Eating So Little...Are you used to it now?



  • jenslife82
    jenslife82 Posts: 229
    You are inspiring!
  • nicoleashley_24
    nicoleashley_24 Posts: 144 Member
    Very inspiring :) I feel like I'm "on a roll" myself, that every change I've made is well worth it, and I love hearing from others like that!
  • madmiya
    madmiya Posts: 66 Member
    haha! i so love you.
    its true. im so over people trying to make me defend my ideal calorie intake.
    im little, get over it.

    and why are we so obsessed with protein? im thinking colorful veggies are more lacking.
    average folks in this country rarely suffer from lack of protein.
    recommended 46g for women daily, 1 cup french beans gives you 12g, a 3 oz steak 21.
    if you eat an 8 oz steak you're already over your requirements at 50g.
    a few nuts will give you 10, a small greek yogurt 13. you're probably over it nearly every day anyway.
  • AmandaReimer1
    AmandaReimer1 Posts: 235 Member
    There are the exceptions to the rule, and you are one of them. You seem to have a lot of dedication, keep going! :) Your an inspiration.
  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    You're doing awesome! It's easy (so to speak) to get plenty of food in per day when you are eating lots of raw fruits and veggies. When I have days where I load up on raw foods I actually find it hard to get enough calories in because I've really eaten a lot for the day and am full.
  • Magdaloonie
    Magdaloonie Posts: 146 Member
    Awesome! Can't wait to see what you do with those new knees!!

    :drinker: I second that!
  • WDA4655
    WDA4655 Posts: 91 Member
    Good post!
  • jessready
    jessready Posts: 129 Member
    Great post! Can't wait to see your post about your new knees
  • Ladylouwolf
    Inspiring!!!!! Thank you for sharing!!!!! God bless you!! xo
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    haha! i so love you.
    its true. im so over people trying to make me defend my ideal calorie intake.
    im little, get over it.

    and why are we so obsessed with protein? im thinking colorful veggies are more lacking.
    average folks in this country rarely suffer from lack of protein.
    recommended 46g for women daily, 1 cup french beans gives you 12g, a 3 oz steak 21.
    if you eat an 8 oz steak you're already over your requirements at 50g.
    a few nuts will give you 10, a small greek yogurt 13. you're probably over it nearly every day anyway.

    I am not a doctor or a nutritionist. I trust both my doctor and my nutritionist to judge what is right for me. I started out in December, thinking that I could live on meal replacement shakes and bars. My sweet doctor knew that I needed 'real food'. He wanted to make sure that I didn't harm myself with some extreme food plan. He never said what kind of protein that I should eat. He only asked that I increase my proteins, because I wasn't taking in even close to 46g each day. Some days, I still have difficulty getting that protein number up.

    I can't eat whole or even chopped nuts or french beans, and I hate greek yogurt. I'm not even a big fan of red meat; so, I had to really think about my daily protein level. Now, I am including chicken, fish and other good protein sources.

    I'm learning. :wink:
  • roseann78
    roseann78 Posts: 2 Member
    I love your post. I know of someone (other than me) who would really benefit from you story. I get the sob story of "I can't lose weight because I cant exercise"...its so don't know how hard it is (to be me), etc. Its heartbreaking to watch someone you love essentially slowly killing themselves with food. I can't say I don't "binge" but I am learning its a destructive habit that does me no good. I decided back in Jan-Feb I was sick of feeling sick and tired. I am 34 and shouldn't feel that bad. I couldn't (didnt want to walk/run 3 miles). I finally said I WILL. I still cant run a full mile, but I have finished 2 5ks and going to do a 3rd. The more weight I continue to lose I know I will be running more and walking less.

    In case your wondering I was 100+ lbs over weight and have lost 25lbs.

    Not sure how to add friends, but I would love to have you as a motivation for you and know you will do well and get those new knees!
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    I want to get a poster of you to look at when I am thinking, "Oh this is just too hard" and feeling sorry for myself. You are an inspiration.
  • RickyLuvsMary4ever
    RickyLuvsMary4ever Posts: 56 Member
    Wonderful post, congratulations on the new you!

    But to answer your question, yes I am used to eating my 1400 to 1700 calories no problem , I always tell my sister it is no wonder I was over 300 pounds I used to eat with my eyes and taste buds only.

    I was food addicted, just the way the food manufacturers wanted me to be. Now I feel addicted to life instead.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thank You for sharing your Story!! I needed to read this today!!
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    I love your post. I know of someone (other than me) who would really benefit from you story. I get the sob story of "I can't lose weight because I cant exercise"...its so don't know how hard it is (to be me), etc.

    I may be 68 years old and pretty much stuck in a chair all day, but I exercise. With orders from my surgeon to avoid putting weight on knees or doing anything that put stress on my knees, I went with his recommendation to only do 'sitting down exercises'. That's when bought some Sit And Fit DVD's. I workout for 30 minutes, nearly every day; and I even use hand weights. The wheelchair does not define me as a total invalid. My body can workout, as long as I don't put any strain on my knees. That leaves me everything from my thighs to the top of my head usable and exercisable.

    If I can exercise...if I can lose inches...if I can do it without sweating buckets...then anyone can.
    In case your wondering I was 100+ lbs over weight and have lost 25lbs.

    Not sure how to add friends, but I would love to have you as a motivation for you and know you will do well and get those new knees!

    It sounds like you a new to MFP. I just clicked on your name, and it took me right to your profile. Then, I clicked on the friend request button. Now, all you have to do is click ACCEPT, when you open that message from me. You will find the message center at the very top of your MFP wall, where is see your daily posts.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    thanks for sharing this. I have so many friends who are eating between 500-1000 calories and I get worried about their health, so when I saw you eating 1000 calories, I thought, "oh no. not another one". But I did not think about your age and confinement. I am proud of you, and look forward to the day when you get those new knees

    Any female eating 500 to 1,000 calorie without consulting her doctor first is inviting health problems. My doctor has me taking 3 different vitamins to make sure that I get the nutrients to stay healthy, while on a low calorie food plan. He insisted that I up my protein, after reviewing my initial food plan. He made sure that I had a nutritionist referral, and she looks out for me as well. It will do me no good to lose this weight...only to end up with other medical problems, related to vitamin deficiencies.

    I am an RN who works in long term care, so I see many people in wheelchairs taking in the lower amount of calories you are talking about and not in "starvation mode" (I hate that term).
    I have posted several times about malnutrition vs. "starvation".
    I confirm everything you have said.
    Good job! :flowerforyou:
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    I want to get a poster of you to look at when I am thinking, "Oh this is just too hard" and feeling sorry for myself. You are an inspiration.

    Here are a couple of shots for you to put on your computer screen to remind you of "the old lady in the wheelchair".

    This photo was taken in February. My sweet hubbie, Pastor Special Ed, took me to lunch at my favorite restaurant in San Diego. By the way, I had a great lunch and still stayed within my calorie limit for that day.


    Here is the most recent photo, taken just 2 weeks ago...before we left for Sunday morning service. All my MFP sisters thought that it looked good, so I made it my profile picture.


    These next two comparison photos show me (on the left side) in November 2011 at 280+ pounds and in a great deal of pain. I was ordered into my wheelchair shortly after this photo was taken. (On the right side) You can see the happy, healthy me in a more recent photo.



    By the way, I have lost 12 more pounds since April, when the photo on the right was taken of me. :happy:
  • UrnAsh
    UrnAsh Posts: 207 Member
    Awesome post. :D You're looking good!!
  • Shani_Shoo
    Shani_Shoo Posts: 60 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing and for providing me with some perspective. I love that you forego your breakfast on Sunday to have lunch with your Ed. So sweet. Can't wait to see your new knees.
  • RawCarrots
    RawCarrots Posts: 204 Member
    Hello there, this post has been on my mind since I've first read it and wasn't sure if I should reply or not, but since I'm still thinking about it thought I would. Plus, yey! I'm famous! Finally somebody has mentioned me in the famous MFP forums <insert ironic smilie here for those who don't get the joke>

    Let me start by saying I love your dedication and will power. You have a lot to lose by staying the way you are and a lot to gain by losing all the extra weight. For you the transformation would be literally life changing (and possibly life saving), and I'm sure that makes you even more dedicated. Just because you don't have much of a choice it doesn't make it any easier for you, I understand that!

    Now to the rest of the post :happy:

    Yes, I was curious about the 1000 calories, I was only your friend for less than a day and didn't realise you were in a wheelchair. I was also wondering do you find it hard to stick to 1000, also pretty obvious question I would have though. I was on 1200 when I started and the truth is I did find it hard going some days. It wasn't about how much I exercise, it was about re-educating myself to eat food that have more volume for the calories you get, usually vegetables. I did stick to my calories but quickly realised that while I could eat that bagel and fit it around my calories, the amount of food I get is so small my stomach is still physically empty. I would have stuck to it had it been the only way to lose the weight but it would have not been easy! Hence my question. I'm glad it was the reason for a blog posts and hopefully it will help others in similar situation.

    However, I do admit the rest of your post had me puzzled and slightly bit annoyed. Yes, I did post few times I can't wait to get into my size 12 jeans (which have been at the back of the wardrobe for nearly 10 years), yes I do have some vain reasons for getting slim - like wanting to look hot again and fit in nice clothes, like being able to chase the kids in the park and not get out of breath after 5 minutes... I'm nearly 40 and it had finally clicked I'm not getting any younger. I've spend the last 10 years of my life putting my family and children first, and I feel it's time to do something about myself for a change. Having an active toddler makes it hard to get any free time, as anybody who has children knows, throw two older ones in the mix and you can imagine my daily schedule... Looking slim and trendy is my vain reason, it's my only way to reclaim a little bit of the old me and feel in control, I don't have to apologize for it:happy: Like many others I started because of health concerns, but it's not something I'm willing to discuss here. But now I'm healthy I just want to look great:smile: If people think that's superficial - well, that's not my problem. I am going to get into those size 12 (uk) jeans and rock them! And then I'll work my way towards the size 10 ones:laugh:

    The other comment about the binge eating had me even more puzzled... wasn't even sure what to make of that. Yes, I did post yesterday I had this sudden urge to go and get a burger... and I did. I had my usual porridge for breakfast, light lunch and had 800-900 calories left so thought I could comfortably fit a "treat dinner" and even have left over for a snack later. As shocking as it may sound to some I do have treat dinners some days, usually once a week. I still eat pizza and takeaways, I just make sure to have light lunch and no snacks that day - I often go over 100-200 on those days, but since I'm under other days it well balances over the week. I did post on my newsfeed about it for two reasons: First I was surprised how many calories were there in a burger, chips and coke (haven't had those in months!). And second - after few months on MFP and losing 20lb I had that confidence that I'm good at it and I can concur everything, I "knew it all":laugh: :laugh: Oh bless my ignorance!! That burger craving caught me by surprise and dragged me in, and I didn't even try and resist, surely I was an expert at losing weight now. It came to show me that I'm not immune from emotional eating even after weeks of logging. It came to show me the temptations will always be there and that sometimes I just want to give in to them. I came to show me I have so much more to learn... I wouldn't call eating one Burger King meal and binge though, and wouldn't call commenting about it a pity party. Any body who knows me longer than a day :wink: would probably agree that I am a fighter, not a pity-party-feel-sorry-for-me person. As my husband says "You are one of the most stubborn people I've met. Glad to see you finally put it to this worthy cause":laugh:

    So yes, I do post about my size 12 jeans, it keeps me motivated. Another couple of months and I will get there!! I also occasionally have 800-1000 calorie dinners, and may go over 100-200 on the day, but I usually have "saved" from other days so it all evens out.

    I'm not even sure why I spent the last half an hour typing a reply. I guess I was a bit annoyed and felt judged, we've only known each other a day:wink: We all have our reasons and our ways of doing it, my "get into size 12 jeans" is not less worthy of somebody else's "keep diabetes at bay" reason. Plus, some of us like our privacy here and may chose to leave out certain details:wink:

    Best of luck to all of you My Fitness Pals losing weight, whichever way you do it, and for whatever reason you chose to do it!:flowerforyou:
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