secretly dieting

I have decided attempt a diet secretly this time. I don't think friends and family purposely sabotage but comments and advice seem to lower my motivation. For me its my mother who has always be very athletic, size 2 with no appetite. At 60 she looks like a 40 year old barbie! Now I have my daughter who takes after her at 17 she is lean, muscular, beautiful... For years I would just accept my place as the big one in the family. Deal with the comments like "you have such a pretty face" with a fake smile and thank you. I am very motivated but having a hard time with not quitting when I mess up and splurge. I have lost 16 lbs in 8 weeks and it this site has been so helpful, I didn't even realize how many calories I was taking in before! I am sad at all the things I have missed while sitting on the sidelines and need to take control of my life!


  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    You can totally do this!

    The biggest thing I had to face was that really ugly voice in my own head - that is what made other people's comments so painful - because I believed them too.

    Change your inner voice - it is a massive process but 100% worth it.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    I have decided attempt a diet secretly this time. I don't think friends and family purposely sabotage but comments and advice seem to lower my motivation. For me its my mother who has always be very athletic, size 2 with no appetite. At 60 she looks like a 40 year old barbie! Now I have my daughter who takes after her at 17 she is lean, muscular, beautiful... For years I would just accept my place as the big one in the family. Deal with the comments like "you have such a pretty face" with a fake smile and thank you. I am very motivated but having a hard time with not quitting when I mess up and splurge. I have lost 16 lbs in 8 weeks and it this site has been so helpful, I didn't even realize how many calories I was taking in before! I am sad at all the things I have missed while sitting on the sidelines and need to take control of my life!

    It is unfair that you have to hide your attempts to better yourself. Stand up to everyone who is trying to sabotage your efforts and say enough is enough! Refuse to stay on the sidelines. All the best!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I am on a secret diet. I eat ice cream daily in front of my family who without fail ask me everytime "How can you expect to lose weight eating that!?!?". The funny thing is... I am losing weight and inches eating ice cream and everything yummy. So technically I am not on a diet. I just eat with moderation.
  • chanice11
    chanice11 Posts: 44 Member
    I started on here and didn't tell anyone for quite a while. I just didn't want anyone to make comments, and I was being selfish for the first time since I had kids. I wanted to do something that was just for me. It was the best thing I could have done because by the time I had myself into a great pattern, people started noticing the changes in me. Even if there wasn't always support, I was so dependent on my new schedule that there wasn't anything they could say that would stop me.

    Also, Is your avatar a pic of you and your mom? If so, you also look like a Barbie doll!
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I am so glad you are doing well here. I kept mine a secret for the most part because I didn't want the world to know that I failed again. When you are with 'THOSE" people just eat a little of what they are pushing and if they ask are you on a diet you say"No" just doing portion control. Most people don't give grief with that.
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    I didn't tell anyone either. I figured eventually they would notice, but I didn't want to be on "failure watch" when it's hard enough at the beginning when you are trying to build new habits. I'm very into "actions not words" right now in many parts of my life. I'm tired of feeling the need for approval from everyone to do what I want and need to do!
  • americangirlok
    americangirlok Posts: 228 Member
    Congrats on your progress so far- that is really good. My family isn't quite that athletic- well some of them are. I've been trying to just make better choices this year and the last 10 weeks I've been pretty successful with that- but I'm not putting it out there like a thing you know? Like I don't want my friends and family making too big a deal about it so it can be like "remember wheny ou said you were trying to lose weight?" Or "I knew you couldn't really quit smoking." So while I'm not keeping it secret, I'm not broadcasting it either.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I'm a big fan of privacy. I have been secretly watching my calories on a doctor supervised plan and lost 50 pounds recently (the other pounds on my ticker were lost a while ago).... AND then I went and had weight loss surgery last week, also secretly (I've told my sisters and boyfriend).... Once I've accomplished my goal, I have no problem telling everyone of my surgery or my calorie counting... I just don't want the attention WHILE I'm actually in the process. I don't need people scrutinizing my every bite or thinking that I should be losing faster, I'm not working hard enough, etc.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I did the same thing when I began here. I did not tell anyone.
    By the end of April last year, people began noticing and commenting. The comments helped me continue and reinforced the habits I had begun to change. Eventually everyone will notice your efforts and that may help you as well.
    Everyone who knows me now knows that I have changed my life, but I still do not bring up the facts of what I am doing. If they ask, I will tell them.
    The best of luck to you! You can do this too!
  • Bonnieg318
    Bonnieg318 Posts: 156 Member
    I started weight watchers secretly. It's only been in the last little while I have admitted to doing it. I wanted to keep it to myself in case it didn't work. Now I have switched to MFP in an attempt to get rid of the last 20lbs that don't seem to be moving.
    Good luck with your secret diet! Looking forward to seeing your progress!
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I started the same way, the only person who I told was my best friend who lives in another country. After about 3 months I started telling people because people noticed the change in my body and it seemed ridiculous to not be proud of myself for sticking it out. Now, I talk about it with most people because I am seen as a "success story" to people and everyone comments on it.
    My problem was before when I'd tried to discuss wanting to diet/exercise with people, they immediately went on the defensive on my behalf telling me I didn't need to - which was just completely not true!
    Stick at it, you might find you succeed better this way!
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I didn't announce my plans to lose weight and get into shape infront of anyone or anything... but they sort of noticed since it's hard to hide going from watching Breaking Bad to running 3-4 times/week :p

    I wouldn't announce anything to anyone either if I were you, but I wouldn't hide it. I would say "x,y,z makes me sleepy, I feel better when I eat this way" Hard to argue with that.

    And don't kid yourself, there ARE people that find joy in your failure because it makes them feel better about theirs. Misery loves company!
  • fabulara
    fabulara Posts: 94 Member
    I am dieting more-or-less secretly too. My husband knows, but I don't much talk it up among my real-world friends and relatives. I too find that thin peoples' comments and advice lower my motivation. I feel exposed, somehow, and painfully vulnerable, and those feelings make me feel like eating! Go figure. I prefer to have friends on this journey who are going through what I am going through. As for mess-ups and splurges, I find that I do better if I create an eating and exercise plan for myself that is sustainable. I go for small changes, one at a time, and I include treats. I don't say "no" to any food group, including carbs. I say "fewer," "smaller portions," and "harm reduction." I always include what my husband bakes, but I no longer eat bread in restaurants and have cut way back on eating between meals. I too find that it is instructive and sobering to realize how many calories I was taking in before! Just being aware makes me less likely to eat as much, but I have so many changes to make. I know that it is going to take time to settle into new healthy habits without feeling resentfull or throwing up my hands.
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    I agree about working on healthy eating "on the sly". Sometimes it's just more fun to do it and wait for people to notice and comment, with admiration. But if someone needs outside support, that's ok, too. Just do what you need to in order to work at it. It sounds like you have your goal of better health and a more active lifestyle and are making wonderful progress. Congratulations.
  • juliewelsh5492
    Thanks everyone, some really great input. It felt good to tell anyone what I am attempting to do. Yes that's my mother and I in the picture on our last family vacation.
  • juliewelsh5492
    I am no longer hiding my dieting. I have lost 39lbs 1/2 way to my goal and am so glad I decided to keep in quiet at first. I did have a few people try to sabotage but I was far enough in that I was fine. I am looking forward to getting the 2nd half of the weight off!!
  • Silver14
    Silver14 Posts: 141
    I am no longer hiding my dieting. I have lost 39lbs 1/2 way to my goal and am so glad I decided to keep in quiet at first. I did have a few people try to sabotage but I was far enough in that I was fine. I am looking forward to getting the 2nd half of the weight off!!

    Congratulations! Did you mom say anything!? Your amazing :)
  • SpazQ
    SpazQ Posts: 104
    Congrats! This is awesome and I am so glad to hear it.

    This isn't about anyone but you anyhow. ;)