Workout anxiety :/

Okay so I have attempted MFP before but never really stuck with it and I really want it this time. I'm a 21 year old college student going into my senior year and I really want to look good by the time I graduate and go off into big girl world. I've been eating pretty good for the past few days but my problem is working out. I get to use our schools recreation center for free but my problem is that I am embarrassed when I go there. I always feel like everyone is watching me and I end up leaving. I just really need some workout inspiration. Anyone willing to help me?


  • lisa8x9
    lisa8x9 Posts: 14
    I can relate. I used to be afraid to go to the gym at my school, but now I've gone more and it's not so bad. Just bring headphones, listen to music or watch TV (if you have them) while you work out to distract yourself. Also, you can go really early or later in the evening when not many people are there. Or you could avoid the gym and go running or walk. Good luck!
  • AlexisJ330
    AlexisJ330 Posts: 97 Member
    I am a grad student at my university and have the same anxieties about working out at the rec center. The rec center was reviewed as one of the best in the nation but working out in front of everyone is very intimidating for me especially since I'm older than most (I'm 30) and weigh more than most. I am planning on lifting more this summer when it is not as busy and hopefully get into the habit so when the fall comes, I am in better shape and have better motivation to continue going.

    Another thing I try to tell myself is that the other people are probably so self-conscious that they are not paying attention to you and are worried about others judging them.
  • strum261
    strum261 Posts: 30 Member
    I think that most people probably feel self-conscious, so you're not alone. Maybe try going and just do one or two things to start and get a feel for the gym. Sometimes when I go there are young guys lifting and grunting, I just go and do my thing. I have found they are very polite and are more interested in looking at themselves than me. Good luck
  • kenh14
    kenh14 Posts: 19
    Go with a friend that knows what they're doing? That's what I used to do when I first started out. They would teach me how to use machines correctly and the proper form until I eventually got the hang of it.
  • Good for you improving your eating:) Remember, you don't have to exercise in the facility at school. You can walk/jog alone or with a buddy (more fun). You can dance at home or do aerobics until you feel a little more comfortable in the gym. YOU CAN DO IT!!!! JUST MOVE. I WOULD BE HAPPY TO BE YOUR FRIEND!!

  • sarahhje
    sarahhje Posts: 2
    Thank you everyone for the help! I started a beginner workout today and I really want to stick with it. I think I may just work out at home for now and once I get a little more comfortable with myself I can attempt the rec center. I would ask my friends to come with me but I am even uncomfortable in front of them, no matter how good of friends we are.
  • mssmssy
    mssmssy Posts: 32 Member
    I have found the workout support I need by joining fitness classes. It's nice getting to know the regulars and encouraging one another.
  • nuemmedigg
    nuemmedigg Posts: 220 Member
    I used to go to a gym, and it is true that ppl are more interested in themselves. I still continued to feel self-conscious though. For economic and time-saving reasons i now exercise at home and walk a track at a nearby park.
  • jadams1650
    jadams1650 Posts: 139 Member
    I've never really understood this. I have used a fitness center for years. Nobody that I have ever known or worked out with has ever said anything about anybody else working out. Everybody is into their own routine and spends virtually no time or energy watching, discussing, or criticizing anybody who is in the gym trying to get healthy. Just go, after a few weeks you wont notice anybody else either...
  • OMG_Twinkies
    OMG_Twinkies Posts: 215 Member
    Honestly, most people are so self-absorbed that, even if they did bother to give you two glances, they'd be back in their own world worrying about themselves (how they look, who they can beat on the treadmill, what they'll cook for dinner, etc.) within a minute and a half, guaranteed. So, rest in the comfort in knowing that most people don't give two shats about anyone else for prolonged periods of time.
  • TheBeerRunner
    TheBeerRunner Posts: 2,777 Member
    I had the same anxiety when I started out at the gym. I have since moved on from working out in the gym (my schedule doesn't really allow it). Believe me, no one is judging you, if anything people are happy to see you there trying to better yourself. I don't go to the gym anymore, but I do run out in public even though I'm still significantly overweight. It overcame the fear after the first few times I did it. After I did it and didn't feel bad about being out there, it got easier. Go a few times. You'll start feeling better about yourself and you'll be on the road to a better you in no time.
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    Seriously don't even worry about it, Most people are there to work out and aren't really playing attention to anything around them

    Try some rescue remedy or something before you head in to take the edge off
  • twelker878
    twelker878 Posts: 146 Member
    you can try starting with something like this.
  • frenchfacey
    frenchfacey Posts: 237 Member
    i used to feel this way!! its ok! you can do it! i used to wear a sweat shirt to the gym even when it was 100 degrees out, whatever made me feel better just so i would go because that feeling you feel? that goes away. i promise i promise. every day that you work out and take care of yourself you feel stronger and stronger.
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    just start walking. walk everywhere you can, for as long as you can. take as many walks a day that you can fit it. You can lose a ton of weight with just watching your diet and moving a little bit more each day. Once you get to where you are comfortable, then go to the gym. I still hate going to the gym alone, so I make my husband go with me or run out side.
  • naturesgate
    naturesgate Posts: 45 Member
    Honestly, most people are so self-absorbed that, even if they did bother to give you two glances, they'd be back in their own world worrying about themselves (how they look, who they can beat on the treadmill, what they'll cook for dinner, etc.) within a minute and a half, guaranteed. So, rest in the comfort in knowing that most people don't give two shats about anyone else for prolonged periods of time.

    ^^^^^^ Couldn't have said it better myself. Just go everyone has to start somewhere.
  • TheBeerRunner
    TheBeerRunner Posts: 2,777 Member
    I still hate going to the gym alone, so I make my husband go with me or run out side.

    For me, running outside was harder than going to the gym. IDK. More people to "judge." Screw them I decided, I'm out here busting my butt while they're sitting on their butts doing nothing... And I had a goal to run a 5 mile race, and that's not going to happen just running inside on the treadmill.
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    Honestly, people at the gym don't give a rip about anyone other than themselves, and their own workout - they all had to start somewhere too :flowerforyou:
  • primdaisy
    primdaisy Posts: 21 Member
    Have you ever considered getting workout DVD's? I have never liked going to the gym, so my workouts are done at home. In the summer, my cardio is mostly riding my bike, but during the winter, I workout exclusively with DVD's. I have a whole library of cardio, weight, yoga, barre workouts so I don't get bored. I even have easier workouts when I either don't have the energy or I'm getting over a chest cold. If your interested, go to or They have hundreds to choose from, levels that are beginner to advanced. Hope that helps!
  • bearsfan67
    bearsfan67 Posts: 57
    find a work out DVD that you can do at home. Put on music and dance for 30 minutes or just take a walk.......I feel the same way you do and these are some of the things that work for me. The Biggest Loser work out DVD's are great and they have people just like you and me working out in them.......