I've got my "want to"

lostdogg Posts: 450 Member
I'll begin by saying
"I'm Chris, and I'm a foodaholic".... lol

Anyways, I'm 37 years old and finally decided to do something about my health and appearance. I've often looked in the mirror and been rather displeased with my appearance. I've just never motivated myself enough to get up and do something about it. I carry myweight well (I'm 320 with a 44 inch waist and often was told I didn't look that heavy, I believed it cause it was from Co workers who didn't believe in being nice lol). I've also made excuses. My cholesterol, sugar, blood pressure have all been in the normal range my entire life.

But I finally decided to do something proactive and change my life while I had the chance to. Not to continue being on the verge of being another obese man with a heart attack.

I've never been one for "easing" into anything. I dive head into it and go hard or I don't go at all. (Of course that works for me. It may not for everyone) the only way I can drop a bad habit and pick up a good one is all at once. That's how I quit smoking 10 yrs ago. That's how I'm doing this.

I can thank my daughter's for my motivation. I was stuck in rut for many years. Marriage after the Navy. Then feel into the daily grind of work, eat, sleep for many years. My daughters are all rather fit and active. One of my girls is in jrotc so she is always on the go. Another one of my girls recently sparked an interest in martial arts. (Something I find interesting myself). Of course being daddy I want going to say no, so I signed her up for taekwondo. The instructor asked if this would be for both of us. That wasn't my intention, but me being spontaneous said "sure, if you can work with me I'll do it" he assured me that he could work with anyone who had "the want to"to do it.

So there it began. That was May 9th.

Knowing that I had to do more than just take taekwondo to stay healthy, I decided to change other aspects of my life as well. A coworker told me about MFP and that gave me what I needed to monitor myself and increase my accountability. I've changed my eating habits now. I'm also going to taekwondo class 3 times a week and trying to squeeze in 1 kisado fitness class as well. My of days I walk or get on my stationary bike...... let's see what's next. I'd like to run again soon.

My goal is to get back to my Navy weight and maybe try on that old uniform. I have the "want to" now. Let's see where it takes me.

Feel free to join in or share with me along my journey.

My success + your success = our success.


  • lostdogg
    lostdogg Posts: 450 Member
    Excuse the typos. Autocorrect on my phone .... :/
  • lklkl5
    lklkl5 Posts: 113 Member
    "want to" is the big factor in weight loss. Good for you in taking on a fitness routine that works for you as well. You can do this and you know you can. Add me if you want, I am more than happy to provide meaningful support and love having the support of other committed individuals. I really enjoy celebrating the changes in their lives!
  • Kimberly3013
    Kimberly3013 Posts: 78 Member
    You can add me if you would like. I am 38 with 7 kids at home. My kids are also one of my biggest reasons why I want to get in better shape. My son will be leaving in 15 days for boot camp (army) and I promised him I would run with him before he leaves. All my kids are active in sports (softball, gymnastics, baseball, soccer, and basketball). I work a full time job at the hospital and also go to school full time.

    My oldest son was in taekwondo (sorry if misspelled) for 4 yrs when he was younger. It is a very interesting and disciplined art. It sounds like you have the drive to do it as well as lose weight. Good luck on your journey and I hope to become friends with you and join you on the journey.
  • daveofca
    daveofca Posts: 2
    This is was a great way to start my Monday. I have two girls and two boys that help keep my head up and keep me pushing forward. Thanks for sharing.
  • JudieJudes
    JudieJudes Posts: 174 Member
    Hi Chris & a warm welcome

    Well done on taking the first steps to a totally different way of life :)

    Feel free to add me ... and anyone else can if they so choose.

    jj xx
  • lostdogg
    lostdogg Posts: 450 Member
    Thank you all for the encouraging comments. I appreciate each one.