21 day sugar detox...suggestions and tip

i will be attempting to rid my body and life of all the nasty sugar and artificial sweeteners. I have tried many time to loose weight, but I notice that this is where my fall back is, so I want to just start with it and get it out of the way. Has anyone tried it and had great success with it? What is the hardest part for you?


  • jennontheroad
    jennontheroad Posts: 142 Member
    I have never done it but I suggest you read this: http://www.stumptuous.com/how-to-dump-sugar
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I used to be crazy about sugar. If I wasn't baking cookies I was buying cake in the grocery store bakery. Eating treats was almost a daily occurrence in my house. At first I quit cold turkey. And it was hard. I pretty much had to white knuckle it for about 3 days. And then the cravings were gone. At this point (I've been at this since January) I eat treats a few times a week and am perfectly fine eating a reasonable amount. I don't feel like I NEED sugar anymore. I actually feel a little sick if I eat too much now. I can make a pan of cookie bars and just eat one. I still surprise myself by saying that because I used to eat ridiculous amounts of sugar.

    As far as tips I'd say eat plenty of protein and nutrient dense food to cut down on cravings, drink a lot of water so you won't confuse hunger and thirst, and keep busy. If you're lounging around the house craving chocolate you'll go crazy. The hardest part was getting through those first three days.
  • MrsThomas21413
    MrsThomas21413 Posts: 83 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion :) I am going to follow my doctors rules and suggestions for the detox :)
  • bunnymum150
    bunnymum150 Posts: 311
    Thanks for the suggestion :) I am going to follow my doctors rules and suggestions for the detox :)

    would you please share your doctors rules and suggestions for the detox, I am interested :smile:
  • evereves
    evereves Posts: 9 Member
    I weaned myself off adding sugar to my tea and coffee, and cut down the amount of simple carbs I ate (for example replaced white bread with wholemeal/multigrain). I mainly experienced hunger pangs when I didn't have sweets. I found it easy to settle these by eating a nutritious meal containing complex carbs and plenty of protein. Similar to CheveuxNoirs the pangs settled relatively quickly. I found my appreciation of food and my beverages actually increased with time because the flavours weren't masked and the food wasn't overly processed.

    Now I actually find coffee/tea undrinkable if sugar is added. If I have too many sweets I feel sick and lethargic. Quite interesting when your body resets itself to a healthier diet!

    Good luck with making healthier diet choices :)
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    You need sugar. I suggest you forget about "detoxing" and focus on eating anything in moderation and within your calories and macros.
  • st1llx
    st1llx Posts: 17
    You need sugar. I suggest you forget about "detoxing" and focus on eating anything in moderation and within your calories and macros.
    Agree HBB
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    You need sugar. I suggest you forget about "detoxing" and focus on eating anything in moderation and within your calories and macros.

    Yes! This^^^
    "Detoxing" is so lame, and there are no "bad" foods. Just eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods within your allotted calories.
  • BadKnee150
    BadKnee150 Posts: 19
    Best of luck.

    After I drink my 3 cups of skim milk + 1 apple + just normal food, I'm 50g of sugar atleast everyday (with MFP suggesting only 24g sugar).

    I couldn't never do a sugar detox but it is an interesting idea.

    I just wonder if sugar isn't the enemy, it's more about cutting back on refined sugar in sweets, cuz it's hard for me to see where my milk and apples are bad for me (plus I'm not giving them up!).
  • betthouston
    betthouston Posts: 31 Member
    No one needs refined sugars. If you get your sugars from healthy foods, you're good to go.

    As far as dumping artificial sweeteners, SWEETLEAF is the way to go. Pure stevia, water processed, no chemical processing residue or other unneeded sugars (like maltodextrin and dextrose) in it. It doesn't get bitter like the other processed ones or mixtures have the tendency to do.

    I love it, and really suggest you try it!

    Best of luck to you, I admire your quest :)
  • KetoTeacher
    KetoTeacher Posts: 163 Member
    You need healthy carbs and natural sugars. It is hard and I still have sugar now and then, but I have cut way back. Good Luck
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Sugar is NOT the enemy. It is not the reason we don't lose weight. We don't lose because we don't eat the correct number of calories to support our bodies. We eat too many. If you deprive yourself of certain foods - you are more likely to binge on them later. Learn moderation. Learn to weigh and measure EVERYTHING you eat. Then you'll succeed. Good luck.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    I would go to a clinic or a hospital of some sort . . .

    Detoxing from sugar can be dangerous and I think it should be medically supervised.