Any other 62 year olds trying to lose weight?

I am struggling to lose weight. 5 years ago, I successfully lost almost 40 lbs, but have since gained it all back. Now, I am trying, once again to lose those 40 lbs, plus another 15, and it is coming off SO slow. I've attempted so many times, and have failed. This April, I made up my mind to stick to it, but I am getting so discouraged. Since April 1st, I have only lost a little over 7 lbs. I eat around 1200 calories a day, but have to admit someday I go as high as 1400-1500, but I am doing a lot of walking.

Are there any others my age also struggling with losing weight. If so, how many calories are you eating? I hate to lower my calories even more, and with work and demands during the day, 60 minutes of walking is about all I seem to get in.

Any suggestions? I 'm struggling today big time. joan


  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I'm 64. I'm set at 1700 cals. a day but sometimes eat more than that, but I'm always under goal because I exercise a lot. Living on a working farm does that for you. I have an elliptical machine, which I use most days, a beginner strength workout DVD and a couple of pair of dumbbells, and I've been losing weight slowly but very steadily. I don't do "cheat" or "binge" days at all, I don't see any profit in that, and I stay on the program, eating what I want but healthy ( I've never been much for fast food or high carb junk), eat a lot of vegetables, fruit and meat. Since I don't want to end up looking like a half melted candle I've been taking it slow. I've lost 15 lbs. in a little over 3 months, have more energy, I'm stronger, and I feel better than I have in years. Most importantly, it's easier for me to do farm work, gardening, stall cleaning, hay hauling, so forth. I'd love to hear from other people of my generation who are making a success of this.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,247 Member
    I'm 64. I'm set at 1700 cals. a day but sometimes eat more than that, but I'm always under goal because I exercise a lot. Living on a working farm does that for you. I have an elliptical machine, which I use most days, a beginner strength workout DVD and a couple of pair of dumbbells, and I've been losing weight slowly but very steadily. I don't do "cheat" or "binge" days at all, I don't see any profit in that, and I stay on the program, eating what I want but healthy ( I've never been much for fast food or high carb junk), eat a lot of vegetables, fruit and meat. Since I don't want to end up looking like a half melted candle I've been taking it slow. I've lost 15 lbs. in a little over 3 months, have more energy, I'm stronger, and I feel better than I have in years. Most importantly, it's easier for me to do farm work, gardening, stall cleaning, hay hauling, so forth. I'd love to hear from other people of my generation who are making a success of this.

    Thanks for writing. I grew up on a farm, so was never overweight while living on the farm (Miss farm life though!). I do have a large yard, and do a lot of yard work, but trying so hard not to get discouraged. Someone had suggested maybe I should eat more, but with losing so slow, I'm scared to eat more. Maybe I need to just increase my exercise. I was really thinking I could lose at least 5 lbs a month, so thats why I'm getting really down. I have a exercise bike - so far do about 20 minutes on that, and I go for about an hour walk everynite (around 3-4 miles).
    Your post did bring back so many memories of growing up on a farm though - love the hay hauling, stall cleaning, etc. -- did all that!
  • ColleenRoss50
    ColleenRoss50 Posts: 199 Member
    Hi. 62 years young here. I too was born and raised on a farm although I have lived in the city for all my adult life. I started in March of last year and reached my goal weight in August but during the winter I managed to pack 18 lbs. or so back on by staying away from MFP, stopping tracking my food, ignoring the scale, and going back to my old mindless eating habits. I came back in early February and am now getting closer to goal for the second time. I am determined not to flunk maintenance this time so I will be around here for a long time. :smile: I am currently eating about 1400 calories now that I am getting closer to goal but started off at about 1200 calories. I find consistency really works for me. I don't exercise nearly as much as I should (that has got to change) :grumble: but I try to count every bite, lick and taste and make sure I weigh and/or measure my servings. It is very easy to miscalculate how much we eat and it is human nature to underestimate our consumption. I believe that is the downfall of many. I am looking for a few more friends. I didn't bother with many friends when I first started here but I am finding that giving and receiving support in our journey helps us to stick around and stay on track. I would be happy to be your friend as we continue on our journey.
  • lintino
    lintino Posts: 526 Member
    Hi, I'm 63 and I eat about 1800 calories a day. I do water aerobics 5 days a week and 1 yoga class a week. I don't usually eat back my exercise calories. I've been losing about 1lb a week since I started here in January. I'm very happy with that rate. If I were to eat much less I don't think I could keep this up for very long. I have been working to relearn portion sizes. That has been more my problem than junk food or bad nutrition.

    There is an over 60 group that is very supportive and I just found an over 50 thread on the motivation forum that also looks like it is a very supportive group. So if you are looking for others to connect with those are 2 good places to look into. Good luck!!!
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hmmm I guess this leaves me out. I turned 63 yesterday. LOL
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,247 Member
    Hmmm I guess this leaves me out. I turned 63 yesterday. LOL

    LOL -- Happy birthday! I guess I should have reworded that "anyone over 60!"
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    Hi I am 62 in November, had my "moment" when I nearly got to 98 kgs, joined MFP and ate enough calories (I think that is the KEY!!) got some exercise, and lost about 25 kgs in five months. I have been stuck at around 71 kgs for about six months now, but happy if this is as far as I am going to get.

    My diary is open, and if you want to read about my "journey" search the forums for 60 Aussie and it will pop up. Photos and a story ...

    We older people may not have the metabolism of the younger members, but we have determination and wisdom of years! Good luck, stick with it, open your diary so you can get some feedback, eat well, exercise, and make sure you eat to NET at least your goal. :smile:
  • gilthomas
    gilthomas Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I am also in the 63 year old group. I have been on the program about a month. I am losing anywhere from 1.5 pounds to .3 pounds per week. I exercise five to six days per week, pilates, cardio circuit and am starting a step class on Tuesday.

    Due to my husbands stroke a few years ago, I focused all attention on him. I am just now getting back into taking care of myself. I have about 100 pounds to go. It will be a journey. I am thinking long term. Gone are the days, where I could just eat a salad for a few days and the extra 5 or 10 pounds would drop off. I have tried a variety of programs that are out there. However, I am having my best success focusing and charting what I eat on this program. I am thinking before I shop and before I cook. In the past, I simply hated writing every thing down. This online search program makes it easy and fits my lifestyle.

    I wish continued success and health to all of us on this journey.
  • wol15
    wol15 Posts: 2 Member
    Anyone out there willing to join another 63 year old in a mission to lose weight and compare stats? Currently 183 lbs and looking for help! Woll15
  • janetbry
    janetbry Posts: 1 Member
    I am 64 and workout a minimum of 4 days a week. I do spin class, plus aqua fit (sometimes twice a day) plus yoga twice a week. I am at a food bank two mornings a week and I keep busy. My caloric intake is about 1500 per day. I get frustrated too but we have to stop using the scale as a measurement of our health. I am 5ft4inches tall and I weigh 170. I want to lose ten pounds but I it just isn't happening. I am trying to let go of old thinking patterns and instead focus on getting stronger and keeping healthy with food and exercise. I have completely eliminated knee joint pain through exercise and I do feel stronger in my arms and legs. I believe that as I get stronger, the weight will come off ????
  • betreich
    betreich Posts: 51 Member
    I am not yet quite to the "60's", but would like to say you ladies sound quite inspirational!