I'm new, could use a friend or two!

I used to be the epitomy of fitness, earned physical fitness awards in the Army. I used to be able to do over 100 pushups without stopping...yesterday i did 8 and stopped. I had a pretty serious back injury over a year ago and i'm just now able to walk without pain. I cant run full speed like i used too, but i can swim and ride a stationary bike with very little or no pain. I'm not making excuses, because my diet is totally under my own control and over the last few years i have REALLY been reckless with what i've eaten. Now i'm 50 pounds overweight and really want to gain back control over my life to be a better father, husband and friend. This isnt easy, i've been at it for 3 days now and i stepped on the scale today and saw i actually have gained 3 pounds! I dont get it...


  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Thank you for your service. This is a great tool to help you get back on target. Good Luck!
  • tjbeer
    tjbeer Posts: 90 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I didn't get it at first but now I kinda am!!!

    Be good to have more friends and good luck with your journey.


  • joshandjeni
    Don't get discouraged. I have stopped and started many times and each time I start I gain a little bit. I'm not sure why, but I suspect its because you shock your system and it takes it a while to catch up. You'll get there. Don't give up.
  • ashleapierson
    Thank you so much for your service! This is an amazing place to get the motivation to lose as many pounds as you see fit!!!! Welcome!
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    Welcome...You will love the support you get here. I get so much out of it. A Friend request is coming. At least you know what you need to do already because you were in great shape before. I'm the opposite...learning it all new now but it's working.
    Good Luck
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Best of luck, add me if you want as a friend
  • cuppycake22
    Welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • fanullona
    fanullona Posts: 82 Member
    Don't get discouraged! Just try to follow your calorie allowance and be sure to weigh yourself at the same time everyday (first thing in the morning, right before you go to bed, etc.)
    You can do it!
  • Andre_Demers
    Welcome. Don't worry about that increase, it's still early. This is a long term projet and you will be successful. :smile:
  • Sonflower
    Welcome and thanks...
    Add me as a friend, I just joined yesterday and I could use a few friends also...
  • JackMiracle

    Don't worry about the increase. Think of things this way, i have and it helps me through it. (I was similar to you, very fit, went to Australia, started Teaching, and then o/w - but i'm back on track now).

    Think of the 3-5 pound zone. Our bodies fluctuate. Weight in the morning, weight during the day, weight at night. You could see a difference of 1-3 lbs . plus clothes, plus i just had a huge litre of water... and so on. Just remember each week to record your results, measurements, "hey are my pants feeling looser", and you will see your progress. Don't be too focused on the weight.

    Also when you start working out, your metabolism is slow. A slow metabolism is good for putting on muscle, not shedding fat. So in the first 2 weeks, you can actually gain muscle easier, because it's such a jolt to your musculature, that it's busy repairing and growing. But as the weeks go, your metabolism will increase, and you'll start seeing the numbers drop.

    It's easy to get discouraged, but then you also have lots of people here who are proven facts that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and you have all of their experience to draw upon.

    Just keep smiling!


    --P.S. you can add me as well! :o)