wouldn't be expecting too many people to follow along. I have been a low cal (800 - 1000 cals/day), medically supervised diet (meaning blood panels every 2 weeks to ensure my physical integrity) since last year and have had grief for it in the forums. It is fair to say that the majority of people on MFP are interested in gaining and maintaining health in the safest and most sustainable way. In line with that, many people have a reasonable understanding of macros and daily nutrient requirements, so when you diverge from that you'll be up for some criticism. Especially if you eat 1 egg, a chilli dog, fries and sodas and call it a day.

    I lost a heap of weight in the first week of 800/1000 cal eating - 12lbs if I remember correctly. It was a lot of water weight and didn't go on in the following weeks but the weight loss did slow down to a couple of pounds per week. Hopefully your weight loss will continue and you will make you anniversary goal.
  • Garlicmash
    Garlicmash Posts: 208
    I have a friend who lost 10lbs in a week and we both agreed that most of it water retention.
    I think at part of you're loss was water too. unless of cause you are very heavy and then it may be fat.
    Even when i did 1200 cals years back and was always on the go the most i lost was 4lbs one week and all the rest of the time was 3lbs a week and at that point i was 175 lbs.
  • AmandaReimer1
    AmandaReimer1 Posts: 235 Member
    Sorry I'm probably going to offend but if you're hubby dr told me to start skipping meals I'd find another dr. I hope this is something he is not going to communicate to his patients. As for MFP, I found my cals set too low. They wanted me to bump down in the 1300's after losing 25+ pounds on 1500+ a day. I kept it the same and am still losing.

    Have you been measuring/weighing your food? Logging properly would also really tell you why you weren't.

    I know we're not all the same, but most people here won't jump on the skip a meal bandwagon.
  • lyttmab
    lyttmab Posts: 87 Member
    I agree with you that MFP is very generous with their calories. I wanted to up my weight loss goal and lower my daily total but I can't. I almost NEVER eat all of my calories.

    And, those that ask, why wouldn't you want to eat all your calories? Because, if I'm not hungry, why eat more just to fill a quota. That makes no sense at all. And if you're going to eat something to fill in the calories, chocolate isn't the best thing on the list.

    I say, congrats on the loss and hope you make your goal by your anniversary! Keep up whatever works for you! And don't let the negative comments get your down or regret posting. I'm glad you did! Let us know if you make your goal by your anniversary! Good luck . . .
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    Muscle lose = Higher bodyfat percentage,
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    You do not have to eat all the calories they say and I think their estimates are high. Then if you add in exercise they give you more! wooo hooo can I eat more? No way! if you do you will never loose the weight you want to.

    Then I must be doing it wrong. Not!

    Actually the only reason I bothered to respond to this nonsense was to laugh at it.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • haidos
    haidos Posts: 69
    I use the skip a meal method.

    Not intentionally it's just become habit because as a student i'd wake up late head straight to class and wouldn't eat til I got home in the evening. now I'm eating breakfast and dinner so I've upped it and I'm still losing.

    Also the less times you eat
    a: the bigger your meal can seem
    b: less opportunities to binge or stray

    I'ts working for me.
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    To those who may not know, word for word from the Dr.

    "Here is how hard your body fights to conserve and keep its protein and muscle.
    First glucose is burned immediately! (sugar) Then Glycogen is burned from liver and muscle. (still sugar in storage form)
    Then starvation begins only after all the sugar is gone and fat begins to be consumed!
    Lastly the body will burn protein because your body will fight to the last to conserve it's muscle." (This is considered extreme starvation)
    That said you should not go for days on end with out eating, no matter how much you weigh, after time your body will begin to starve and burn its muscle. How ever there is nothing wrong with skipping a meal or even a day of food as long as you stay hydrated and take proper vitamins and minerals.
    He is not the one doing this. There is however a Dr. in Scottsdale AZ who has his pt's doing this diet. Fasting every other day. My Dr hubby however does do the lab work (blood testing) for his own pt's that are working with this Dr. They are loosing lots of weight and he has seen no protein breakdown or loss in their labs. Some of the pt's have been obese since childhood and are now able to see results on this diet!"

    As for my chili dog today ....... I had a craving and I do not believe in non indulgence. If you want it eat it but don't over do it. I think it keeps me from binging on stuff that I crave.

    Thanks again for the comments I love seeing all the different views that everyone has.

  • madmiya
    madmiya Posts: 66 Member
    good for you. and please ignore the naysayers. skipping one meal isn't going to hurt you unless you're workout or lifestyle is intense. you need fuel for what you do. if what you do doesn't leave you lightheaded and sick and hungry, then you're alright. get your nutrition in best you can, greens and colorful veggies and you should be fine.

    average american eats too much protein, too much period. congrats on your success.
  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member
    I know someone who ate once a day and usually whatever he wanted and lost 35lbs and has kept it off. Now he eats more than once a day and still hasnt gained. I've thought about doing that myself. I think it would be nice not to have to worry about what im gonna eat three times a day which is all day. I get tired of thinking about it all day long and having to control and worry about what I eat several times a day. I have thought about eating just once a day for these reasons. May try it one day
  • DoingThiisForMe
    Sounds like youre straving yourself..... I would love to lose 7 pounds in 7 days.. unfortuntley i have an appetite and I get hungry and dont like that feeling. I dont like to be in pain. So i will have 3 squares a day and a few snacks.. i just have to make sure they are in my calorie limits. :)

    The site says my max is 1550 a day... lets see how it works out :)
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    The issue here is not meal timing or frequency....many on this site have great success with IF. The issue is too few calories overall. You ARE losing LBM, especially if you are also not weight training, and that's just not good.
  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member
    The issue here is not meal timing or frequency....many on this site have great success with IF. The issue is too few calories overall. You ARE losing LBM, especially if you are also not weight training, and that's just not good.

    But how long would it take to lose muscle mass. The OP explained above what all gets burned before muscle starts being burned. So I am thinking it takes a very long time before we start losing muscle mass. For me, I have so much fat to he burned that I think my muscles are safe lol. Wait, that is what LBM is right?? Muscle? If not then disregard this comment lol.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    The issue here is not meal timing or frequency....many on this site have great success with IF. The issue is too few calories overall. You ARE losing LBM, especially if you are also not weight training, and that's just not good.

    But how long would it take to lose muscle mass. The OP explained above what all gets burned before muscle starts being burned. So I am thinking it takes a very long time before we start losing muscle mass. For me, I have so much fat to he burned that I think my muscles are safe lol. Wait, that is what LBM is right?? Muscle? If not then disregard this comment lol.

    It doesn't take long at all with a continually too high deficit.

    Fasting is not the issue. In the study posted, he fasted every other day. There was no mention to calories consumed. Let's suppose for easy math a person loses weight at 2,000 cal/day. In a week, that would be 14,000 calories. Now, let's suppose that this person chooses to fast Mon, Wed, and Fri. That is 3 days with 0 calories consumed, leaving 4 days to consume 14,000. That is 3,500 calories 4 days/week...not all that hard to do. This person would see the same amount of weight lost as if he had eaten 2,000 cal/day, and likely with no LBM lost as you don't lose that in a day's time. However, over 2, 4, 6 weeks? Continually eating less than 1,000 cal/day as OP is doing WILL lead to LBM lost...regardless of whether she is fasting or eating 10 meals a day. The issue is not meal timing, but overall calories consumed.

    No, I don't have a number as to how quickly LBM is lost, although I could probably find one with some digging. But I do know that if the OP continues on this path, she will likely not like the results.

    Edit: and yes, LBM refers to everything in your body that is not fat. Bone, organ tissue, muscle, etc.
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    The issue here is not meal timing or frequency....many on this site have great success with IF. The issue is too few calories overall. You ARE losing LBM, especially if you are also not weight training, and that's just not good.

    But how long would it take to lose muscle mass. The OP explained above what all gets burned before muscle starts being burned. So I am thinking it takes a very long time before we start losing muscle mass. For me, I have so much fat to he burned that I think my muscles are safe lol. Wait, that is what LBM is right?? Muscle? If not then disregard this comment lol.

    It doesn't take long at all with a continually too high deficit.

    Fasting is not the issue. In the study posted, he fasted every other day. There was no mention to calories consumed. Let's suppose for easy math a person loses weight at 2,000 cal/day. In a week, that would be 14,000 calories. Now, let's suppose that this person chooses to fast Mon, Wed, and Fri. That is 3 days with 0 calories consumed, leaving 4 days to consume 14,000. That is 3,500 calories 4 days/week...not all that hard to do. This person would see the same amount of weight lost as if he had eaten 2,000 cal/day, and likely with no LBM lost as you don't lose that in a day's time. However, over 2, 4, 6 weeks? Continually eating less than 1,000 cal/day as OP is doing WILL lead to LBM lost...regardless of whether she is fasting or eating 10 meals a day. The issue is not meal timing, but overall calories consumed.

    No, I don't have a number as to how quickly LBM is lost, although I could probably find one with some digging. But I do know that if the OP continues on this path, she will likely not like the results.

    Edit: and yes, LBM refers to everything in your body that is not fat. Bone, organ tissue, muscle, etc.

    Dear JTick,

    We are just trying to have good informed conversation here. There is no need for you to keep bringing up LBM over and over.
    can also mean...... thought this list was funny and interesting!

    LBM Lean Body Mass (medical/health)
    LBM Lumber and Building Materials
    LBM Pounds Mass
    LBM Lattice Boltzmann Model
    LBM Little Brown Mushroom (mycologist slang)
    LBM Laser Beam Machining
    LBM Languages in Biology and Medicine (International Symposium)
    LBM Loose Bowel Movement
    LBM Low-Bit(s) Modulation
    LBM Luis Boa Morte (football)
    LBM Local Bus Master
    LBM Location-Based Multicast
    LBM Light Bearers Ministry (Jasper, OR)
    LBM Littlebigman
    LBM Location-Based Media (mobile device media)
    LBM Landscape Body Machine (band; Vancouver, Canada)
    LBM Les Bielles Meusiennes (French automobile club)
    LBM Looking for Better Management
    LBM Load Balancing Matrix
    LBM Lattice Block Material
    LBM Local Board Member
    LBM Libra Mass (physical unit)
    LBM Localized Battle Management
    LBM Lifestyle Brand Management (UK)
    LBM Lower Bound Method
    LBM Pounds per meter
    LBM Labor, Burden, Material
    LBM LAN-Based Modem
    LBM Land Based Modem
    LBM Long Burn Motor
    LBM Large Ballistic Missile
    LBM Long Boring Meeting
    LBM Load-Bearing Member (construction)
    LBM LinMin Bare Metal
    LBM Lossy Blass Matrix
    LBM Longbow Missile
    LBM Lattice-Based Modeling
    LBM Layer-Based Manufacturing (fabrication)
    LBM Learning by Making

    Now here is what Wikipedia says

    Lean Body Mass is calculated by subtracting body fat weight from total body weight. The Lean body mass (LBM) has been described as an index superior to total body weight for prescribing proper levels of medications and for assessing metabolic disorders.
    Estimation of Lean body mass [edit]

    LBM is usually estimated using mathematical formulas.
    The following formula may be used:[1]
    For men : LBM = (0.32810 * W) + (0.33929 * H) - 29.5336
    For women : LBM =( 0.29569 * W) + (0.41813 * H) - 43.2933
    where W is body weight in kilograms and H is body height in centimeters.
    A Nomogram based on height, weight and arm circumference may be used.[2]
    Actual measurement of LBM [edit]

    Instead of mathematical estimation the actual value of LBM may be calculated using various technologies such as dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA).

    Then there is this young man who also explains in the same way as I quoted my Hubby up above a few posts up in his words.


    You also have no idea if I or any of us are weight training or not. I call what I did yesterday helping my hubby on the garage we are building weight training! lifting 16 ft long 4 in by 1in boards, carrying them to paint 2 at a time then back for my hubby to cut and help him put them up on the garage. I logged almost 20,000 steps yesterday including the stooping to paint and pick up and carry wood. But how do i log that on here? So I rely on my fitbit to count the steps and myself for the rest. I do the brazil butt lift video 3x a week or more if not helping on the garage or doing other exercise.

    I hope that you are happy with what you are doing for yourself and it is working for you JTick. I am not asking you to do this or believe in it. I am just happy that it is working for me and obviously some others on here. One Lady is under medical care as am I. I do not expect anything other than comments here. I am not trying to force others to my way! So please get off the LBM kick and lets all enjoy our successes here and be proud to be doing what is right and good for each of us in our own way!

    Three cheers for all the men and ladies here that have lost or are loosing the weight they want and feeling really good about themselves for it!

    xoxo Chelle