Going Over on Protein

elyse0210 Posts: 142 Member
I am doing well on keeping my calories, fat, sodium, etc in check but I seem to be going over on my protein. Is it harder to lose weight when there is more protein in my body even though I am doing well on every other aspect of my eating?

Also does anyone have any good lunch ideas? Typically I make really good salads or I have a sandwhich, but these foods are becoming somewhat boring no matter how I try to change them up. Any ideas?


  • SailorBoyFoster
    Are you doing any lifting with your workouts? Protein is a great way to help your muscles recover. And going over your protein isn't all that bad if you are lifting. I purposely over load on protein. Like 130g a day at least. And I am still doing awesome. If you are still on track with your goals and dropping weight, then I wouldn't think about it too much. Keep up the great progress!! "Is it harder to lose weight when there is more protein in my body?" IMO: I would say yes, but your gonna be gaining more muscle than fat. Now if your still losing weight with the protein like I said, you might have the perfect balance for you body and it will be that much easier to see the lean muscle ;) Good Luck!
  • MchelleBoise
    I agree with SailorBoyFoster. I am constantly going over on my protein but I am still losing weight. If you are really worried about it, then give yourself and extra 10-20 min each day for fitness.

    Regarding some lunch ideas.... Try Lean Cuisine or check out the totally awesome Oroweat Flat bread (whole grain or multi grain). They are 100-150 per roll (2 sides) and they are yummy. Make a low cal grilled cheese or tuna sandwhich or somthing like that, depending on your likes and dislikes. To keep in your salad but spice it up, make it into a wrap. Also, another one of my favorite treat is lowfat yogurt on Total Bran Flakes with a few raisins sprinkled on top. My mom has this great book called 400 Calories meals for recipes like yummy fish tacos. These are great ideas if you like to cook like I do.

    I hope this helps. best of luck to you. YOU CAN SUCCEED!!

  • ranhound
    ranhound Posts: 59 Member
    Bored? Try your favorite raw veggies to dip in your favorite hummus. I like to throw in a couple chips of some kind as I eat the veggies and it feels like I'm totally junking out. However I am primarily eating my much needed raw vegetables and only consuming a bout 10-15 chips.
  • SquidInTraining
    I personally think the amount of protein that MFP gives me is a little low, so it's not uncommon for me to go over. I'm still getting good results, and although I haven't had any weight loss per se lately, (I'm doing the Insanity program), my body is changing like crazy, and I can definitely see more muscle definition). I'm no professional, but my personal experience is that it doesn't hurt.

    But, what do I know? :smile:
  • MelAdem
    MelAdem Posts: 2 Member
    Too much protein puts stress on your kidneys and your liver. But you have to eat a significant amount of protein for this to happen - unless you have liver or kidney disease.
  • badrianne
    badrianne Posts: 101
    I am worried about my protein intake as well. Just one chicken breast for lunch has sent me over the goal MFP has set for me. I have not worked out yet, but I would still be over AND I have not even eaten dinner yet (more to add to the total)! I just don't want to unknowingly be doing something harmful to my body...
  • elyse0210
    elyse0210 Posts: 142 Member
    Thanks for all the advice everyone!
  • SailorBoyFoster
    How much is MFP allowing? and How much are you in-taking?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    You can go to MY HOME, then to Goals, you can adjust your percentages for carbs, protein, fat.
  • laura11248
    laura11248 Posts: 49 Member
    I have begun to go to a weightloss and wellness dr. He has more than doubled my protein from what MFP has. MFP says to eat 50 grams...He has me taking in 115-125 grams. When you think about it...it is like the atkins diet...but I still get to have carbs...the good kind! He also has increased my excersize to 1 hour per day. Ideal would be a constant 60 minutes...but I can break it into 2 30 minute sessions. The protein was a BIG eye opener for me!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Adjust your own percentages by going to the MY HOME tab folks.
  • xarchie1980x
    xarchie1980x Posts: 36 Member
    I need help..coz i dont know why...its totally opposite for me...my protein is usually very very low than my required goal for everyday. I am mainly vegetarian, but have started eating chicken as well occasionally to get proteins.

    dont know what i can eat to go high on proteins? :(
  • Gully68
    Gully68 Posts: 4
    Hey Archie! I'm guessing you're trying to follow P90X's first nutrition phase (fat shredder)? If so, trying to get 50% of your calories from protein IS really, REALLY hard. Nearly impossible without supplementing. It's even harder as a vegetarian, as some of the highest-ratio carb-to-protein foods are tuna and turkey.

    Do you eat eggs? Egg whites are a good one - zero fat, low cholesterol and pretty decent protein. Buying them in the pour containers makes it feasible; I don't know that I'd be willing to sit around and strain out yolks.

    Skim milk is a good source, though not nearly high enough to meet the 50% target.

    The other route is protein supplements. I was going to try to go the "all-natural" route and eat my way to my targets, but after seeing that I needed 300g of protein for my first phase, I've accepted that protein shakes are the only way I'm evening going to come close. Whey powder usually contains between 16-30g of protein per serving. "Muscle Milk" brand makes one that contains 50g/serving - but other than that, I don't know much about it. And apparently all whey powders are not created equal; some hit your system much faster (better post-workout), etc. There's also casein powder, which is also pretty high-protein and releases more slowly into your system, providing a more "all-day" benefit.

    If you get into the supplement route, let me know and I can send you a couple that were recommended to me. But just be warned: once you start researching it quickly gets overwhelming - there are so many out there. Cost, taste, effectiveness... all sorts of considerations.

    Once the carb-protein ratio dips more, you'll find it easier to hit the protein target - then things like nuts, low-fat cheese, etc. start being a lot more feasible. But at 50%, it's SUPER SUPER tough to hit your protein target without obliterating carb and sugar counts, unless you eat 10 chicken breasts or start having a few protein shakes each day.
  • xarchie1980x
    xarchie1980x Posts: 36 Member
    thanks gully68..i just bought some Whey protein powder...got it at GNC...at work right now...will go home tonight and try to look the caloric details. But, if you know any that u would recommend. plz let me know. thanks! :)