I need help with lunch meals!!!!

cheachea2 Posts: 20 Member
I need ideas for foods to take for lunch. I am trying to eat low carbs, no processed foods, and no dairy. I can cook meals for breakfast and dinner but grab n go meals for lunch are very hard when following that eating plan. Please help me! What do you eat for lunch and snacks?


  • chellec23
    chellec23 Posts: 147 Member
    Well, I usually end up with something a little higher in carbs so I won't give you exactly what I eat... Have you thought about soup? Make it the night before so it's ready to grab in the morning. Here's an idea for you..... chicken broth, veggies (however much you want to fill you up), lentils (for SOME carbs and extra protein...totally can be eliminated), and maybe some chicken cut up small. Boil it together til everything is cooked and season however you want. Ends up being pretty low in calories and will fill you up. For a morning snack I usually have a light string cheese (60 calories, no carbs, 7 grams protein). Good luck!!
  • HS2305
    HS2305 Posts: 422 Member
    I usually have salad with either ham, chicken or tuna for my lunch.
  • jesgaa
    jesgaa Posts: 17
    I bring tupperware with different fixing for salads, tuna pasta salad, leftovers of dinner, tofu wraps...etc. Check out this website for a lot of great ideas. www.eatingwell.com
  • MK608
    MK608 Posts: 47 Member
    Here's what I LOVE for lunch:

    Summer Salad

    1 c. kale
    1 Tbsp Cocnut
    3 sliced strawberries
    3.5 ounces of chicken

    I drizzle a little pomegranate infused balsamic vinegar on top... it's delicious! I usually have this with a cup of green tea. Yum!
  • hawkeygal
    hawkeygal Posts: 133 Member
    Do what I do. Prepack your lunches for the week on Sunday.

    I'm so not a morning person. I know you're eating clean, but this is what I do, so feel free to modify it to meet your needs.

    Go to the Target (or wherever) and buy yourself those compartment Ziplock food containers--one large square, and two smaller rectangles.

    I make a sandwich or salad for the big square (a bread "thin" with roasted turkey, a thin slice of cheese and lettuce), throw in some grapes in the other container, and whatever other fruit in the other container.

    I then add a little container of greek yogurt and some air popped popcorn as a treat.

    Since I'm not a morning person, I can be late as I want and be able to grab the stuff out the fridge, throw it in my lunch bag with the blue ice and be done with it (I also have a HUGE refillable water bottle to go with too!).

    Easy Peasy.

    And no--I haven't had issues with my sandwiches being soggy on Fridays.