Anyone Else in Law School? Add me!!!

Can't believe I haven't thought to do this before. I'm currently in my 2nd year of law school and would love some friends who are also going through the same hell that I am :-). Who else is trying to get/stay healthy, despite those stressful times where you're sitting in the library and feel like you could easily down an entire pizza by yourself?


  • Sibbie0828
    Sibbie0828 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in law school - feel free to add me. I go part-time, while working full-time (50+ hours/week). I've been at it for 4 years and won't be done until December 2014. So, trust me, I understand your hell! :) Best of luck!!
  • EHoltzheimer
    I'm entering law school in the fall, feel free to add me everyone!
  • Superman1360
    Hello Fellow Law Students,

    I have just finished my 1L year and will graduate in December of 2015. I am making some changes to my diet and exercise plan, which has landed me back at MyFitnessPal. Between the stress of full time Law School, Family, Ex-Wife, Work, and now should be an interesting ride the next few years. I hope that you are surviving your classes and did well on your finals!

    Mike Eastman
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I loved law school. Relax, work on your outlines, and study.

    Then drink beer.

    Trust me, it's a lot better than the 90 hour work weeks after you graduate.