For Those Who Didn't Start Out "Overweight"

I am 5'8" and about 150lbs. I'm technically not overweight for my frame, although I definitely have some obvious fat on me lol. I don't have a specific weight goal really although I'd like to lose about 20 lbs. My real goal is to be toned and fit and have stamina. Like I want to look like I work out with muscle definition and stuff. So I am wondering for those who started in a similar position as me with similar goals, how long did it take before you started noticing a difference? And how long for you to achieve your goals? Or at least get to where you're satisfied with how you look? Do you have any before and after pics?? Thank you all!


  • jennontheroad
    jennontheroad Posts: 142 Member
    I started out just into the "overweight" BMI category. But, I am short with a round face and pear shape body so extra weight really shows on me. I always was satisfied with my body, now I am just MORE satisfied!!!
    At the moment I am focusing on health and fitness goals. I started running so that is what I am working on now- training for a half marathon. I can't wait to start weightlifting- from what I have read/seen here on MFP it is the best way to get a strong, great looking body, and be able to maintain a rather high calorie limit! At the moment I can't join a gym or buy weights but when the moment is right I will start heavy lifting, hopefully by the end of the year.
  • emily_ebooks
    emily_ebooks Posts: 55 Member
    I'm 5'9 and I started out at around 157ish, which is also within the healthy range, and I didn't really start noticing anything until I got into the 130s.

    I still have a long way to go, but I've noticed a few differences.
  • BlitzClipz
    BlitzClipz Posts: 154 Member
    Thank you for your responses! I've noticed after losing 11 pounds that I do look slimmer, I just want to start seeing some muscle tone now!!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I noticed a difference only 2 weeks after I started heavy lifting, 2 months even more, and after 6 months I was extremely pleased with my progress.
  • MrsSchimmy
    MrsSchimmy Posts: 255 Member
    I didn't start out overweight, I did start out pregnant with my 3rd child, though. Since then I have been maintaining. I currently sit at 5'9" and 150 lbs. I've gotten the "I would never have guessed you weighed that much" comments but I lift weights regularly. I eat clean, lift weights and run. I play with my kids instead of plopping them in front of the TV.

    Anyways, I'm still not where I really want to be. I've been at 142 at my leanest and I think I was starting to look too skinny. Skinny arms, skinny legs. No definition... Then I started to lift. My body responds quickly and I can generally see changes within a couple weeks. It really depends all on your diet and what workouts you are doing.

    I'm looking for more people to help keep me accountable and chat with along my journey of maintaining. Feel free to add me.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    I started out as "skinny". Seriously. I was what I now know people refer to as "skinny fat". Low BMI (5'1", 114 pounds) but little muscle mass and a gut. Losing weight after my kids was great, but since I did it without actually working out, it didn't look good. Now I'm down to a body fat % of 19.5 and getting rid of my belly. After the initial week in which I lost almost 4 pounds, I've been losing about 1/2 pound per week or maintaining... but can see the inches coming off my waist. MFP doesn't just work for losing weight, it's for everyone wanting to live a healthier lifestyle. Good luck!
  • Front_Runner
    Front_Runner Posts: 175
    When I started, I was about 140lbs (I'm 5'4")... considered a "Normal Weight" per BMI - but was pretty out of shape. Also - had a lot of visible fat on my booty/thighs (saddle bags - lovely... lol). I had some cellulite, too.

    After starting MFP, I noticed change after only a month - just noticed the cellulite fading, and more energy. As I lost a bit of weight, I had better stamina and more motivation to run, get healthier, etc. After just about 3 months - I was getting mighty close to my GW of 125lbs. I think It was between 3-4 months. I was aiming for a pound a week - but it went a little faster (to my surprise!). I switched to maintenance, but kept loosing a bit more (THAT was a hard transition at 1st). I "stopped" loosing at around 121lbs (all and all that was around 6 months into it).

    Maintained for quite a while, then gained a bit back (lost my focus/motivation)... so I'm back! Ha!

    But to answer the question... noticed a change within a month (energy up, & yucky cellulite nearly gone!). After about 3 months - I was ALOMST there - definitely noticed clothes looser, wore shorts for the 1st time in endless! By 4-5 months saddle bags totally gone, energy way up, no more yucky lumpy legs.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I started at 156 and am 5'8". I was pushing I size 12US.

    Lost 15 lbs and went to a size 10 with cardio and deficit in 2 months. Started heavy lifting, ate at maintenance, stayed the same weight and dropped to a size 6.

    9 months total, 6 months of heavy lifting.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I lost weight mostly from just a calorie deficit. I have been lifting albeit a little half hazardly for about a month and am noticing that I feel more muscular, but I haven't lost any weight, I'm eating at maintenance. ( nothing like newbie gains)