1200 Calorie People..How do you do it and stick with it?



  • jakkisr
    jakkisr Posts: 175 Member
    I found balancing my meals pretty effective. I tend to eat a large meal in the evening but found doing 1200 cals a day much easier by spreading my meals more evenly. So, 200 ish morning, 350 lunch, 450 dinner, the rest made up from snacks (usually Brazil nuts, apricots, fruit or vegetables depending on how I feel).

    I upped my calories after being on 1237 for 5 weeks as I thought I needed more - turns out I still eat around 1200-1300 on an average weekday and aren't hungry at all. Upping to 1600 seems to be playing mind games with myself! I give myself permission but then don't bother cos I'm not hungry, weird! My diary is open, last week wasn't so good (out of routine home/work/family) but scroll back and you'll get an idea what I mean.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    When I am in a "cut" phase, I have to reduce my cardio in order to hit 1,200 calories - otherwise, I really do feel "too hungry" and tend to binge.

    But, with much less cardio, while keeping my heavy-lifting schedule, I can eat 1,200 calories per day and see the fat move off my body.

    Btw, I'm 5'8.5", so even tall people have to watch calories to keep body fat at bay!
  • crisbabe81
    crisbabe81 Posts: 170
    I do 1200 calories and only eat back my exercise calories on Sundays. I eat 3 meals and drink 1-2 protein shakes a day. I personally found the higher my protein intake that day, the less hungry I feel. I stay low carb, low fat and low sugar. I've lost 26.8 lbs this way since 4/13. I have a smart scale at home and calculates body fat, muscle and water.. I've increased my muscle and decreased my fat... I also drink anywhere from 1 gallon to 1.5 gallons of water a day. The water keeps me full! Good luck

    GAINING muscle mass and netting below 1200 calories 6 days a week ?...... um no. Home scales are not reliable for measuring muscle mass.... eating lots of protien is good .... but below your BMR ..... you would be lucky to hang onto existing muscle.

    Obviously a home scale isn't 100% and you are entitled to your opinion, but it is my opinion when done right you CAN lose just fat, keep your muscle and even possible gain some muscle. I keep my fat low so I tap my reserves and my protein high to keep my muscle. I base this on the fact my diet was designed by a body builder/personal trainer. This diet has been used by multiple clients and they are the proof. You lose your weight your way, and I'll lose mine my way.
  • amber_berry781330
    I just eat a lot of low-calorie foods that I enjoy as opposed to indulging in richer foods. Also, try to find foods that will keep you full for a long time. I hope this wasn't too obvious, and good luck!
  • JCThayer85
    JCThayer85 Posts: 21
    Eating 1100-1200 calories just works for me, but many of my friends that would be too low. On the days I workout, around 6 days a week, I do strength training for 30-40min and/or walk 2mi at an average of 3mph. Rarely do I ever eat more than 1400 cals, and that's only eating 50-100 of my burned cals back.
  • WalkingAway2013
    If you want to do 1200 calories and feel full you need high protein, high (good) fats, and lower carbs. The protein and fat keeps you feeling full longer. I am at the 1200 level, don't eat back my exercise calories, am losing 1-2 lbs a week, and am almost never hungry.

    Calorie level is an individual thing....finding what works best for you may take some experimenting!


    Better food choices that will fill you up for hours.

    At the end of the day I'm normally short on calories but full so have to snack on peanuts just to get near or over my goal of 1200 with 5/30/65
  • K81964
    K81964 Posts: 7 Member
    My resting metabolic rate has been tested and measured at 1150. I eat around 900 - 1200 calories a day and am rarely hungry. I burn around 400 calorie on average per day through exercise, if I get hungry I drink water, eat large salads and eat protein- lean ham, chicken etc. I don't understand why I need to burn calories to then put them back in! I do eat 5 - 6 times a day though....and have lost 44lbs since October 2012. Just need to get this belly fat removed/burnt off to be happy. Went from size 20 to 14, but this belly fat is the killer!
  • Fitiny
    Fitiny Posts: 24 Member
    I struglled a lot at first with 1200 cal.
    But now i'm fine.
    Some days i am not that hungry.
    At first, i exercised a lot just to be able to eat more.
    After a while you get used to it.
    I listen to my body.
    As sone as i feel fool, i stop eating.

    What helped me:
    Getting to bed early like 8 Max 9 pm
    Drinking a lot of water.
    Eating a salad every day for lunch or dinner.
    Ditching all processed food.
  • dqgirl1
    dqgirl1 Posts: 39 Member
    im at 1200 and I do fine as long as I make good food choices. The more crap I eat more more hungry I feel. When i start my day out with breakfast within a half hour of getting up( and eating good) I seem to do fine. I blow it when junk plays in, even when I factor it into my day. Its hard. If Im still hungry I try and do protein shake or bar.
  • summyd01
    summyd01 Posts: 8 Member
    Something I've been trying lately is having just three 400 calorie meals per day. I'm a vegetarian but I get my protein from sources such as low fat cheese, beans, nuts, etc. I try to only eat complex carbs such as brown rice and wheat bread to keep me full longer. Having more voluminous meals with fruits or veggies at each meal also helps. Drinking water between meals can help curb your appetite. I think its a mental thing at first but once you get used to it, its much easier to stick with just 1200 cals.
  • Karlynn1993
    Karlynn1993 Posts: 29 Member
    I am also at a 1200 per day calorie intake and for the most part, I stick to it. Someday's I go over but not by much.

    I exercise 4-5 times a week for about 90 minutes a day so I'm burning a little over 1,000 every day... that being said....

    ....I eat 4-5 different fruits each day (need to go grocery shopping soon.. fridge is getting empty :P lol)
    And I sneak in a few veggies as well.

    I find it helps for me by eating a banana before a workout as the natural sugars help burn in your workout and you don't feel like you are going to barf it up (which is a good feeling). <
    I normally wait 30 minutes to an hour to digest

    I come home after and cut up a med-large gala apple and dip it in with peanut butter and cinnamon.. In the 1st 30 minutes after you workout, your body is still burning so this will help replenish the calories burned. I like it as it's sweet and has no added sugar but the natural stuff.

    DRINK LOTS OF WATER!! This is key 8 cups a day and you will feel full :D It's helped me loose the weight and keep it off! It really does make a difference compared to drinking soda and other pop all the time.
  • moosiemama24
    drink LOTS OF WATER!!! Then if still hungery try "filler foods" apples, carrot sticks, broccoli ALL RAW of course. or chew gum to get you by till next meal or snack time. Plan your day 7am oatmeal with 1/2 cup fruit
    9am fruit or granola bar 90cal
    12 noon lunch salad with chicken or meat
    2 or 3pm snack fruit or granola bar or raw veggies with low fat RANCH
    6pm dinner protein, veggies raw, and small carb
    7pm long walk
    8 or 9pm small snack-POPCORN no SALT or light butter or try hot herbal tea with honey.
    If you still have trouble try cutting out one HIGH cal thing each day till you hit 1200. OR MY BEST !!! AIM FOR 1000 AND GIVE YOURSELF 200 TO GO OVER/PLAY ON!!!!
  • CatMcCheesey
    CatMcCheesey Posts: 143
    I'm on 1200 calories a day and I have no problem with hunger or staying within my calorie budget as long as I eat lean protein and plenty of vegetables for my meals and snacks. If I eat processed foods like cereal bars, pretzels, and the like, I tend to feel hungry all day long.

    I do strength training 3 times a week for 30 minutes, and cardio 3 times a week for 30 minutes.
  • Liz_Mfp
    Liz_Mfp Posts: 172 Member
    I find it helps to 'choose wisely' when it comes to carbs, and to keep my protein g's up
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I'm in my 4th week of 1200 cals and haven't had any real problems. I tend to have a low cal breakfast and an even lower cal lunch, which gives me plenty to play with in the evening...even a large whisky here and there. I don't eat back my exercise cals, and usually end up somewhere between 1000 and 1100 each day. I've lost 13lbs in 3.5 weeks so I'm obviously doing something right! :happy:

    Yeah, your losing all right...plenty of muscle from eating well below what a male should be eating, even for weight loss.
  • grkathena82
    grkathena82 Posts: 42 Member
    1200 calories is so low! You guys should really check out the EM2WL group (Eat More 2 Weigh Less) and calculate your TDEE, BMR and take a 15% cut from there. Huge deficits can actually inhibit weight loss.
  • Pratfield
    Pratfield Posts: 2
    Drink more water. It helps keep you fuller filling.
  • kayaksara
    kayaksara Posts: 157 Member
    I eat 1200 calories. But I don't think it's for everyone. I am 43 years old, sit at work, do 30 minutes jillian DVD every day, and I am rarely hungry. BUT only if I eat healthy! Eat one cookie and chips and I will be so hungry all day long. Eat a big spinach salad for 200 calories and I am satisfied for hours. Oatmeal and fruit for lunch about 300 calories...again satisfied for hours. If I am hungry I will bump up. If you are hungry, and you have tried this for a week or 2, I don't think it is enough.
  • chelctate
    chelctate Posts: 9
    I have always struggled with eating ENOUGH throughout the day ... I work in a fast paced environment, and got in the habit of only eating a couple times of day. I'm a sipper, as in I typically drank most of my calories in empty calories. My problem is eating 1200 calories a day ... I feel like I'm overeating, but I'm sticking with it. My body is slowly starting to get used to eating again on a regular basis, and I'm more in tune with what I am eating throughout the day so I'm not always skipping meals. The Naked juices are a huge help for calorie boosters as well. They have more sugar than I would like, but they are full of fruits and veggies! Best of luck!
  • DoingThiisForMe
    I'm curious too i'm on a 1550 calorie plan and i've failed miserably today.. I'll try again tomorrow..