Mom Looking for Friends and Support

I'm a married Momma and I want to be healthy, the best me possible for myself, my husband and our son.

I started MFP in June 2011 and before getting pregnant, lost 30 pounds. 7 months later, the majority of the pregnancy weight I gained has been lost but my body changed and I want to focus on getting myself in shape and healthy.

I'm starting today at 161 and my goal is to be down to 145. I am shooting to lose a 1/2 a pound a week. Slow and steady wins the race in my world. I'd love to be at my goal weight and feeling good about myself in time for our son's first birthday (October).

Staying home allows me to be as active or lazy as I want to be. I'd really like a great core of MyFitnessPal friends to help push me along the way. In return, I can be your biggest fan and number 1 cheerleader.


  • Runhard13
    Runhard13 Posts: 138 Member
    Welcome aboard...even without exercise just by changing your diet to on that is healthier should help you lose 1/2 lb a week easy if not more. look forward to seeing you reach your goals for yourself and family!
  • Amypep
    Amypep Posts: 5
    Hi, I'm Amy and also a stay home mom....get what you mean about having lazy days and full of energy days. I just started like 5 or 6 days ago. I've been weighing in everyday, but my weight is fluctuating between 2 pounds. I have an eight year son and a three year old daughter. Both home for the summer. My daughter starts pre-school in August. Trying to lose just a a few pounds for our summer vacation that begins July 3rd. I'm the only over weight person in both my family and my husbands family and that makes me stressful. I was a thin bride but gain weight during pregnancy and postpartum depression. I current weigh 190, my goal 150....possible 130 if I can. I'd love to be friends with you and correspond. I live in Fort Myers, Florida. Where are you from. How old is your son?
  • cjenkins91
    cjenkins91 Posts: 92 Member
    Let's do it! I'm the mother to a very active 3 year old girl and I also work full time, but I get off every day at 3 pm, which still leaves me with plenty of time to work out and spend time with my family. I have learned that I need to make time at least 4x per week to work out that way I can make sure that there are no other excuses that stand in my way. I am definitely gonna be logging onto this website every day and will stay committed so I am more than happy to cheer you on!

  • clobern
    clobern Posts: 341 Member
    You and anyone else can add me! I wish you the best, I know how tough it can be with kids but sometimes you gotta just find creative ways!
  • caspergirl7
    caspergirl7 Posts: 590 Member
    Mom of 4 here & on daily! Feel free to add me : )
  • fat2strongbeth
    fat2strongbeth Posts: 735 Member
    Anyone can add me. I'm also looking for other moms for support.
  • kaycevaughan
    kaycevaughan Posts: 91 Member
    I am a stay at home mom too! And I definitely understand being as active as I want or as lazy as I want, though most of the time it's lazy! Let's do this :)
  • MrsDangerousCurves
    MrsDangerousCurves Posts: 85 Member
    I'm at stay at home mom too but not for too much longer. Mom of 2 girls, 2 and 5 years old. Add me!
  • I'm a mother of 4
  • o0JenB0o
    o0JenB0o Posts: 39
    Mom of 4 here <3 Add me if you want :)
  • leanne0605
    leanne0605 Posts: 183 Member
    Mom of a 5 year old. I sent you a friend rqst
  • luulu1999
    luulu1999 Posts: 119
    I am a mother of 2 ages 5 and 4, I work 40+ hours a week and go to school full time...well this summer I only have one class at a time but its Tues and Thurs from the time I get off until 10 at night!!....Any one can add my I am def looking for all the friends I can get because I am determined to get this weight off
  • oubaa
    oubaa Posts: 7
    I am a SAHM but only during the summer. I am also looking for support in what I hope to be my last battle in losing weight. Since my 2nd daughter was born, I've only been able to get back to my "happily married" weight. I would like to get back to my "happily dating" weight. While pregnant, I reached 200 pounds, but I'm currently stuck at 162. To make it tougher, my little one just turned 4, so it's going to take intentional efforts to get this "normal" off!

    I need to be accountable, and would love to support others on their journey! Please feel free to add me!

  • pfrid
    pfrid Posts: 9
    I am not a stay at home mom, but a working mom of 2 teenage boys. I did the WW thing, which worked great for a while. Lost 69 lbs in 2008/2009, but then after a couple of years of keeping it off, have gained back about half of it. I am currently determined to lose 23 lbs to get back to where I want to be. Thought I'd give MFP a try. Would love to find a group of folks to support, and be supported by, to help us all succeed.
    Determined to lose this in time for our annual family portrait, which we take in December, in front of the castle at Disneyland. :)
    Feel free to add me if you are looking for the same.
  • Kai81109
    Kai81109 Posts: 52 Member
    Hey! My name is Nic im also a stay at home mom with a little one. Before I had my son i weighed 130lbs and am 5'9, after I had him i weighed 172lbs and just kept gaining till i reached 192lbs. I have gained and lost weight for the last 3 1/2 years and finally saved enough for a trainer and nutritionest.,.. and have lost 7lbs since i have started I hope that you achieve your goals and would love to help motivate and have someone to help me as well...
    JLANGSTA Posts: 8 Member
    I'm a mom of 19 mo old twins, I can relate!

    I am doing an awesome program which has been great for my health and my family, down 35 pounds in 11 weeks! I use MFP to track things I am concerned about, but the program is a no-brainer and doesn't require counting calories, points, etc.

    Let me know if you have any questions or want to check it out!
  • I'm also looking for friends. Anyone can add me. Im new to the site.
  • sillymcdrippins
    sillymcdrippins Posts: 1 Member
    Congrats on the baby! I just started a week ago on MFP. I'm finding much of this is choice. We do have choices to make. Such as you deciding to be as active or sedentary as you want. I suppose we all have to work on choosing fitness to be a knee jerk reaction and the rest will come easier.
    I'm really hoping for this to be a lifestyle change and not just a temp fix.
    I'm about to be a first time grandma (+my husband, the grampa) and we want to be able to enjoy our grandson (Yes, a boy!) and not let him see us as old incapable people who can't have fun with him in his youth.
    I believe regular routine is the best way to learn anything for it to become a knee jerk reaction.
    I was an MMA trainer and my students used to get bored with doing the same routines over and over again and would ask me when they can step into more fighting techniques because they thought they knew everything from conditioning so much. Then when I would put them to the test of their abilities, they quickly understood the reason for routine.
    So if we make a regular routine, even with babies in the home, we can do this. Personally, I am purposing to go back into training people in MMA and I know all the things to do, I just need to choose to do it.
    We become what we worship. If we worship food, we become fat and possibly gluttonous. If we worship money, we become greedy. If we worship complaining, we get sick and so on.
    You MUST stay positive and not beat yourself up and not feel defeated. Even a day of moving forward just by losing 4 ounces is a better day than gaining 2 ounces or staying the same as before.
    There will be days we plateau and we have to understand that. That's typical of nutritional and fitness lifestyle changes.
    You can't be upset if you "slip" and eat something unhealthy. Don't think of yourself having to go back to ground zero, think of it as "oh well" and just begin again where you left off at. We are intended to enjoy the land of milk and honey and we can, in moderation but we have to get to a certain point first.
  • butterfly_0104
    butterfly_0104 Posts: 24 Member
    You can add me also. I'm mom of 3 looking to loose around 40 pounds as well. I've found support and encouragment help alot!! Good luck on your journey!
  • sleepingtodream
    sleepingtodream Posts: 304 Member
    I'd love some more mom friends!:) I work outside of home and have two kids (will be 4 and 2 this month). I've had really good success being on here for the last couple months...friends hold me accountable to eat right and exercise daily. Feel free to add me because I am happy to offer support (and I need a kick in the butt sometime too):)

    I don't have alot to lose but would like to keep at a healthy weight (haven't always been in a healthy range) and work on gaining strength/muscle. I also have a love of food/eating:P