Do we watch we eat on Vacation



  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    We were in Paris 2 weeks ago. I'm on 5:2 fasting and didn't do that. I enjoyed a lot of good wine, cheese and bread but was careful not to overdo anything and I don't consume mass quantities anyway. The 3 days the weather was nice I went out and ran after our sightseeing and according to my FitBit it was a 41-mile week.

    I hadn't planned to weigh myself but had a doc appointment last week and according to her scale I didn't gain an ounce. Woo-hoo!
  • jessicabillman77
    jessicabillman77 Posts: 39 Member
    its vacation enjoy yourself! odds are you wont gain a massive amount of weight anyway as long as you keep doing some physical activity
  • TammyS327
    TammyS327 Posts: 134 Member
    I took a mini vacation last month and I logged everything. I hadn't planned to, but I wanted to see just how bad my eating habits were. Between all of the walking I really did good. I lost a pound that week.

    I leave Friday evening for 5 days at the beach and I will log everyday. That way if I gain a pound or 2 I will know exactly why, however I suspect I will lose at least 1 pound by exercising, swimming in the ocean, walking on the beach and site seeing.

    Whatever you decide to do will be the right decision for you. Have fun with your family.
  • Rachielous
    Rachielous Posts: 80 Member
    I do not log a single thing when I am on holiday - holidays for me are all about eating as much as I possibly can!! (and yes, I know - MFP is supposed to be about a 'lifestyle' change as opposed to a diet BUT that is a section of my lifestyle I am not willing to sacrifice!) I never gain too much when I am away anyway, just think about how much you actually have to eat to gain a 'real' pound (as opposed to a water weight pound).. My advice would be to just enjoy your break with your family - if you can and want to log then do it but if it is going to get in the way of your time with them then just let it go for a week or so and enjoy! Just make sure you can get back on the bandwagon when you are done!
  • casmithis
    casmithis Posts: 216 Member
    I'm so glad you posted this. I have a cruise booked on the 14th and I have completely freaked myself out over eating. I read an article where a girl gained 17 pounds while cruising. I'm so nervous about gaining that kind of weight but I think because I'm so freaked out I won't. I truly hope I can let my hair down and enjoy the food (within the MFP limits). I've already phoned the cruise company to make sure the gym is adequate so hopefully I can get some work outs in. My last trip I was told there was internet and turns outs it was hit and miss (more miss). So my logging was disastrous. I hope I'm able to log on this one.
  • WhitneyT586
    WhitneyT586 Posts: 279 Member
    I usually am careful but not strict when I'm on vacation. I pick my battles - if its going to be a great dinner place, I eat lighter the rest of the day. Everything in moderation! If you gain a bit, don't stress. It's gonna be okay! Have a great trip!!
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    i always lose weight on holiday cos its way too hot to eat and im always doing better things
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I suppose it depends on what you mean by "vacation". I won't track on travel vacations, but if I'm just visiting family for a day or two on holiday, I will track. It all depends on how accessible healthy food is and how comfortable I will be with only eating just enough.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I'm so glad you posted this. I have a cruise booked on the 14th and I have completely freaked myself out over eating. I read an article where a girl gained 17 pounds while cruising. I'm so nervous about gaining that kind of weight but I think because I'm so freaked out I won't. I truly hope I can let my hair down and enjoy the food (within the MFP limits). I've already phoned the cruise company to make sure the gym is adequate so hopefully I can get some work outs in. My last trip I was told there was internet and turns outs it was hit and miss (more miss). So my logging was disastrous. I hope I'm able to log on this one.

    don't panic, you wont gain 17lbs, that person obviously ate EVERYTHING in sight and didn't walk much...just don't over fill your plate, be aware that they add an awful lot of salt to everything so drink loads of water - just be aware of quantities and make good choices ok - just enjoy it, its the best holiday experience you can have on a cruise ship and the food is outstanding :-D
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Yes, I still log my food. I don't log physical activity unless it's a planned training session. It pretty much all evens out.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I'm so glad you posted this. I have a cruise booked on the 14th and I have completely freaked myself out over eating. I read an article where a girl gained 17 pounds while cruising. I'm so nervous about gaining that kind of weight but I think because I'm so freaked out I won't. I truly hope I can let my hair down and enjoy the food (within the MFP limits). I've already phoned the cruise company to make sure the gym is adequate so hopefully I can get some work outs in. My last trip I was told there was internet and turns outs it was hit and miss (more miss). So my logging was disastrous. I hope I'm able to log on this one.

    don't panic, you wont gain 17lbs, that person obviously ate EVERYTHING in sight and didn't walk much...just don't over fill your plate, be aware that they add an awful lot of salt to everything so drink loads of water - just be aware of quantities and make good choices ok - just enjoy it, its the best holiday experience you can have on a cruise ship and the food is outstanding :-D

    This! You'll be fine if you make sure you do some activity every day rather than sit around waiting for the next snack :wink:
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    I track everything and try to keep my exercise routine as much as possible even on vacation. That doesn't mean I don't indulge or go over my calories while on vacation, because I do, but I like the accountability of tracking it all to keep myself in check.
  • lsmsrbls
    lsmsrbls Posts: 232 Member
    I always log, but I do try to switch to maintenance calories while I'm on vacation. Sometimes I wind up spending so much time walking or swimming or whatever while I'm on vacation that I end up at more of a deficit that usual, anyway.
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    I track if I have internet access, and kind of mentally estimate if not. I don't deprive myself of anything, but I watch portions and try to stay within my daily goal. That's not to say I don't let loose every once and a while on a trip, but I do try to be mindful and make up for big days when possible.

    Personally, I do it because 7 years ago I was in decent shape and watching what I ate (not tracking though), and it was a vacation that started my undoing. I didn't watch anything while on the trip, and didn't really gain anything, but it made me feel that I didn't need to be as careful. I ended up putting on about 10 lbs. a year for the next 6 years... something I don't want to do again.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    I usually come back from vacations about 5lbs. lighter, and that's completely blowing off all dietary concerns. I'm usually lugging scuba tanks all over the place, climbing in and out of the water, etc., and I'm exhausted at the end of each day. Even beer and fried garbage hardly keeps me fueled. :P
  • casmithis
    casmithis Posts: 216 Member
    I'm so glad you posted this. I have a cruise booked on the 14th and I have completely freaked myself out over eating. I read an article where a girl gained 17 pounds while cruising. I'm so nervous about gaining that kind of weight but I think because I'm so freaked out I won't. I truly hope I can let my hair down and enjoy the food (within the MFP limits). I've already phoned the cruise company to make sure the gym is adequate so hopefully I can get some work outs in. My last trip I was told there was internet and turns outs it was hit and miss (more miss). So my logging was disastrous. I hope I'm able to log on this one.

    don't panic, you wont gain 17lbs, that person obviously ate EVERYTHING in sight and didn't walk much...just don't over fill your plate, be aware that they add an awful lot of salt to everything so drink loads of water - just be aware of quantities and make good choices ok - just enjoy it, its the best holiday experience you can have on a cruise ship and the food is outstanding :-D

    This! You'll be fine if you make sure you do some activity every day rather than sit around waiting for the next snack :wink:

    Thanks for the encouragement and advice. I've heard wonderful things about cruises. Very excited.
  • MidWestMissy
    MidWestMissy Posts: 32 Member
    I am teaching myself to live a new life, not dieting... so yes, I watch what I eat. I don't go all out simply because it's a vacation, I learn to enjoy myself with my new lifestyle.

    This is probably the way I will tend to care for our upcoming vacation. I will make use of gyms at the hotels. There will be plenty of swimming, and walking, and such. I will drink/eat as I have been for last year. Will I enjoy things I haven't "indulged" in awhile. YEP!! But you better believe I will log and take into account.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I usually come back from vacations about 5lbs. lighter, and that's completely blowing off all dietary concerns. I'm usually lugging scuba tanks all over the place, climbing in and out of the water, etc., and I'm exhausted at the end of each day. Even beer and fried garbage hardly keeps me fueled. :P

    While we don't scuba dive. But, our vacations are usually packed with hiking, climbing, fishing, and paddling. We also cook 75% of our meals. I've never gained on vacation, and usually come back a little lighter.
  • zinatara
    zinatara Posts: 76 Member
    The last time we went on vacation to Greece I came home 5 kg heavier. We had all inclusive at the hotel and they had great food. So I ate too much and drank calories too. I don't want that to happen when we go to spain this year. So we are going to go with self catering this time and shop in a supermarket. We will still go out to eat, but not for all our meals.

    Also I'm going to swim and play with my kids, go hiking and go for walks. So I'm not planning on laying on a sunbead all day.
  • liloldDee
    liloldDee Posts: 92 Member
    I am so glad you posted this too as its something that is very much on my mind right now. Usually after a weeks holidays I come back with about 4lbs on even though I do loads of walking. I blame the breads/pasteries. At the moment I am watching my carbs in order to get a few extra pounds off before we go away and I am worried that I will pile on even more weight than ever, we are off to Italy for 11 days but we are self catering so I do hope to have more control on what I eat, I think most of the damage I do is at breakfast so hopefully having no buffet to choose from will be a help. I will stock up on food for breakfasts and lunches when we get there and try and do so on a full tummy so hopefully I will not buy too much that will tempt me.

    I still have a lot of weight to lose, so I don't want to come back from holidays with loads of weight on and feel dejected. I wish I could bring my scales on hols!!