30 Day Shred for a complete beginner



  • rhinosfan
    rhinosfan Posts: 29 Member
    Hi all, today is my day 4(will do when boyf gets home from work)
    I did start this when I bought it over a year ago but as I did it every other day I never felt like I was getting anywhere or improving so I gave up, but now I'm going to try everyday.

    Finding that when I'm doing it lifting the weights and the beginners push ups are hard (weak little arms!) but before and after I've done it is mostly knees, calves and ankle pain.
    Read a lot of threads on here and all seem to mention knee pain from this.

    Decided today I am going to wear some compression tights while I do it to see if that eases my calve pain and maybe dig out the foam roller to stretch them out.

    Mostly I want to tone up, get stronger and hopefully lose this little pouch of a stomach I've developed. If the amount of sweat is anything to go by then I'm definitely doing ok! :embarassed:
  • jezamon
    jezamon Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks guys and good luck to those starting/already on it :)
  • rhinosfan
    rhinosfan Posts: 29 Member
    Did day 4 yesterday and this is the first morning I have got up with no pain in my calves. So it definitely does ease the more you do it.

    Boyf was day 2 yesterday and while we were doing the last cardio said he thinks he won't do it any more, not gonna let him give up that easy!
  • beckybabes
    beckybabes Posts: 3 Member

    I am exactly the same... I bought the DVD a couple of weeks ago... Did the first couple of days... Felt the burn... Then stopped!!... I find my problem is finding the motivation to do it after work... I work 13 hour shifts and by the time I get home it is the last thing I feel like... Even if it is just 20 mins!!... Really want to see it through though... I will if you will!!!
  • I bought 30 Day Shred, and hubby liked the back of the case so much, he did it with me. I have to admit: I wouldn't have made it through if it weren't for him right next to me. He's way bigger than I am, and I just kept thinking, "If he can do it, so can I!" We loved the short duration of the total workout, but after the first one, it took us about 45 mins to come back down to a normal breathing rate and heart rate. I heard from a friend that she did 30DS three to five times a week, and lost 40lbs in three months. I did a nice gentle aerobic walk yesterday, just to keep my muscles warm and not to lose momentum, but we've decided to do 30DS on Thursday, Saturday, and Monday, at least until we can handle "pre-level one" (the stage where you modify everything, and are unable to complete every exercise). We had trouble with the butt kicks. Neither of us could get into the right position without falling over, so we slowed down and marched in place for a bit. We knew that if we stopped moving altogether, we'd have a harder time picking it back up for the next exercise.

    How are you doing?
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    After day 4 the pain stops :-D keep on going, you can do this (cos if I could then you sure can!)

    ^^This. It really does let up after Day 4 and things get much better.
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    I started the 30 day shred after I had already been doing some workouts. At first it was a little rough (it being circuit training) but it got easier with time. The best thing to remember is..do what you feel you can do and modify, modify, modify till you can do the full version of the exercise. It's a lot of cardio and you don't have much rest time inbetween but it does work. I will also say that if you have any knee trouble be very careful. My knees weren't in the best of shape and for some reason the workout was really hard on my knees. Be sure you are using proper form when doing squats and lunges. That was my main problem, i think. Although, i thought I was using proper form I really wasn't. With squats you need to remember to put your weight in your heel..go straight down not out. ;) I hope I gave you some good tips and the best of luck. :)
  • GlassSlipperGurl
    GlassSlipperGurl Posts: 117 Member
    So I bought the 30DS DVD last week and have decided to start it today. Am drinking water [well, sugar free squash as I find water incredibly boring] in preparation... lol

    The only exercise I've ever done in my life is 20-30 minutes of various things such as star jumps, crunches, step ups, etc - back in March. After doing it for 2 days in a row, my calves were absolutely killing. I then went 4 days without doing it, did it for one day, skipped a day, did it for one more day and gave up :/
    I've never been one to watch my weight, but after quitting my job back in November, I've put on half a stone. This wouldn't bother me too much, but my jeans/skirts and shorts are now getting a bit tight...! Not good, especially if you saw the amount of clothes I have and would have to replace, lol.
    I've been wanting to tone up my stomach, upper arms and calves for a while too, so hopefully this will help with that.

    I'm determined to do this, so I figured if I post here then I'm a bit more committed and hopefully people can spur me on? Please? Lol :) Wish me luck...!
    I started this a couple months ago...then had a procedure (ie no workout allowed for a week or so) and only went back 1/2 heartedly... I am going to start again today! Good luck to us both!!
  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    I was introduced to the 30DS by a gung-ho neighbor and I stuck with it because I thought she'd know that I had skipped the days in between us working out together. It does get easier as your endurance builds and just keep repeating to yourself "there's nothing I can't do for 30-60 seconds" because the intervals are so short. I would focus on something colorful when a part got difficult at first and even if my form faltered, I'd keep moving in some way until I didn't have to anymore.

    I ate very well, didn't eat out and went from a size 12 to an 8 in the 30 days only doing Level 1. I carry all my weight around the middle so my sizes dropped quicker than someone with a more all-around distribution. I was incredibly sore on days 2-5. I looked like Frankenstein walking over hot coals and had to straight-leg the stairs from side to side because my legs were killing me but the result were worth it. After I had my babies, I settled at 150 lbs and considered it a huge success if I got down to 145. With the 30DS, I got to my goal of 130.
  • jezamon
    jezamon Posts: 29 Member
    on my 4th day today! pretty proud of myself that I've made it this far, lol :)
  • crystalrp
    crystalrp Posts: 113 Member
    I started it last Saturday. I was VERY sore on days 2-4, but today on day 6 I am not sore at all! I am going to do it EVERY day with no days off. I am thinking about staying on level one for 14 days instead of 10 but I have not made up my mind yet. Some of the exercises do seem a bit easier, but I have a bad knee so I do have to modify a bit. I never stop moving though! As someone said in a previous post, it is only 30 second intervals. We can definitely do this! Just don't give up!
  • Shazz111
    Shazz111 Posts: 1
    Don't worry about not being able to do the push-ups right. I am currently doing her Ripped in 30 level 2, and she was killing me with all those planks, (crazy Jillian- no person can do this.) But I must admit by the 4th time around even with a metal plate in my arm (car accident) I could do all the planks and push ups with no problem. You just have to push yourself a little bit each time.
  • eresin
    eresin Posts: 104 Member
    I am on day 6 of the 30DS and this is the furthest I've ever gotten (and I've tried it a few times!!) It really does get less painful, the first few days are agony I will give you that but it honestly does get easier! Just push through the barrier.

    I can't do the pushups so instead I do the plank position (with knees on the floor). I also can't do situps but I have one of those ab rollers (http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/9237135.htm) which I use to help me now.

    Hopefully one day I will be strong enough to do those moves without additional help but so long as I am doing something it's better than nothing.
  • What is the schedule for the 30DS? Everyday? Every other?
  • jezamon
    jezamon Posts: 29 Member
    What is the schedule for the 30DS? Everyday? Every other?

    Every day for 30 days, but some people have a rest day every now and then.