30 Day Shred for a complete beginner

jezamon Posts: 29 Member
So I bought the 30DS DVD last week and have decided to start it today. Am drinking water [well, sugar free squash as I find water incredibly boring] in preparation... lol

The only exercise I've ever done in my life is 20-30 minutes of various things such as star jumps, crunches, step ups, etc - back in March. After doing it for 2 days in a row, my calves were absolutely killing. I then went 4 days without doing it, did it for one day, skipped a day, did it for one more day and gave up :/
I've never been one to watch my weight, but after quitting my job back in November, I've put on half a stone. This wouldn't bother me too much, but my jeans/skirts and shorts are now getting a bit tight...! Not good, especially if you saw the amount of clothes I have and would have to replace, lol.
I've been wanting to tone up my stomach, upper arms and calves for a while too, so hopefully this will help with that.

I'm determined to do this, so I figured if I post here then I'm a bit more committed and hopefully people can spur me on? Please? Lol :) Wish me luck...!


  • I did level 1 a bunch of times- I had zero previous exercise experience, so you will be ahead of the game on that front. You will be sore for a couple days, but it's a great (and quick) workout.

    Good luck!!
  • jezamon
    jezamon Posts: 29 Member
    I did level 1 a bunch of times- I had zero previous exercise experience, so you will be ahead of the game on that front. You will be sore for a couple days, but it's a great (and quick) workout.

    Good luck!!

    Thank you :)
  • dloucarter
    dloucarter Posts: 32 Member
    I did this program last year and got fantastic results, get out the tape measure as you'll certainly see more of a loss with your measurements than the scales as muscle weighs more than fat. I lost 27cm all over but only 2.5 kilos. I did drop a dress size and even the smaller dress size was loose.

    I have started Day 1 today. It's not hard to do and great that it only takes a short time to complete each day. I wish you the best of luck for your 30 day shred. Feel free to add me :) Danielle
  • jezamon
    jezamon Posts: 29 Member
    I did this program last year and got fantastic results, get out the tape measure as you'll certainly see more of a loss with your measurements than the scales as muscle weighs more than fat. I lost 27cm all over but only 2.5 kilos. I did drop a dress size and even the smaller dress size was loose.

    I have started Day 1 today. It's not hard to do and great that it only takes a short time to complete each day. I wish you the best of luck for your 30 day shred. Feel free to add me :) Danielle

    Yes, just about to take my measurements and do photos too. Thank you very much :) Good luck to you too!
  • Bec_88
    Bec_88 Posts: 45
    I was feeling the same as you, except for fluctuations of going to the gym for a couple of months here and there, I am totally UNFIT!

    Someone on this forum suggested the 30DS so I started yesterday. It was a little hard for me, only because I wasnt used to some of the movement (ie; I cannot do push ups and the bike wheels make me feel so uncoordinate)

    Today however I feel really great, my abs are a little sore and my butt is killing me.. but overall I still feel awesome.

    I figure it may take me a few more times to actually coordinate the moves, so I think Ill stay on level one for an extra two days

    Let us know how you go :)
  • jezamon
    jezamon Posts: 29 Member
    I was feeling the same as you, except for fluctuations of going to the gym for a couple of months here and there, I am totally UNFIT!

    Someone on this forum suggested the 30DS so I started yesterday. It was a little hard for me, only because I wasnt used to some of the movement (ie; I cannot do push ups and the bike wheels make me feel so uncoordinate)

    Today however I feel really great, my abs are a little sore and my butt is killing me.. but overall I still feel awesome.

    I figure it may take me a few more times to actually coordinate the moves, so I think Ill stay on level one for an extra two days

    Let us know how you go :)

    Thanks, good luck to you x
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    I have completed two rounds of 30D. I did it five days a week and I dropped 19 inches off my body as well as about 15lbs in those two months.

    I was a complete beginner, I was nearly 230lbs as well so if I can do it, you can definitely do it :)

    Stick with it as it does give results :)
  • zeprose
    zeprose Posts: 74 Member
    my weight loss journey also began with 30 DS. It's really tough atthe beginning but if if u stick with it, u 'll see incredible changes. I didn't give up so I saw the results. Also the results will make u more determined and motivated. keep doing it!
  • Shel2Peru
    Shel2Peru Posts: 128 Member
    I am waaaayyyy overweight, but want to give this a try. Been lifting and aerobic at the gym for over a month but want to do this at least every other day. We should keep this thread going and report back in a month our results.
  • jrue1985
    jrue1985 Posts: 191 Member
    I started it and got bored with doing the same thing over and over :-( I am doing other things right now, and doing a lot outside. I am saving the 30DS for in the winter when it is too cold to do things outside :-) Let us k now about your results!!
  • KimJohnsonsmile
    KimJohnsonsmile Posts: 222 Member
    Love love love the 30DS! You'll probably see more in inches than you will in weight. AND, after a few weeks you'll be amazed at how fast you get into shape and how easy it becomes. I look back now at how hard it was for me just to finish the jumping jacks in Level 1, and now jumping jacks are just a basic warm up for me. Stick with it and don't give up. Modify the moves if you have to, but DONT' GIVE UP! You can do it!!!
  • jrbb03092
    jrbb03092 Posts: 198 Member
    Good luck! Am on day 6, level 1 - and just so you know, you may be incredibly sore the first two days - as in, omg, I didn't even know I had those muscles sore, and tempted to stop, but don't and you'll feel much better by the third and fourth day and your endurance will be even better by day 5, etc. Stick with it! You get really fast results if you do :)
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    After day 4 the pain stops :-D keep on going, you can do this (cos if I could then you sure can!)

    ps rub some voltarol on those aching calves, that'll help a LOT :)
  • TammyS327
    TammyS327 Posts: 134 Member
    I started it and got bored with doing the same thing over and over :-( I am doing other things right now, and doing a lot outside. I am saving the 30DS for in the winter when it is too cold to do things outside :-) Let us k now about your results!!

    After about 2 weeks I was bored.
    I still do the ab exercises, and strength exercises from the video but I like to get my cardio from c25k and the elliptical.
    It is a good quick work out though. I hope you enjoy it and stick to it.
  • jezamon
    jezamon Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks everyone! Good luck to all those who are doing it too :)

    I just completed the first workout and found it pretty tough going! It was hardest right in the middle and I was ready to give up, lol, but I stuck with it and then it seemed to get easier. Glad I managed to do it! I'm really rubbish at pushups though...!
  • I suck at pushups, but I think I'll give this a try. I'm a total beginner, as well. I can walk about a mile at a time, but it takes 20mins, and really winds me for a long time after.
  • jezamon
    jezamon Posts: 29 Member
    I couldn't even do the easy pushups properly, lol. But I did try and there weren't that many :)
  • jezamon
    jezamon Posts: 29 Member
    Oh and feel free to add me! Hopefully we can all motivate each other :)
  • MrsBozz1
    MrsBozz1 Posts: 248 Member
    Good job completing day one! :drinker: You will feel tired and soar and uncoordinated (I did!) STICK WITH IT!! It will give you energy,the sourness WILL go away and you will learn the moves! Before I started my journey not only did I not exercise but I hated exercise! But I decided "enough” I want to live a long wonderful life with my wonderful hubby! I want to really be able to play with my 3 beautiful kids, so I made myself do it. Now I look forward to it! I love Jillian Michaels stuff (I like ripped in 30 even better than 30 day shred) It is tough at the beginning but push through it is sooo worth it, you will love the results!!! Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • bhealthyagain
    bhealthyagain Posts: 41 Member
    Hi everyone, I am starting the 30DS tomorrow. I'm nervous as I have never done a workout video before, but I am excited because it is time for a change!!