When is the last time you got middle named?

1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
Remember when we all got in trouble with our parents as kids? They would use your first and middle name and you KNEW they meant business. When is the last time you got middle named? By who? And why?


  • Colliex3
    Colliex3 Posts: 328 Member
    Never... it was more when my name was called or more like YELLED that I knew I was in for it.. Middle name never came out lol
  • juliegrey1
    juliegrey1 Posts: 202 Member
    Never had that happen here,I live in Ireland,we dont do it,middle names are a waste here!!!lol
  • Cindy873
    Cindy873 Posts: 1,165
    My husband occasionally (randomly) calls me by my first and middle names. Which is weird considering he usually just calls me by my first initial.
  • krislyn84
    krislyn84 Posts: 337 Member
    About 10 minutes ago. Because I'm stubborn and when a man means business, he uses your middle name.
  • xvxCelticWandererxvx
    xvxCelticWandererxvx Posts: 2,890 Member
    My man did not too long ago. I got the first, middle and last name! I was soooo bad :devil: lol
  • JustAboutDelicious_wechanged
    Daily. It's part of my name on here so I'm constantly being a naughtly girl when called Amy Dawn. I kind of like it.
  • RoadsterZ
    RoadsterZ Posts: 434
    Amy Dawn!!! :tongue:
  • harleydall76
    harleydall76 Posts: 586 Member
    I can't remember, so I'm guessing not since I was a kid. LOL
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Any time someone uses my user name on here. :laugh:

    I didn't really get middle named by my folks, though. When they were REALLY mad, I usually got called the name of every one of my older siblings, including my brothers, and sometimes the dog, before they got to my name.
  • xtinakay84
    xtinakay84 Posts: 22
    all the time, but only because many of my friends and fam call me by both, Christina Kay ;)
  • Lovdiamnd
    Lovdiamnd Posts: 624 Member
    When my mom saw a Facebook picture and thought I cut my hair short.
  • Svolt
    Svolt Posts: 284 Member
    I was middle named by my older sister a few weeks ago. I don't remember why .... but I do the same to her :wink:
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Never. Don't hve a middle name. I get last named all the time. McGee, Im Irish
  • bcchick33
    bcchick33 Posts: 40 Member
    When I got married :)
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    Any time someone uses my user name on here. :laugh:

    I didn't really get middle named by my folks, though. When they were REALLY mad, I usually got called the name of every one of my older siblings, including my brothers, and sometimes the dog, before they got to my name.

    Lmao! My mom was the same way! hahaha :laugh:
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    About 10 minutes ago. Because I'm stubborn and when a man means business, he uses your middle name.

    This LOL
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    I get middle named all the time. At least once a week by my fiance for something or another.
  • BenchPressingCats
    BenchPressingCats Posts: 1,826 Member
    When I told my mom that I met the mayor and made him tell me that I was pretty.

    Not sure if this counts, but one of my friends called me Amanderin because it's a combination of my first and middle names. BTW, Erin is not my middle name, it was the pronunciation not the spelling.
  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member
    I have no idea. Given the fact that I don't speak to my family and my friends don't know my middle name, I'm pretty certain I could go the rest of my life without hearing it.

    I've also never used it on my daughter. I call her by her first and middle names sometimes, but just because I love her name.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Most people don't know my middle name. But, that's ok they have figured out other names to call me.