Just cant get moving :(

I lost 30 pounds since Jan. 2nd. My goal is 7 more pounds, but thinking changing it to 17. My problem is I eat under 1200 cal. I am usually not hungry so I don't eat enough. But I have been loosing weight ( about a pound a week). This week I haven' t lost anything but I had 2 great last weeks so I am not expecting to much this week anyways. My big problem is I don't have any anbition on exercise. These past 5 months I have done little exercise. And this past week I have done none. The only support I have is my sister and daughter who doing this with me. But they don't live in the same town. My boyfriend is not suportive at all. I wish he help me out more as love walking but he is never around so I can go for a walk. I have 3 kids and they wouldn' t be able to keep up or last that long. I have nobody else to watch my kids so I rely on him :( I have an exercise bike but have no
desire to get on it. I got on it last week then after 10 minutes I said " I'm done" wasn't tired just got bored. I am so close to my goal I feel I am going to go into a stall or worse gain weight. I wish I had the motivation to get moving.


  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member

    Because you eat about 1200 cals you probably don't have enough energy because you are not eating enough. Eventually it catches up on you and then you are tired and sluggish with no energy. I learned this one first hand.

    I have 4 kids and I found the best exercise was playing with them. Get a game of tag in, or hide and seek. Get a deck of cards and have each of them pull the cards out and do a workout like that.....spades (burpees), diamonds (jumpsquats), hearts (bicep curls), clubs (lunges).....doesn't have to be these but you get the point. This is something Bob Harper uses without a gym or equipment....your kids would love to help you. It can also help them learn to read and give you even more support. My kids love working out with me in the yard. We take turns skipping. I skip with each one of them and we try to get the highest each one of them. It is so fun and such a workout. Go biking with them, it doesn't have to be far, my little guy can only go down the road to the next house (i live in the country) so its not far but its something.

    You need to stop thinking you can't and make a plan for when you can. Just doing these little things will get you time in for yourself to exercise but also time with your kids. Plan to increase your cal intake with exercise, you will find you will feel so much better and have so much more energy. If you need some more support or motivation or tips, pm me. I would love to help. I've been in the same predicament and learned that the sooner i make the plan for me, the happier i will be. I can't make anyone happy until i myself am happy. You totally can do it.
  • Gzuschick
    Gzuschick Posts: 50 Member
    you gave yourself no credit AT ALL for getting on the bike for 10 minutes! You did so much more than a lot.of people that day who never got up from the couch! Why don't you just do what you can and put a towel over any type of timer or clock on the bike and the room and measure yourself with YOU. everyday, see if you beat your time. Of not, no loss you still exercised and claim that victory! We women especially me, give ourselves no credit do we. You are doing fabulous, lets use positive self talk and do what we can. I will be exercising tonight. If you want, friend me and we can be accountability partners. :) I'm a single mom of a third grade boy who is very active and demanding and who has diabetes. So I understand how bard it is. But we need to do this for us. :)

  • kag896
    kag896 Posts: 12 Member
    I have 3 little kids too. They really can't keep up on walks like that. I get my exercise in by getting up in the morning before the kids and doing the 30 Day Shred workout DVD. It takes a he'll of a lot of motivation to get up at 5 or 6am, but I know for sure I can get a workout in then whether or not I get any help watching the kids at night. If I do get help, I get a walk in, usually taking my 4 month-old in the stroller. It is tough some days to stay motivated, but seeing the results keeps me going.